Day 20,318

Updated genetic / regional information –
I can almost certainly guarantee that all the Italian in there is from my grandmother on my dad’s side. My Uncle Billy really takes after her, as do his kids and grandkids. The other 75% Irish and Scandinavian are from the other three grandparents. Little brother got the super blonde hair and blue eyes, but tans easily. I got sandy hair as a kid and the blue eyes, too, but my skin is a bit lighter than his, but with a little gold , like my dad.
I have more Neanderthal DNA than one-third of the tested population. I assume (possibly incorrectly?) that means I have less than two-thirds.
I suspected that I would have more Cro-Magnon and Yeti characteristics anyway.
Both of my grandfathers were well over 6 feet tall, but both grandmothers were a little short. My mother and her brother are tall, but her sister was a little bit shorter. My father, his brother, and sister are all pretty tall, too, but not as big as their father. My brother and I are taller than either of our parents, but their siblings all have kids shorter than themselves (I think probably because they have shorter partners).
I run more fat and muscular than my brother, who is leaner and fit. He also lives a much more physically active life. I am far too sedentary. It’s hard to chalk that up to genetics.
#neanderthalpride #DNAJourney #23andme #familythoughts