7235 – Camera two, zoom-a-loo, find my journal in your view!

Hello, tomorrow. Good to see the darkness in full retreat. Soft light and slow movement will be the rule of this morning. I’m moving through a soft cloud of thought, and that seems to be working for me so far after waking.

I didn’t bother with Calle Ocho.. I preferred to do walkies around my little local zone, instead.

DSL back.. the modem just died, for whatever reason. Tech guy came out went “yup, the modem sure is dead” and replaced it.

Duh. Well, at least it didn’t cost me anything, except for Fri/Sat on dial up. I have been wickedly spoiled by video on demand.

On looking into it, I have a creeping sensation that I’m not going to like Robots, even though it’s getting good reviews. I think it’s the Robin Williams effect.

From my Walk, I discovered that almost all of the “Robert did it” and “Tepee” tiles have been removed, but I found a new one of each, hidden at ground level.

Peektures from walkabout

7234 – Arooo.

It’s seven in the morning, Sunday. I have an hour left of being on call. I’m far too awake for this time of day, but there I am. Weekend morning appointments are semi-criminal.

Missing the days of Woolworth’s snack bars and three comics for a buck. I have an urge to go to a half-empty 70s-style mall with orange walls, globe lights, and formica covered tables with random lines and speckled glitter designs on top.

Calle Ocho today, so no field trip to Miami. Crowded mobs. (at least Southwest Eighth Street between Fourth and 27th avenues.) Good food, fun music, pretty girls… well, maybe I will go. We’ll see what the afternoon brings. Not too dear a haul from Fort Lauderdale.

Moment of Lyric:

Even a man who is pure at heart
And says his prayers by night
May become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms
And the autumn moon is bright

I got a ton of writing done yesterday, because I was on a slow dial up connection and chained to the indoors. Nothing on the kid’s book, but a healthy chunk on the bar fight story. Bellsouth is sending out a technician to replace the modem this morning between 8-11am, and my productivity will return to an appropriately slack rate.

Random Scotto factoid: There are times that I wouldn’t mind a pot brownie, but I can’t have one due to the nature of my job. (Random Tests, even if I’m not on duty).

I think tulips look really fake.

The mummified head of famous spy Mata Hari is missing from its home at the Museum of Anatomy in Paris. A recent inventory of the museum’s holdings revealed that the head was missing.

Hari, convicted of spying for Germany in 1917, was executed that year. She faced a firing squad, refusing a blindfold. She also was said to have blown a kiss to the squad members before they fired. Sometime afterward, her head was removed from her body and taken to the Paris museum which houses the heads and brains of many other known criminals, among other items. The head is said to be mummified and has her trademark bright red hair.

Roger Saban, the museum’s curator, believes that an admirer or collector somehow walked off with the famous head. via

She’s my favorite mummified exotic dancer/ spy from WWI.

Face-character resources: Idaho mugshots Smiling drunks disturb and amuse me.

Girl Scout cookies remind me of Katt and her niece Wendy (who is now undoubtedly 20ish?) visiting my tiny little place in Boca… I wasn’t expecting anyone, but I was having a moment of insanity, listening to the Carl Stalling Project cranked up and doing some sort of crazy computer thing on my Atari ST. Probably playing Starglider or messing around, drawing outer space taxicabs with Spectrum512.

I was incredibly broke right around that time… I think a month or two later, my phone was disconnected, and I spent a month calling Graypumpkin from the payphone at the post office across the street to remind him when Quantum Leap was coming on.

I think I might’ve been moderately insane at that point in my life, too. At least unbalanced.

I still can’t believe that the term “MILF” has made it into common usage.

http://www.jesus-action-figure.com/ – via GrayPumpkin. (This is something he and I would have done in a heartbeat)

Monkey hot or not

More free fonts!

cool tools – A cool tool can be any book, gadget, software, video, map, hardware, material, or website that is tried and true. Chiefly interested in stuff that is extraordinary, better than similar products, little-known, and reliably useful for an individual or small group.

Mother blames game in suicide of 11-year-old son

Relatives say boy obsessed over Yu-Gi-Oh!; enthusiasts say it’s harmless

7232 – what, me bored?


