The little orange guy that lives with me is named
His name is not:
Neutron, Neptune, Neon, or Newman… I’ve had confused people call him all of those. (I don’t really mind, but I do correct them. You know… Fig Newton? Sir Isaac?)
nicknames I have seen that I like for him are –
Newt (Also: Noot, Gnut, Nute.. all pronounced the same), Nudie-Newtie, Nudist (He is naked, after all), Noodles, Jellybean, Dreamsicle, Fuzzybutt, Fuzz-bucket, Slacker, Moose, Nut, Goober, Monkey-boy, Ape-Cat, Monkey-kitty, Flying Monkey-Kitty, Shark-kitty, Newtie-bear, Newtzilla, Nude Beach, Uber-cat, Beastly, Newfie-Slayer (in honor of tarpo), babe magnet, Neutered, Golden Boy, Little Piggy, Stinkpot (when he was still on formula his dung was the stenchiest… I’m glad that passed, pardon the pun), Lovey-boy, Stripey-snack-cake, New Zoo Review, Son, Boyo, and sundry others that aren’t coming to my addled mind right now.
Random scotto factoid – I once wanted my own radio station, callsign WMBT- The Wombat. Once I get my backups done, Big Brain (Now Queen Bee) will be Broadcasting via Shoutcast. A childhood dream come true! I want to get Newton’s purrs recorded at full bass… I think it’d be neat to hear it broadcast.