6423 Ugh, belly-ache, ate too much banana bread

I was Ba-ad. To celebrate Mona going on call (even though I’m home, and on “Mona-call” in case she has trouble) I picked up a big honking banana bread at the Jamacian food place up the street. I don’t expect it to make it past Saturday Night. Very Dense, very rich. Doesn’t need the cream cheese, but it’s available, just the same. I got some curried veggie patties and rice, too. Quite tasty, but a bit over my WW budget.

I’ve avoided most of the Dean music remixes, but this one is pretty dang funny.

Hey Ya, Charlie Brown. – Outkast meets Peanuts

I’ve always liked Shermy’s Frankenstein dance, though Linus wins the day again with his arm-shake and stomp (The closest to my own dance stylings as a 6-year old). Frieda’s seems to be getting into things the most … shaking her naturally curly hair all over the place. Site Meter

6422 – palm-email post, re:bus stop

There’s some sort of recognition that an older woman at the bus terminal gives me every day. I don’t know if I remind her of someone she knows from elsewhere, or if I just strike her as a suspicious character, but she gives me the hairy eyeball first thing she sees me. The first time it happened, I looked to see if perhaps I’d spilled some toothpaste o my shirt or something, but no, she’s just putting on a pickle-puss for some reason of her own. She’s got a lot of smile-lines around her eyes…I’d like to see them put to use.

I see at least two different types of evangelism most mornings…the JW’s at the bus stop daily, and sometimes a pair or trio of Mormon guys on bikes in ties. It’s to the Mormons’ credit that they always appear genuinely friendly, as opposed to the blank-looking Jehovah’s Witnesses. Very rarely, there is a Hare Krishnan (Is that the proper term?) riding the bus, too they, like the LDS missionaries are quite friendly and willing to cheerfully talk with you, though they look for a handout at the end of the conversation. Talking with a nice person can make travel fun, even if you dont share the same theology.

Maybe its because the JW’s have been told to stop the hard sell at the terminal, that they’re now are silent, standing at every so many stops, holding copies of Awake! and Watchtower face outward in offering for people to take them. Not a word is said… and even more eerily, not a smile or acknowledgement. You could get the same results by dressing some manikins in fairly nice clothes…well, maybe not. There’s less chance of someone defacing stuff with an actual human nearby.

I wonder how the folks that work at the terminal feel about people that aren’t there to use the facilities in the way that they were intended. I imagine most don’t care, though I suspect at least a couple must get annoyed at the extra people taking up space and blocking the flow of commuters. There are always at least three or four police officers at the terminal, so real social problems rarely happen they arrest the occasional drunk or angry pair of guys scuffling, but aside from that, it seems to be an easy gig.

=====Site Meter

6421 Linka-dinka-dee.

Newt’s really digging his new toy.. he’s taken to walking it around the apartment. I wonder how much of that behavior is instinct, and how much is learned… I’ve had him since he was three weeks old… I know he never learned the “death shake” from his birth-mom… but toting things around by mouth is something he’s done since he was 1/16 his current mass.

Why is pork shoulder called “butt”? I’d think the rump would be more appropriate.


Male nipple removal, odd body modification – warning: this is pretty gross. Oh, the things you can see on LJ.

Pets With Their Heads In Bags of Food

Penguins have extraordinary pooing powers, according to a team of scientists from a German university. Continue reading 6421 Linka-dinka-dee.


Last night, kittybecca‘s house burned down. She, her children, their bunnies and her housemates escaped with the clothes on their backs and minor smoke inhalation. They lost everything else–even their shoes.

relevantpink has set up a donations page. Please, if you can’t do anything else, spare a moment to wish kittybecca and her family some good fortune. Pass the donation site on to someone else who may be able to help out. Any amount will help–$5 will buy a pair of shoes at Salvation Army.

Someone on LJ recently raised over $400 to pay for a trip to a con. Let’s put that generosity to work for a family who truly needs it.

*NEEDED ITEMS* Laura wears a size 14 in children’s clothing and size 5 in Women’s shoes (and whatever the kid equivalent is). Leah wears a size 8-10 clothes, and size 1 in children’s shoes.
-Rabbit Water Bottle
-Rabbit food
-Size 7.5 Women’s shoes
-Size large sweats and tees
-and pretty much anything else…

(via tarpo)

Updated info – Continue reading PSA

6419 The trip home, by water, wheel and sneaker.

Took the long route home, by water bus. Stopped off at the pet store, and got Newtie a little present of fresh cat grass seed, and a fountain soda for myself (a root beer with vanilla ice cream float at the used bookstore, to be precise.)

