7252 – Humpty-hump

Running slow this morning, not much time to update.

I want to make a superhero called “the placebo effect”. He has all the powers you think he has! Or would it be that *he* thinks he has? I like the former more.

Moment of Lyric:

Knocked down but we’re up on our feet again
To take control when it’s getting out of hand
This time we’ve got to get it straight

Same old ways won’t make no difference
I’m out looking for a change
You like to play it safe
Well, it’s a big mistake
You’d better learn it never pays

broken toy, out on the pavement in front of my house – Palm-cam

7251 – Only Tuesday? Im-pasta-bowl!

Oh, I remembered something else about my talk with Serena. In Brazil the Basques drink a concoction of red wine and coke (50/50) with a slice of lemon called a “Cuba Libre”, (or a Calimocho) Bleah. It’s acceptable for teens to drink it. I prefer a sangria and sprite, if I must have a soda/wine mix. Also, Fanta tastes different over here, especially from the can.

I got to escort a colorful character off the premises yesterday afternoon. He was pounding on the door to where the girls were, demanding to be let in but CB saw him coming and locked up. VS called me and asked if I could come boot the guy. I showed up, and he turned to me, obviously off his rocker. He started yelling “OH NO! IT’S HULK HOGAN!” and then stated that he wished to challenge me to a cage match. I told him no thank you, but that I’d like for him to leave. He refused, and I asked if he’d prefer me to call the police and have him escorted away.. he said that’d be fine, so I called. I did manage to bull him out of the hallway and into the parking lot. While we waited, be prattled on about how he was Darth Vader, and how that if the police shot him the bullets would not hurt him because his whole body is made of steel. While I was describing the guy to the 911 operator, he undressed… I explained he was wearing a green pullover, off it came. I mentioned he had a blue and white striped shirt underneath, and he mentioned that it was a nice day for the beach, and took that off. Well, at that point I’m not going to tell the operator what sort of pants he’s wearing. It bears mentioning that the guy was amazingly filthy and reeked to high heaven. I felt sorry for him, because he was shoeless, and one of his feet looked badly infected. My pity was tempered by worry I felt for the girls inside the office.

randomly grabbed clips with the sound recorder I wish I’d remembered sooner that the ol’ handy-dandy PDA can do sound. For whatever reason, he stopped calling me Hulk Hogan, and started calling me Ozzy.

Heaven and Hell

Cops Ain’t Comin’, Ozzy

Slice of the Pie

Round and Round, rock on, violent, crazy hobo.

Yelling and threats to fight eventually gave way to singing rock songs, and then an incoherent babble about missiles and Castro. He eventually got bored with me just standing there, not talking to him and wandered away right as two police cars came over. I pointed him out, but they didn’t make any effort to hold him, even though he was yelling and screaming earlier. No report to file, so such is life. The Main office doors are going to have to be locked from now on, in case of a repeat performance.

I hope he gets picked up more so that he can get some help than anything else. I usually get along ok with the vagrants, but this guy is in need of some serious assistance.

I preferred the random conversation on Sunday, Thanks. More cute girls, less stinky-scented types, please.

Moment of Lyric:

Here on fibber island
Our house is made of pie
Our dog is two miles wide
And all he talks about is pie

I keep forgetting to put my netflix dvds back in the mail.

LEACH Investigators Arrest Man On Computer Child Exploitation Charges

Florida Department of Law Enforcement special agents and Law Enforcement Against Child Harm (LEACH) investigators have arrested a Polk County man on charges he tried to use the Internet to solicit an undercover detective who was posing as a 14-year-old girl. Continue reading 7251 – Only Tuesday? Im-pasta-bowl!

7250 – many fragments. all in a row.

