Day 20,124 Had a lovely protien bowl for breakfast today, veggie sausage, black beans, quinoa, rice, cheese and egg made by @maximillian_deersteak We took it easy yesterday, binge watched the end of Claws, got milkshakes at @sugarmagnoliashops – she had carrot cake flavor, I went with the special creamsicle, and the ggv were both very tasty. Catching up with birthday cake later today, too! It is in the oven now ,it will ultimately become a triple chocolate cake with white vanilla icing. As for the doodles, just scribbling hypno spirals in different styles that I like to use. Last pic is the protien bowl of yumminess. #doodle #breakfast #spiral #abstract #circle https://www.instagram.com/p/C4ToVRSuE8d/?igsh=Nzd2cjh6eDBtNGpi