There was a tour group on the water bus, so the captain gave some guide talk… I didn’t realize that in the 30s they made the first three Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan flicks just up the street from my house in an (at the time) undeveloped area of the New River. Also saw Jay Leno’s tourist place, and Lee Majors’s home. Funny, I’ve never seen the actors when out and about. (I did see James Coburn, once, though, a few years back.)

It was fairly overcast and cool today, but not so much that I’d call it brisk.

Pictures from the water bus, and on the wall by the used bookstore

6418 Quack, Quack.

I got a nice compliment from the Gray Pumpkin yesterday about my perspective on things being a draw to my journal.

Old Palm Doodles – I really should go back to scribbling more.

Free Band Names – There are some good ones. I particularly like –


Site Meter

Diet coke with Lime… love the taste of citrus, and diet coke is yummy, but if it’s anything like diet coke with lemon, I’ll pass.

Current shower song… I sang it in a deep baritone this morning. I fear I may continue singing it as I walk the curb. It’s a good tune to bellow in full hair-down, scary monster mode.

The Sinister Ducks – March of the Sinister Ducks – MP3 ~3meg


6417 And It’s Tuesday.

Nifty word found (or refound) today –

crapulent (KRAP-yuh-luhnt) adjective

Sick from excessive drinking or eating.

[From Late Latin crapulentus (very drunk), from Latin crapula (drunkenness), from Greek kraipal (hangover, drunkenness).]

The Historical Museum of Southern Florida is located in the heart of Miami, the Gateway of the Americas, and is accredited by the American Association of Museums.

Piles of Fun – Hippocrates’ treatment for hemorrhoids, 400 B.C.: Continue reading 6417 And It’s Tuesday.

6417 And It's Tuesday.

Nifty word found (or refound) today –

crapulent (KRAP-yuh-luhnt) adjective

Sick from excessive drinking or eating.

[From Late Latin crapulentus (very drunk), from Latin crapula (drunkenness), from Greek kraipal (hangover, drunkenness).]

The Historical Museum of Southern Florida is located in the heart of Miami, the Gateway of the Americas, and is accredited by the American Association of Museums.

Piles of Fun – Hippocrates’ treatment for hemorrhoids, 400 B.C.: Continue reading 6417 And It's Tuesday.

6416 I liked Big Fish, but preferred the Tavern’s Bread.

Happy Martin Luther King Day!
Make it a day ON, not a day off.

Happy Birthday, flying_blind!

Saw Big Fish with Danny last night…(Peter Pan started a smidgen too early) it was good, but I saw it maybe jut a little too soon after Ted passing away. It was quite enjoyable overall. I really didn’t notice the score to the movie…which was supposedly fantastic, but it didn’t stick in my skull at all. The Preview for Spidey2 looked good, too! Doc Ock is squatly stocky after all, has the dark glasses and moderately bad haircut.

Before the movies, the air was cool and fresh after a few hours rain, so we walked from my place to Las Olas. We had conversation over delicious bread, *huge* garden salads and Bass Ale in front of the Big City Tavern…(We didn’t go to the propane-smelling bridge-place, because it was closed) we watched people go by, and gabbed about religion, the clothes young people are wearing these days, and Tolkien, mostly. A lot of our usual topics just didn’t come up. The servers were excellent… left us alone, but slid in when we needed anything. We roamed up the street, past the singing fountain.. it was doing a Paul McCartney gig… Live and Let Die, and Magical Mystery Tour. It was especially well-synced to the Bond song.

After the movie, there was a lot of low-hanging mist or cloud cover, allowing for city lights to reflect back… it was pretty surreal.. made the horizon, and sky look like a movie backdrop.

Some Pictures

6416 I liked Big Fish, but preferred the Tavern's Bread.

Happy Martin Luther King Day!
Make it a day ON, not a day off.

Happy Birthday, flying_blind!

Saw Big Fish with Danny last night…(Peter Pan started a smidgen too early) it was good, but I saw it maybe jut a little too soon after Ted passing away. It was quite enjoyable overall. I really didn’t notice the score to the movie…which was supposedly fantastic, but it didn’t stick in my skull at all. The Preview for Spidey2 looked good, too! Doc Ock is squatly stocky after all, has the dark glasses and moderately bad haircut.