Good Day Sunday. Random standing in line fraternization at Einstein’s with a Brazilian girl who was convinced that eyes are the gateway to the soul. She told me that she could tell that I was a kind and gentle person by looking there. Well, If I have to take a big-guy cliche, I’d certainly prefer to fall in to the gentle giant (rather than the rampaging man-child, hulking dolt or savage bully). We chatted for a bit, and got along famously. She has a 7-year old son and is going to be getting two kitties after they move next weekend. I advised her to make ’em indoor kitties, because of the city. Serena is a short (5’2ish?), slightly built gal with angular but very attractive features. Very thick, long brown hair (Just about to the tailbone) with a slight wave to it, makes mine look short in comparison. Big Brown Eyes. Lunchtime conversation was quite nice, and I gave her my number. She mentioned that once she gets a land-line that she might need help getting on the internet (especially in getting mp3s and burning music) with her laptop and I offered to be of service. She doesn’t smoke, only drinks in moderation, and knew that it was the first day of Spring. No visible tattoos, wore a crucifix on a thin gold chain and small gold stud earrings, Didn’t know it was Palm Sunday and had never heard of Passion Sunday, doesn’t eat bacon (or any kind of pork… she had a chicken and some sort of veggies on a sesame seed bagel, with orange juice). Her major at university was communications, and now works in public relations.

wow, that was weirdly written. mental fragments ripped from my head a little at a time. The majority of those factoids were drawn out with basic conversation.

Not a huge fan of Conan, but the Walker:Texas Ranger clips kill me. BEAR TRAP! PUNCH!

Random Scotto Factoid: It’s my belief that homeopathy is another word for placebo. Which is to say that it can work for people sometimes… the power of suggestion is a strong one. But I think the theory of super-dilution is a bit off. To the best of my knowledge, no homeopathic remedy has ever been shown to work in a large randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.

Moment of Lyric:

On an island in the sun
We’ll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can’t control my brain

3-inch Sea Monkeys!

Groovy Ref-desk page.

collection of photos… of “Cameras Prohibited” signs.

Walkabout pics from Saturday

7249 – Mucho Audio

Ah, Spring has Sprung. Time to wake up and smell the fertility. Ah, good ol’ Vernal Equinox!

Autumn turns to winter,
And winter turns to spring.
It doesn’t go just for seasons you know,
It goes for everything.

Sha na na na na na na na na,
Sha na na na na.

/Brady kids

I didn’t see any sign of McDonald’s Shamrock Shake this year for St Patty’s. (Just as well, no reason to go in there) In rebellion, I got some mint choco-chip ice cream on my walk yesterday. Spent a long time walking around up and down Los Olas, and then war-walked grid near my house. I have a lot of neighbors who walk dogs between 10:30 and 12:30. (Hooray for Sharkscan!)

Cosmic Truth Generator

Hm. LJ is supporting podcasting. If only I had something of value to say! (For Evidence, see prior entry.) I think it’s sort of goofy, actually, but any feature is a good feature, I guess. Custom RSS feeds are a good thing. Funny how I just made the RSS feed for blogdiggermp3 for sniffing out new audio in assorted journals. I guess audio broadcasting is handy if there isn’t a place to read, but for the most part, I’m a bigger fan of text. In honor of Podcasting, here’s Newt mad at a squirrel – 19-mar-2005 1:33pm I calmed him down shortly after.

Speaking of LJ features, why do I keep forgetting about the “auto-refresh” mode that LJ has?


That will just update a page every so often to see if new posts have been added. Feel free to replace scottobear with whatever lj user name you prefer.

Experimental Gameplay Project – tower of goo is awesome.

Chief mentioned that I’m getting compensated for taking time yesterday to do training… works for me. I didn’t get to check out that condo, though.

I shouldn’t be telling you this, but you’re a good soldier, and have a right to know. If we lost this fight, we’ll be in a world of spit. Think of your dear old mother! Wearing bologna shoes, and corrective headgear! She thinks small animals nest in boxes of tapioca pudding left under the yumyum tree too long, but that’s the way she was raised, Mister! Rub that on your thighs, Mr. Moto, and see how far it’ll get ya!

