Of the songs I’ve heard the grim reaper sing, I like this one the best –
I’m a kitty cat
I wear a bowl of peanuts
for a hat!
If I eat them all,
I will get fat
blah blah blah, I’m a kitty cat!
my alyssum has already started peeking little baby leaves on the east side of the house! got to love this Florida weather!
Newt and I just played a quick round of bearskin rug vs. tigerskin rug. Newt won, the slacker.
I would like a slice of ice cream cake, or perhaps an ice cream sandwich. something cool, creamy and with chocolate bits… or some pocky.
I don’t think I’ve ever met someone that actively dislikes the Beatles. The only people I can imagine doing so are surly teens trying to sound anti-establishment or something.
My current discovery on internet radio – Pirates Choice – Orchestra Baobab Pretty spiffy stuff…if you like African/Cuban hybrid music sung in French. The stuff you’d have playing in the background of a spy novel set in South Miami. I dig it ok. Most of the tracks are available on Kazaa, or have a listen on the Amazon link there if you have real player.
I forgot to mention, I got a drink of Gatorade at the shell station across from the ‘mat, and they were selling little Lego race cars there for $1. Pretty nifty little toy, and a nice trinket of happiness to share with my striped roommate.
Do I have to return to work tomorrow? Did I really have 4 days off? Apparently the answer to both is “Yes, Scotto.”
I think “Scooter-pie” would be a cute nickname for me. I’ve been called “Scooter” before. speaking of which… truth in advertising!.
Note to self, call Newt’s doc tomorrow, and give change of address & phone, as well as my own.