All posts by scottobear

Learned that a Lil Man-Thing minimates that I bought a year or two ago for $5 in a set with Spyder-Knight is now selling in box for $85, or loose by itself (like i have ) for $50.

I love having the little dude. Not selling anytime soon, unless I hit really hard times.

#toys #minimates #manthing

A poison idea that has the same effect on a culture as salt on a slug is disposability. Objects are disposable, values are disposable and of course people, until you’re drowning in a sea of the discarded and useless.

What to do if you are choking and nobody else at the dinner table will act when you gasp out “I’m choking” twice and can’t breathe enough to ask for more help.

If I were an ink guy, I might get this Mother Box tattoo design by Rick Vietch. Instead, perhaps a 3d print with some LED embeds and a little pinger sound feature?

Drawing of a mother box drawing in black and white, in the style of Jack Kirbyby. Above are wiggly letters spelling out “Ping! Ping! Ping!”
Colored in to make wallpaper

Happy Groundhog Day and Daimon Hellstrom’s birthday, too!

Also Imbolc and Candlemas!

#groundhogday #sonofsatan
#doodle #art #imbolc #candlemas

A Groundhog with an upside-down pentagram on his chest and a birthday hat holding candles!