Japanese vendor in small pick-up truck calling “yaki imo… oishii, yaki imo” (get your toasty hot sweet potatoes) via

(Part of the sleepytime scotto playlist)2455498

Three Teens Accused of Kidnapping Boy, 15 Continue reading 7249 – Mucho Audio

7248 – Phone Post: Random is as random does.

90K 0:24

“Well, it's Saturday night, and I ain't got nobody… I got some money cause I just got paid. Uhhhh… Chicka-chong, Chicka-chong, Chicka-chicka-chong, chick-a-chick-chick-chicka de bow-wow-wow [Hong Kong phooey Theme] and all that.

So, I'm walking up Los Olas, figure I'll get myself some ice cream, see if I can people-watch a little bit; thought I'd call and say hello. Hey journal! I'll talk to you later. You have a good night. Bye now.”

Transcribed by: [info]scottobear

7247 – Beware my basso-profundo.

Well, they claim that the guy they picked up is to blame for the Lunsford case, but I have some doubts. We did calls on the case, and there were absolutely no leads. It seems fishy to me.

I get to go into work today, for a short bit to train some techs. I hope that the overlap doesn’t step on my Realtor time.

Really digging Atlantis… almost more than the new Freedom Force.

See how your car would fare in a crash – view crash test videos for recent vehicle types and models. Crash tests are conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). I just like to see SUVs get smooshed.

1 year ago – club 977, Wine & Food, itunes, lj spam, Fri-5, nearby donations, First hint of New Dr Who, Newt big-head pic, color associations

2 years ago – heat, bad job recruiter, UT

3 years ago – city relic quiz, got into an argument with Astley, work nonsense, happy ending

4 years ago – awak but paralised for surgery, com ideas, animal eyes

7246 –

Friday. Thank goodness. 10 hours from now, I’ll be back in the shack, and can let the weekend commence. I’m getting a little worn out this week. Too many things to do, not enough time. I’m glad ECN helped me out with the sex preds yesterday… hopefully I’ll be able to get RS and ECN to do more today, too.

Current Music – This starts off with some old Bollywood spy movie soundtrack mixed with 666 and Snoop, then goes into Luscious Jackson’s Naked Eye mixed with this really funny 60’s instructional track on how to pick up girls in the street (“You’ve got to master a few basic moves before you can move on to wild, uninhibited street-play”) finally topped off with El Rey y Yo by Los Angeles Negros (which is an awesome track). (thanks to Bionic J. Sasquatch)

Current Playlist – (via) Feel free to tune in.. Thank you, Webjay!

A good resource for all you new ipod-type people, too.

Danny invited me to his school’s production of Guys and Dolls on Sunday… I don’t think I want to go. It’s a roll of the dice, and I still might do it, if only to sing “Luck, be a lady tonight” for three hours afterward.

This space intentionally left blank.

Got to hang with George after work yesterday for an hour… I feel guilty taking money from him for teaching him how to use the computer. He’s happy.. he can burn a CD and organize his photos now, and I’m $20 richer, not to mention how much I enjoy his conversation and intelligence. The guy is really soft spoken, but has had quite the life.

Looking into a new condo tomorrow a 2-bedroom near the corner of Sample and Military Trail. I just have to investigate out the neighborhood, and check out the place myself.

Piccies from the realtor

7241 – lists of things.

Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich is pretty darn good… they still capture the silver age goofiness feel nicely. The Rumble room feature is a really spiffy upgrade, and I look forward to making custom heroes like in version before. Meanwhile, fighting Evil Soviet Agents in Cuba works for me. Hopefully, the multi-player online features will be smoother this time around, too. (Just in time, too.. my old FF doesn’t work, since XP service pack 2 came out. )

Sadly, it looks like the skindex is down, and FF skins hasn’t been updated in a few years. Maybe after the game is released, folks will hop back on the design bandwagon. Zed’s is still active. Some fun ones here, too. Good Mesh source here.