Before the movies, the air was cool and fresh after a few hours rain, so we walked from my place to Las Olas. We had conversation over delicious bread, *huge* garden salads and Bass Ale in front of the Big City Tavern…(We didn’t go to the propane-smelling bridge-place, because it was closed) we watched people go by, and gabbed about religion, the clothes young people are wearing these days, and Tolkien, mostly. A lot of our usual topics just didn’t come up. The servers were excellent… left us alone, but slid in when we needed anything. We roamed up the street, past the singing fountain.. it was doing a Paul McCartney gig… Live and Let Die, and Magical Mystery Tour. It was especially well-synced to the Bond song.

After the movie, there was a lot of low-hanging mist or cloud cover, allowing for city lights to reflect back… it was pretty surreal.. made the horizon, and sky look like a movie backdrop.

Some Pictures

6414 – Where did 6413 go?

Going on an outing with Danny tonight. Maybe get supper at that “Marijuana-Propane-under-the-bridge” place. (last photo in this entry) and finally get to see peter pan?

Dear Cartoon Network, Please do not break up the fun superhero shows with Yu-gi-oh and whatever other toy-sales ‘toons, please. I think that having Justice League and Teen Titans together in a block is a stronger way to go.

Happy 75th Birthday, Popeye!

Planet Comics #17 (March 1942).

A history of Duckburg – A history of Disney’s Duckburg based on the stories of Carl Barks and Don Rosa.

DUCKhunt links to lots of Rosa articles and artwork all over the web. -all via msterling

Powerskip looks fun, but dangerous.

Well, that’s annoying.. where did my last post (6413) go? It was only an hour in the making. Bah.

It acknowledges that it was posted (Date updated: 2004-01-17 18:15:28)

Was it a result of Santa Cluster Maintenance? (I’m currently on Santa – Cluster 7)

Who knows… maybe it’ll reappear when the service is done. [update: Tonight’s earlier login problem and Santa’s earlier unplanned downtime have been resolved, but we’ve run into some additional problems while fixing it. To fix those problems, we’re taking each individual sub-cluster of the Santa cluster down, one at a time. While we’re working on each subcluster, users on that subcluster may be unable to login, post, or have their journals available for other users to view or post in.]

6412 The Mixmaster is fascinating.

I regularly interact with people all over the world in my journal. The Middle East, The Arctic Circle, Australia, Italy, and the UK, just to name a few outside of the USA… and I think that’s just too cool. In There or FFXI, it seems much more USA-centered, even though there are folks in there from everywhere, too. (A solid Asian population in FF, a lot of Brits/Israelis in There, or so it seems.) LJ has the distinct advantage of being more multimedia and immersive into real lives, though, and that’s an engrossing element to me. I go through phases where I just barely skim my read list, and other times, I gobble it up whole. I like looking in on people, and watching them grow.

I learned yesterday that Muslim Mona is expected to go into an arranged marriage, but is dodging it until she finishes university. It seems so strange to hear about arranged couplings in this country, in this day and age. She’s an interesting case study, and seems to be a nice person.

Deep-fried cow brain burger (if you think that’s appetizing, you’re probably already infected) Continue reading 6412 The Mixmaster is fascinating.

6411 Cycloptic Goat, Fontifier, Aesop, and so on.

Never-ending sto horyyyyyy…aha-haaa aha-haaa aha-haaaaa…

How hard is it to get that dang song out of my head? Even the Love Boat Theme won’t evict it.

Random Entry factoid – This entry is comprised of 3459 Scotto-typed symbols.

Aesop’s Fables – Our online collection of Aesop’s Fables includes a total of 655+ Fables, indexed in table format, with morals listed.

The Fontifier -Fontifier lets you use your own handwriting for the text you write on your computer.
It turns a scanned sample of your handwriting into a computer font that you can use
in your word processor or graphics program, just like regular fonts such as Helvetica.

Amazing article about Wal-Mart’s monopoly power

Easy Favicon.ico generator (upload an image, they turn it into an icon)

Table of Condiments That Periodically Go Bad

Bugmenot, open accounts for popular websites (nytimes.com is the most popular)

One-eyed goat draws stares from amazed locals Continue reading 6411 Cycloptic Goat, Fontifier, Aesop, and so on.