A lovely, friendly surprise waiting in the mailbox when I got home.
Thank you
I worked hard and soft today, off and on. I quite enjoyed the downtime highlights of today with talks of code, kitties and boobies… I’m going code-crosseyed in the thicker times.
Me just playing with silly camera…that’s the #60 heading north.
A few pictures taken while I waited for my ride home, (and a toy gorn) are posted here.
I love Bingo, the bionic ninja-spy cow! – Police and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will spend another day hunting for a heifer. Friday morning, a 1,000 pound cow jumped a 6′ fence and high-tailed out of Ken Meyer Meats in Camp Washington while workers went on break. Witnesses report seeing the creature cross Central Parkway and disappear into the woods of Mount Storm Park. “We used a helicopter, a heat seeking device and we still can’t find her,” Lt. Kurt Byrd said. The SPCA spotted hoof prints and hair on a branch, but no sign of the cow. “I think after all her efforts she deserves to be put out to pasture so she can live the rest of her life in peace,” said Susan Martel of Clifton. Searchers set up a bait cow and food in hopes of luring the animal out from hiding. However, the trap will likely lead to a fenced-in farm rather than the slaughter house, thanks to dozens of requests from families interested in adoption.