Alex’s is still looking good, and is regularly updated. At last, I can have my dream team of Ambush Bug, Bouncing Boy, The Brown Hornet, and The Gentleman Ghost (With Batgirl, Black Manta, Solomon Grundy and Zatara taking up the slack)

Ah, there’s the page I was looking for… but it looks like Marvel killed the skins for their properties. Ah well, I’m sure I can dig up Spidey or the Hulk if I really want ’em.

Golden-agers… Hey! the Red Bee! The Human Ton (With Handy!) READ A BOOK!

Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin? Here I am! Here I am!

My earlier memory entry has me thinking… I wonder if GP and Katt still have the tape of that day at the store when we just goofed around?

I spoke with Josie Connell over at News 10 Michigan last night… very friendly, and seems quite intelligent. We went over what the agency is about and how we’ve been working in the state.

It’s really nice to see mootpoint back in action on LJ again.

Moment of Lyric:

Intense silence as she walked in the room
Her black robes trailing, sister of the moon
And a black widow spider makes more sound than she
And black moons in those eyes of hers
Made more sense to me
Heavy persuasion, it was hard to breathe
She was dark at the top of the stairs
And she called to me

Wireless servers detected as I rode the bus home yesterday.

  • default
  • lenrose
  • Access1
  • DrFranc
  • 4thfloorA
  • office
  • linksys (4 or 5 of ’em)
  • AMI
  • RPRS
  • SMR
  • wifi

and my favorite –

  • getoffmy80211b

Coming Tomorrow or Thursday:

Current account locations –

scottobear is on Roastbeef, subcluster 9.
coloringbook is on Tbone, subcluster 9.
live_journalia is on Filetmignon
menstrualhut is on Soybean.

Aw… I want to be on Soybean!

Where are you?

New Episode of Making Fiends!

1 year ago – Danny Solo, Devilfinder, Paper toys, elephants-Yeah!, pages back up, COH

2 years ago – lovey, storms

3 years ago – palm-doodle dreams, guest map, location poll, Bert’s Love Song, decent left, menstrual hut memo page

4 years ago – evil news, got a permanent account.

7238 – Beware the Ides of March…

Looking through glass eyes. Circles and spirals, curves and turns are the rule of the day.

Lemonade and frozen oranges for breakfast. Puckery, and I’m glad I didn’t brush my teeth *first*.

Shadowboxing before the morning shower.

The opposite of tunnel-vision. Walleyed?

Maybe it’s time for a buzz-cut and reset. This urge will pass.

Considering doing a pulp-style radio-show phone entry. Maybe a retelling of something written in the past. Something brief, maybe 20 minutes or so? Been Digging Firesign Theatre again lately.

It’s going to be all right. Oh blinding light.

I would’ve been great as one of those megaphone singers from the 1920s.

voe-doe-de-o, voe-doe-de-o, doe

Maybe a ukulele.

I’d look terrible in a straw boater, fake-raccoon jacket and striped pants, waving a pennant.

I could say 23-skidoo all I want. I guess I can still do that.

The term “entrenching tool” still makes me laugh. Shovel. It’s a shuh-vel.

“Before the beginning, there was this turtle. And the turtle was alone. And he looked around. And he saw his neighbor, which was his mother, and he lay down on top of his neighbor, and behold, she bore him in tears, an oak tree, which grew all day, and then fell over, like a bridge…”

Dreamt again of taking a ride with Newt in my own private rail car.

Moment of Lyric –

Won’t do no good to hold no seance
What’s gone is gone and you can’t bring it back around
Won’t do no good to hold no searchlight
You can’t illuminate what time has anchored down

Remaking Night Stalker with Stuart Townsend?

Zombie Attack Survival Test Continue reading 7238 – Beware the Ides of March…