7091 – Third Day of Christmas (Mm.. I want French toast)

Free form, typed as I woke –

Dreamt that I was in an office building with my mother and brother… it might’ve been a courthouse. There were some demo computers there that looked sort of like a cross between architectural tubes and lunch boxes… when I tried one, it took my picture, and printed it out on cheesy heat-transfer paper, the width of a cash register receipt. I put it back down, kept the printout, and noticed it was running Unix, but only had 201k of memory. The card next to it stated that “201k is more than sufficient for all utilities except for more demanding games.” I called shenanigans on it, and walked away, my family having vanished. I got a sense of being pursued, so I began to run for the escalators. It turned out that they were “kids toy escalators” or something, because they were brightly colored, and narrower than my foot. I slid down a ramp-like jut next to it, and leapt to my feet ( noticed that I was wearing my long lost, much worn steel-toed combat boots), knowing somehow that my pursuers were close behind. There were some glass doors in my way, and for whatever reason instead of just opening them up, I smashed through them with a suddenly handy aluminum baseball bat. I went running down the empty street (far more freely than I would in waking time, I’m forced to admit) turning cartwheels and yelling to the tops of buildings for them to “come and get me!”

And then I got shot in the shoulder. Painless, thankfully in dream time, but I was knocked to the ground and had a large wet spot on the right side, just below the collarbone. I picked out the bullet, and it was shiny and covered with red paisley pattens engraved on the side.

And then I woke up and typed it here. My shoulder is whole, and not sore.

I wake, wondering which side of a Cyclops’s eye he cries out of… is the tear duct on the left or the right? both?

Old news for most, but LJ doubled our photo hosting quota from 50 to 100 meg! Ho ho ho!

Laurie Hogin’s Scary Fuzzy Critters They’ll give a person nightmares.

Nifty Explanation of the 12 days of Christmas

1 Corinthians 13:13

There was an insane amount of wind out yesterday… for some reason, that makes me very happy. I hope for more of the same today.

I’ve been wandering random sections of LJ here and there… man, there are *redundant* communities for everyone. I sniff around art nouveau communities, and linked to them are three different “nazi fetish” groups. Eek. Careful of wandering off of the path, some dragons out there. But I did also find this Neato LJViz thingum – It randomly places your friend’s names around the screen placing those that have more interests in common closer to the middle of the screen and using a larger font.

Also does the reverse of placing your interests randomly around the screen with those that are shared with more friends closer to the middle of the screen and using a larger font.

Mexican City Bans Indoor Nudity

Alarmed by glimpses of sweaty citizens in the buff, the city council in the southeastern city of Villahermosa has adopted a law banning indoor nudity, officials confirmed on Wednesday.

The regulation, which takes effect on Jan. 1, calls for as much as 36 hours in jail or a fine of $121 for offenders in the Tabasco state capital, 410 miles east of Mexico City.

“We are talking about zero tolerance … for a lack of morality,” said city councilwoman Blanca Estela Pulido of the Revolutionary Institutional Party, which governs the state and city.

Opposition party councilman Rodrigo Sanchez said in an interview that the measure, part of a larger series of prohibitions, “tramples on the rights of the citizens by taking laughable measures such as contemplating penalties for citizens who walk around nude inside their houses.”

“I have no idea how you detect the naked. You’d have to have a big operation to try to bring it under control,” he added.

Pulido said she was confident that citizens who catch a glimpse of offenders would report them to police — though the law also threatens jail for peeping Toms.

The city on the southern Gulf of Mexico is noted for its swelteringly hot, humid climate.

“The majority of houses have a lot of ventilation and we give ourselves the luxury of going naked,” Pulido said. “Because we walk past the windows, you see a lot of things.”

1 year ago – Surprise book giftie from Lisa, Talked to Katt very briefly on the phone, Gecko tape, how to cook a tarantula, wacky old comics

2 years ago – created a nation states community, rain, live_jounalia issues, v2 of cej-clix, quiet american

3 years ago – Newt vet, cultural comparisons, blogger hacked, guide to toddlers

4 years ago – Nukes (now at 7 minutes until midnight)

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