Cool, clean feeling this morning… but I sense that it’ll go up about 5-10 degrees by midday. I don’t know if that’s why I have more energy, or if it’s just a contributor.
Two pieces of good news…the bro got a second job, working graveyard shift (11p-5:30am) and brought me a doughnut for breakfast. Hooray for the Bro! Hooray for Doughnuts! (I still hope he gets a Louie’s gig… he could make a really healthy chunk of change over the season.)
Helpful hint to keep those holiday goiters at a minimum… ordinary table salt.
Be careful which bar you go to…
Cool Geek places to shop…. including a Cat-a-pult with Newton the foam cat. There are some keeno fossil and space stuff, too. -Via Scientific American
Heat Miser Squeaked ahead, and Beat Snow Miser.
What’s your Battle-Cry?
this quiz was made by Aroihkin of PlanetKulitron