what’s it mean? I dunno.

I’m a White Spectral Dog…. Which Mayan symbol are you?

Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Polar Clan- Truth
Galactic Activation Portal

I dissolve in order to love
Releasing loyalty
I seal the process of heart
With the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a polar kin I transport the white galactic spectrum
I am a galactic activation portal enter me

Feb 2 1969


Tone 11 Spectral
Seal of the Day, Destiny

White Dog (OC) Loves and emphasizes Heart (truth).
The seal of the day is the basis of life destiny, with power of the solar tribe.
Kin 50 of 260 day cycle(20 wavespells of 13 tones).

Tone of the day
Tone 11 Spectral, creative power to Dissolve Liberation,action of Release.
Daily meditation- Action dissolves service.
Guide of the Day, effecting Outcome

White Dog (OC) Loves and emphasizes Heart (truth).
The seal for the Guide of the day enhances the oracle reading in Outcome.
Antipode of the Day, the Challenging focus

Yellow Sun (AHAU) Enlightens and emphasizes Universal Fire.
The seal for the Anitpode of the day enhances the oracle reading with Challenging power (strengthening memory, reconstruction).

Electric – Occult tone of the day
Occult of the Day, the Hidden power

Blue Monkey (CHUEN) Plays and emphasizes Magic.
The seal for the Occult of the day enhances the oracle reading with Hidden power (the unexpected).
Analog of the Day, the Like-Minded power

Red Moon (MULAC) Purifies and emphasizes Universal Water.
The seal for the Analog of the day enhances the oracle reading with Like-Minded power (galactic-solar planetary power).

Tone one starts the Wavespell
Tone 1 Magnetic, creative power to Unify Purpose,action of Attraction
Tone 1 Magnetic

Seal for Wavespell

Yellow Sun (AHAU) Enlightens and emphasizes Universal Fire.
The seal for the Wavespell sets the emphasis of the thirteen day, thirteen tone cycle.

Tone of the Year
Tone 2 Lunar, creative power to Polarize Challenge,action of Stabilizing
Tone 2 Lunar

Seal of the Year, Destiny

Blue Storm (CAUAC) Catalyzes and emphasizes Self-Generation.
The seal of the year is the basis of life destiny, with the power of the solar tribe.

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