Name: The Guardian in the Chapel on the Mountain (translated)
Birthday: 2/2/69
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Current Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown with assorted blonde and gray mixed in
Height: 6’5″ish
Right Handed or Left Handed: Left
Your Heritage: German, Russian, A smidge of Irish/English
The Shoes You Wore Today: None! Yay!
Your Weakness: Delicious Food, Animals, People in Need
Your Fears: Accidentally hurting someone
Your Perfect Pizza: right now (varies) eggplant, onion, black olive
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Purchase a home rather than rent
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Later, (word that rhymes with later)
Thoughts First Waking Up: Where’s Newt?
Your Best Physical Feature: eyes
Your Bedtime: approx 11:30pm on work nights
Your Most Missed Memory: I can’t remember if it’s gone! I imagine spending time with a GF
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi, though I’m really partial to Cream Soda.
MacDonalds or Burger King: Gak! I guess BK, just for the croissan’wich
Single or Group Dates: single, but group gatherings are fun
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton, but I prefer Sleepytime Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: if high quality, vanilla. if cheapish, chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino (even better would be hot chocolate)
Do you Smoke: Nope
Do you Swear: Yup, though I try to keep it minimal
Do you Sing: Yup, mostly to Newt or myself
Do you Shower Daily: Most Certainly.
Have you Been in Love: Yes.
Do you want to go to College: Been and gone!
Do you want to get Married: If I meet the right woman, yes.
Do you belive in yourself: Yes.
Do you get Motion Sickness: Under the right conditions. Spastic brake-tappers will get to me over time
Do you think you are Attractive: Variable. I’ve attracted some nifty folks, so I think usually yes
Are you a Health Freak: no.
Do you get along with your Parents: I can get along with the Devil, if need be.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes, especially if I can be resting in bed at the time
Do you play an Instrument: Passable recorder, good at most brass, passble at hand-drums
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes, with Dan
In the past month have you Smoked: no
In the past month have you been on Drugs: nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Bah! Nope! Last real date was 2/04
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Nope, not since Christmastime
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Nope… I’ve done it, but not in recent memory.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yup! Thursday Lunch (veggie rolls and seaweed salad)
In the past month have you been on Stage: If being a presenter at a cocktail party counts
In the past month have you been Dumped: Just missed the mark at 2/8
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Nope
Ever been Drunk: Yes, but it’s been a long time.
Ever been called a Tease: Not outside of jest
Ever been Beaten up: I’ve lost fights before.
Ever Shoplifted: When I was a minor-minor
How do you want to Die: peacefully after a long, comfortable and fruitful life
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Retired?
What country would you most like to Visit: OZ (not australia. Baum’s Oz.)
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Light brown is nice, but variable
Favourite Hair Color: Auburn-ish
Short or Long Hair: Long
Height: Within a foot, of me, just for reasonable smooching
Weight: As long as it’s healthy for height
Best Clothing Style: Comfort
Number of Drugs I have taken: Consult the supercomputer.
Number of CDs I own: about 300-400?
Number of Piercings:
Number of Tattoos: None… a few surgical scars on the back
Number of things in my Past I Regret: well, what’s past is past. Regrets? I’ve got a few, I guess, but nothing that keeps me up at night.


7231 – brief update for sat.

Humbug… router and DSL down. Fortunately, Mr. Dialup is available in emergencies (and since I’m on call, emergencies are a real issue.)

Only a few calls/recoveries today, but I’m still confined to quarters.

Upside, I got my take 5’s and yummy gummy roadkill from christin! I hope the Dr. Who got to her in good shape, too! nice that they were unmelted, and plentiful! I’ve got enough to have one with lunch every day next week!

Well, I would if I didn’t eat one on ripping the envelope open.

Chromosomes are to Pheromones as Pizza is to ____________________.

Sonic Zoom Superman‘s “flapping cape action” doesn’t look like he’s flying.. more like he’s been eating burritos.

1 year ago – newt pic, alton brown ok, cliches, The author of California’s anti-gay marriage law? His son just got married. To a guy.

2 years ago – spam, barbed wire, slow walk, stinky bus, spring break starting

3 years ago – news articles from 1902, poem tag linked to me, Scott name confusion, cool databases

4 years ago – Big Bird Song, cell phone jamming / scanning modes, a good day, “feet and blisters, web”

7229 – Land the plane! There's a monkey on the wing!

Cocktail party was very slow.. attendance was minimal.

ADP got so stressed that she took a tranq beforehand… I imagine that she regrets that now.

I got a lot of nice comments about the presentation, and not a bad nibble off of the veggie tray.

Glad that today is Friday, even if I have to work the weekend, I can do it in my PJs from the comfort of home. I might not have to.. EN’s sounding sort of broke.. maybe he’ll go for a full weekend on call.

