Mixed dreams last night. I’m going around putting self-adhesive postage stamps on all my books, either on the spine or the inside front cover, if the spine’s too small. I’m hanging out with Danny. I look over and notice he’s removing some of the stamps, and it’s not really bothering me… I ask him where he got his watch, and he tells me that he stole it from K-mart. (Dan would never do that.) I decide to take him to K-mart and make him bring it back, and my sweetie is there, not working, just a-shoppin’. My thieving buddy managed to escape while I was mooning over her, so I took her to the movies… we checked out LOTR… and we were mocking a big chunk of it. Whispering to one another, making the hobbits lisp at each other..”Ithn’t that Legolath a thweetie?” “Oh, yeth!” Fortunately, we were the only ones in the theater, so we could get into fits of giggles and gab pretty loudly with each other. After, we went to a park, and dined on lemon chicken… Overall, it was a nice time.
Going to try the new laundry today… I still have that freebie coupon. I wonder if it’ll be a mob scene there? If it’s too bad, I’ll keep going, and use old faithful.
Handy-dandy link o’ the day – file types by extension.