Random Scotto factoid – I don’t like to use two deodorants at the same time, if they’re different brands.
If I run out of right guard, in the middle of one pit, I’ll wash it again, before applying arid extra dry. Some sort of irrational fear of mixing the chemicals, like mixing bleach and dishwashing detergents, even though I don’t think either can contains ammonia or mild acids. a secondary concern is having the scents mixed. Mind you, I don’t mind having cologne and deodorant on at the same time (he says, applying patchouli)
Also, this is an excuse to try out my “Newton through the wheel of time” icon… photos cycle backwards over three apartments, from the year 2002 back to 2000. (I should apply some baby piccies at the very end.)
Well, off to work for real, now. *Waves bye-bye*