Bagel, cream cheese, strawberries and pineapple for breakfast – BHK and I slowly worked our way into the morning today.
In-laws came over to do some gardening with BHK- all of it clothed, thanks. Tilled the area, replanted our “volunteers”, potatoes, zucchini, cabbage and carrots that came back after last year’s planting. I’m really looking forward to seeing what sprouts first!
I was feeling pretty out of it today – rested from 1pm to 5, and off to bed now at 10. I hope I’ve got my brains back together for tomorrow… I imagine that I will.
Better link for Oshi – I could easily turn it into a 2house game… perhaps call it Martian Push or even code it for online play, if copyright issues didn’t exist.
I know I’ve linked here before but I really want a secret door from these guys. Perhaps in a dresser leading to the crawlspace under the stairs?
Microsoft’s not only delaying Windows XP SP3 temporarily, but they’re also pulling off Windows Vista SP1—which has already been pushed out to automatic software update—because of potential incompatibilities. Most of us don’t need to worry about it since this is just an issue with MS’s SQL Servers that affect Microsoft Dynamics Retail management systems. Unless you’re running a SQL database at home to track the chore distribution for your family, you can go ahead and manually fetch the update and install it yourself.
1 year ago – 2 fun days coming up, super sleepy, ace of cakes, blood donation, cath engaged (now married!), first journey to Aardvark, car heartbeat sensor useless vs undead, sliders pic
2 years ago – pizza hut pondering, inc. PamM, Brent Ashland, and Steve Jacoby, carrageenan, southerner, wayward son, pictures of golden morning, sniffy newt
3 years ago – enzyte, fishbone, newton at kittenwar, bro lesson, interview meme
4 years ago – crazy-face pic, rainy-day pictures, jb finds me a local house on ebay (only 3.8 Mil!)
5 years ago – Mayah talk, D&C 2 months into another kidlet, icepacks, thinking about 5/5
6 years ago – Kazaa lite, passing osbournes along, gamelan music
7 years ago – mushy, ullage, purple cow, backdating implemented