Got together with my buddies Cathi and Dave last night, went to Nickels…Cathi is due next week, (the critter is in the birth canal at this point, I’d guess) so this’ll probably be the last time I see them before the baby is born. We had the most gender-confused server… “She” had craggy features, and adam’s apple and very muscular hands, in addition to a face with pancake foundation makeup akin to a clown’s (in my eyes, anyhoo… think torch song trilogy). I guess that lifestyle choice, like so many others, has it’s fashion risks, too. “She” was a good server, and very friendly, however. I wonder how many people base tips off of appearance and such over performance as a whole.
got my power mac 7500 from Dave last night. cute machine, but my mac-knowledge is very limited. aside from taking a loooong time to boot, it seems perfectly serviceable… I need to get drivers for the modem, though. (he kept one of the hard drives that had some vital stuff on, otherwise I’d have been up and surfing with it last night. Since my sweetie hit the bricks early early last night I fiddled with it a bit while watching the cartoon network.
I *really really* want a digital camera now. I think the ‘wait and see until the desire has passed’ stage is over, and that I’ll grab one over thanksgiving weekend, in order to post more images from walkies and such.
How many pictures of a potato can people want to see?
mister potato man first seen in found_objects! thanks to juliabee for showing me the community!
found here –