One of the first designs by spy monkey that I knew about, and it impresses on versatility and pure absurdity at the same time. A pseudo Optimus prime sculpt with a colorway to look like Mike Grell’s “Lost World of Warlord”, with all the glyos pieces able to be pulled apart and replugged together like Lego. Seriously, what is not to like?
Extra skull heads and knife/gun weapons are gravy at that point.
Added bonus is a toy that is of a robot dude with a grey goatee, wearing white boxers even if you don’t have the nostalgia factor. I mean come on, how could you not?
#spymonkeycreations #weaponeersofmonkaa #warlord #gohlem #fleshtone #toyphotography #glyoscompatable #glyos #onelldesign #Toyrobot
#modulartoys #lordofwar #weaponeersofmonkaa
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