7152 – Ah, the sea… so mysterious, so beautiful… so wet.

I didn’t do a ding-dong thing outside of my apartment on my birthday. I did get some rest and relaxation.. but no journeys anywhere, no dinner out, etc. I liked having a day off mid-week, certainly.

Dinner was a veggie sub from Quizno’s. Got to see Mel for a few hours, but not as long as I would’ve liked… If I’d known that she was going to be running so late, I’d have gone on a day trip in the morning.

Mom couldn’t do dinner, due to her being sick.

It doesn’t feel like I had a day off. I had to take a call the night prior, and still babysit the company to switch phones and supply access codes yesterday. I had to wake up early to switch the phones over. All petty grievances, but it certainly disrupted the desired “big sleep” I wanted.

Mel was really the high point, I got a lot of nice birthday wishes and played a bit on LJ, too. I don’t know why I’m not more thankful or grateful for the day. It just sort of came and went… feels mostly wasted.

Mm.. Cheese enchiladas and mimosas sounds like a nice belated birthday breakfast for this weekend. (randomly found at negatendo while looking for why apple makes a one button mouse.)

Someone has been reading my journal in Polish.

My referrer links are getting polluted a bit by advertisers for hold-em poker-type places. I don’t know why.. I’m the only one that reads my referrer logs. Sort of a dopey spam method if you ask me.

Melissa is Greek for Bee. hm. Pretty appropriate. Industrious, soft, defies most laws of physics, and has a sting if needed. Plus, she makes things so honey-sweet when she’s around.

Moment of Lyric –

Life is something set to music
I can hear it when I’m sad
There’s a chord in every muscle
Every kiss you ever had
There’s a power when you’re near me
In our heads or in our bones
I know nothing but I’m guessing
When we die we’re not alone

endless meme

7150 – Happy Boithday to me!

Happy Groundhog’s Day, Candlemas, Pidyon Ha-Ben, Imbolc, Lughnasadh, Thesmophoria, Farewell to Lords of Misrule’s Trickster phase, etc.

I didn’t see my shadow this morning. (Phil says six more weeks, but we’re in disagreement) Newt was quite a little cuddler, though.

Helped demolish exactly 454+ evil adware / trojan / spyware naughties on Mel’s system last night. Man, her computer has been carrying all sorts of baggage since she was last online with it… about two years ago! I thought just a defrag would help with the slowdown, but spybot, adaware, hijackthis and microsoft’s own anti-spyware really got her system spinning like a top.

Random quote from Mel: You don’t have any porn there, but you have a hidden *comic book* stash under your bed?

Thanks for the lovely E-Card, Oneeyed & Granny!

Moment of Lyric –

When my life is through
And the angels ask me to recall
The thrill of them all,
I shall tell them I remember you.

I remember you,
You’re the one that made my dreams come true,
A few kisses ago..

I remember you,
You’re the one that said, “I love you too,
Didn’t you know?”

Scotto Birthday theme-Piccies

7149 – no floods, fire, frost, or frippery, for at least 28 days, please

I received my first birthday present last night… from eryx_uk (great timing, by the way!) It’s something from my amazon wish list. Thank you so much! I’ve admired the book for quite a while!


It’s Official! *No* New Bummers or sadness throughout February… and no saving ’em up for next month, either.

Bailed on work yesterday.. I was feeling pretty poorly, bu I think I’m ready to attack today before having my b-day off tomorrow. Brother came by and visited for a few moments, I got his disability info sent off.

I think I’m about due for a redesign of my journal… at least the background. Something to ponder while I chew on any new mage fooling in the future.

A Daily cup of tea – Cute orisinal game. an interesting twist on the old burgertime vibe.

I really like high too… delivering flowers to heaven, but I think my favorite recent one is wake up.

Some pretty nifty mashups in mp3 format – I’m partial to Rapture Riders (Mixes Jim’s vocals from ‘Riders On The Storm’ with Blondies ‘Rapture’, beefed up with a few breaks and maintaining elements of the Doors solo’s and Debbie’s rap sections.)

Beatleg bootles is pretty nifty, too. (but sort of chubby at almost 22 meg) Contains ‘How Does It Feel To Be Rich, Man?’ / ‘Sloop For No One’ / ‘Razor Smile’ / ‘Daytrip To Never Never Land’ / ‘Karma In The Life’.

Hm. Dating a singer and music fan has had the nice side effect of opening a few doors off on the right hand side of the brain left fairly dormant the last year or four.

Mel’s guaranteed to raise a smile. Like Sgt. Pepper, only she doesn’t wear those cool doorman/military jackets. She has trouble understanding why I like cartoons and kid shows, though.

I’m amazed how much stuff has high-teched since I was a kidlet. When I was a kid, Vinyl was what you listened to music on.. better than those Edison wax cylinders, to be sure, but I love that mp3s are so portable now.. and that sound/images can be mixed and edited so much more freely.

Mel was downright peppy yesterday. I think that she’s flung off all but the last dregs of her sickies. That’s a good thing… that tells me a birthday journey is certainly in the cards.

Moment of Lyric –

Well now, I get low and I get high,
And if I can’t get either, I really try.
Got the wings of heaven on my shoes.
I’m a dancin’ man and I just can’t lose.
You know it’s all right. it’s ok.
I’ll live to see another day.
We can try to understand
The new york times’ effect on man.

movie meme