My LJ ID-Badge, Via this cool badge generator. (or, what Scotto does between demos with law enforcement)

You might want to pull out your credit statements from the last month if it’s not your habit to look them over once or twice. A “company” called Pluto Data Ltd. has apparently placed false charges on hundreds of credit cards around the world in amounts from one cent to $40. None of the people who’ve been charged ever bought anything from the company, it goes without saying, and the feds are trying to figure it all out.

Phone calls to an 800 number listed next to the charges are being answered by a company that says it closed Pluto’s account several weeks ago. And it’s looking more and more like another scam from our friends in Nicosia, Cyprus, who already used the scam under the name PharmacyCard.com.


Moment of Lyric:

I’m just a soul who’s intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood


Superman… you freaky alien. (From Lois Lane #39)

1 year ago – walk piccies (sudsy fount), CS bombed as a tech, zombies, condos, legal poop, broken website

2 years ago – Newt in a tub, wandering walk photos

3 years ago – I’m Newt’s bfast table, at the doc, parrots & cuban food, Asimov died of AIDS, Dave’s birthday on the 14th, spiders, squids, Stichomancy, and a little zen, death to smoochy, gypsies

4 years ago – good day, accomplished much, new phone, akimbo, Super Newt, fun words, random plots

7228 – String Cheese this weekend.

SCI To Headline Florida’s Langerado Music Festival on March 12-13, 2005


Festival season begins early in South Florida, and the Langerado Music Festival is quickly becoming the destination of choice for traveling music lovers ready to start the journey. Come music lovers, college spring-breakers and sun seekers who are aching for festival season to begin.

SCI will be at Markham Park in Sunrise, Florida on March 12th and 13th with a slew of other bands – including Medeski Martin & Wood, Toots and the Maytals, Keller Williams, Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe, Michael Franti & Spearhead, De La Soul, MOFRO, Particle, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, and many, many others.

Details are being worked out for plenty of late-night shows throughout Ft. Lauderdale, too!

Lots of good artists – http://www.langerado.com/artists.htm

7226 – It doesn't seem like Thursday. I don't know what day it does seem like.

Skipped Apheresis yesterday.. it was too cold, to stormy-yuck to venture out in without more protection than what I had. I’ve rescheduled for next week.

The walk was brisk with heavy, cold rain. Air chilly enough to see my breath and all I was wearing was a polo shirt and khakis. Yucka.

Cocktail Party tonight. (rerun of this, I imagine) I get to schmooze with potential contributors, demo the system, show off the satellite mapping system, and take some grapes and cheese home afterward.

I still think that calling something a cocktail party when only beer and wine are served is wrong. “Open House” might be more appropriate.

I’m overdue for a night time beach walk. Maybe Friday. I’m probably going to have to do call on Sat, because EN is already pulling a Friday/Sunday/Monday shift, and is going to need some sort of rest.

Do you want a banana? Peel it down and go mm-mm, mm-mm. Do you want a banana? This banana for you.

Next up on my Netflix:

Moment of Lyric:

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star

Ultima 4 Virtue Quiz

7220 – insert subject header here. or not.

Busy week ahead. Dinner with the Momster, blood donation, cocktail party. Next time to really relax is Friday.

I woke up with the words “Millennium Spheres” in my head. What are they? Fuel for a time machine? All I know is that I had to get them, or something awful would happen. Nothing specific, but I needed at least two, preferably more, if I could bring ’em back. I was given a messenger bag to tote them safely… I have no idea if it was special in any way… temperature controlled or lead-lined or whatnot.

Speaking of time travel, the New Dr Who leaked onto internet Yup. If you’ve got Bittorrent, it’s here.

I liked it just fine… The Sci-fi channel saying the quality was poor sounds more like “we don’t want to pay for good outside syndicated stuff, when we can produce really smelly dung in-house.” Nice job, and a megaton better than the Y2k thing they did on fox way back when.

The actor playing the Doctor is really good, his sidekick is cute, The Tardis is cool, he’s got a sonic screwdriver, and they cover “First Episode – Backstory” stuff really well. Plus, scary store manikins. (Rework of the Autons, if you want a spoiler, click.) The budget is low, but what the heck, it’s Dr. Who. Tin foil and paper mache has always been the norm, and it’s really not that bad.

I’ll be snatching more episodes until the quality drops to standard Sci-fi channel fare. (Like … Mansquito. He’s big like a man, but sucks blood like a mosquito! thanks, greenelvish!)

Dice Quiz