Women in distress meeting today at 2. I’m going to sit down with them, work out what they want and figure out pricing. (I hate that part. Pricing charities is hard for me.)
This might be a continuing gig for me… Lots of little one shots because they don’t want a full-time guy. Either way, it gives a little pocket change and is for a good cause… I’m always nervous meeting some of the ladies there, though. A few are just so damaged…I have to walk on eggshells. I can’t sound too sympathetic “what would you know?” or be too cool “Like you care!”. The best bet in that situation is to keep quiet, and wait for one of her friends to shift the social gears back into a safe-zone. It’s a variant on office politics that has never been a good time. I can understand helping these folks out, but placing them in the “client communications” side makes more sense than tossing them in the business end.
I’m thinking it’ll just be more form design and minor db programming.