October 09, 2021 at 10:01PM

I hear the powers that be are still trying to revive Dark Shadows.

*Three* failed reboots of the show wasn’t enough to stop them from trying for a fourth.

Maybe the fourth time is a charm? I have my doubts. It’s got to be better than the Tim Burton mess of a movie, and perhaps it will at least be worth a watch. I won’t get my hopes up though.

I know reboots can sometimes be good. It’s easy enough to rattle off the exceptions rather than the rule for reboots…

Ducktales, Rise of Planet of the Apes (despite the burton reboot), True Grit, John Carpenter’s The Thing, the 70s Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Fly with Jeff Goldblum are all exceptional examples, but emphasis on exceptional.

For every one of those, it seems like you get a boatload of stuff like 2007’s Bionic Woman, or the version of Family Affair with Tim Curry as Mr. French, MacGuyver, any of the Fantasy Island retries…

Then again, I’m not the only one who liked Mad Max Fury Road more than any of the originals.

Ah well, I know the new Dark Shadows will probably be poo, but it’s not remotely earth-shattering either way. It’s just disappointing that any energy that went into creating a seemingly destined for failure reboot might’ve been put into something that sounds a little more creative. https://instagr.am/p/CU1KGoDqBdE/


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