7219 – PSA (via lorianne)

Panthergirl is a fervent supporter of greyhound rescue and rehab, and she’s offering to donate $2 to the cause for every comment she receives on today’s blog-post. So don’t sit and stay: instead, race like a greyhound over to Panthergirl’s blog, leave a comment, and tell ’em Newt sent you. Good boy!

at this link – http://thedogsbreakfast.blogspot.com/2005/03/before.html

[edited to update – 173 COMMENTS left on yesterday’s fundraising post for Greyhound Rescue & Rehab!

Since some people accidentally put their comments on the previous day’s post, and some emailed me because the “line was busy” on my haloscan comments, I’m going to round up to 180…which translates to $280 that I’m forking over for the greyhounds!

You guys are awesome! Thanks also to many of you who cross-posted about the event on your own blogs. ]

7217 – Monday.

As a self-imposed writing assignment, I went through a couple of published interviews, and trolled for good resource questions. I came upon this one – “Everyone has one or more “life defining moments” that shape the type of person we will become. What do you consider some of your LDMs? What has helped shape the type of man you are now?”

I got to thinking about that. I think the majority of what has shaped my life is interacting with other life around me. More people than events, although there have been a few things, like hurting my back. Every one of my really good friends has impacted me in a life-changing way. Some folks I’ve never met, but usually those who I’ve sat at a table with and played games, had conversations with… my mind is certainly opinionated, but those opinions can usually be changed with a reasonable argument.

Other things… let’s see, discovering classical music as a kid was a big one. I gravitated to Russian composers first (Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky), then standbys like Bach and Beethoven took over afterwards. My music teacher in the third grade really helped me to see patterns and to hear more than one instrument at a time, or the “group noise” of a symphony all together.

This is something I’m going to have to think a lot about. Major life changing events. Moving out on my own, Adopting Ol’ Newtster, learning how to read…still working through a rough draft.

As a side note, I wonder if Grant Morrison, Hunter Thompson and Harlan Ellison are (were) really all the self-absorbed jerk personas (personae?) they wear for the sake of being interviewed? I like the product that they all produce, but the production units themselves have an exaggerated creep factor when taken firsthand. There’s a lot of anger, hostility and venom being shown that is just plain unattractive in a person that is otherwise seen by me as very talented.

No RI for the next 2 and a half weeks (give or take). That puts it all on the Big Kahuna, and to a lesser degree, me. RI was showing signs of burnout, so I think her departure for a bit is pretty timely. I’ll be interested in seeing how well ADP and BK get along without the RI buffer… I almost suspect that they might get along better, if they both just work, and neither lets ego get in the way of the jobs at hand. If that happens, ADP will certainly be fired on the spot.

Elevator Prank. cute movie.

I could really go for some animal crackers. What a dopey craving. I also want to go get my eyes, teeth and general health checked.

I’ve been guilty of this. (Fortunately, Newt is tolerant, too.)

Screaming Turtle! (farked a long time ago, but I just saw it.)

I didn’t leave the house once on Sunday. I opened the front door once, to toss old sand of his into the can outside after cleaning Newt’s litter box. Sunburn has faded to regular color, but the tops of my ears and tip of my nose is a bit tender.

Lost won’t be showing any New episodes for a month or so –

Next air dates –

  • Deux Ex Machina b: 13-Apr-2005 (A Locke-centric episode.)
  • Do No Harm b: 20-Apr-2005 (A Jack-centric episode.)
  • The Greater Good (a.k.a. Sides) b: 27-Apr-2005 (A Sayid-centric episode.)

Wow… This guy has over 95% of all Dr. Demento Shows archived online.

Random Scotto factoid – I first heard They Might Be Giants on Dr. Demento in 1985, and became an instant fan. The Songs were “Cowtown” and “Shoehorn with Teeth”

Another random Scotto factoid – When I was 10, I once dumped a bucket of ballyhoo (bait fish) on top of a pelican that bit my little brother. The bird retreated, and was attacked by about a half-dozen other pelicans. It was brief, because the meanie-pelican flew off. My dad took bro to the hospital to get stitches. I initially wanted to throw the cast net (We were using it to get bait.) over him, but my brother was too close.

Random gamer dorkness – Ray screwed things up as the weakest mental link at the critical moment in both Ghostbusters and the Sequel. If they were in a gaming group, I think that he’d have to be a NPC or buy that low ego off. Also, GB1=Good! GB2=BLEH! (which is why you see GB2 on tv so often, the rights to play it are very low… alternately, GB1 is expensive, so it won’t be on the air nearly as often. A pity tv suffers from “lowest bidder” syndrome, too.) The Ghostbusters DVD is really good, too. The commentary by Harold Ramis, director Ivan Reitman and associate producer Joe Medjuck, can be played with “Mystery Science Theater 3000”-type silhouettes and with the subtitled production notes. Other goodies include deleted scenes, featurettes, storyboards with split-screen comparisons, theatrical trailers.

weather / sailor tracking – track tides, currents, cruise ships, research vessels, and all sorts of research info.

video.google.com has an interesting tv-show search engine. Apparently there’s a Scotto family with delicious recipes making the rounds lately. As of ths writing, no entries for livejournal, plenty for blog.

Lost brings up a recent episode (including times for upcoming episodes), and a lot of infomercials about lost weight. Interesting is that it uses the closed captions from the show to grab bits of text to search. You can also do title:lost to narrow the search down.

Actually, this will help me seek out local news, too.

about google video.

RB added a rockin’ soundtrack to a Nasa Clip– via record brother (he’s got a lot of good mp3s to grab, too.)

Moment of Lyric:

The closer you get
The better you see
The closer you are
The more I see
Why everyone says
That I look happier
When you’re around

Freeware alternative list (Graphics, Anti-Virus, Spyware removal, Audio / Video tools, Network tools, programming/development, browser stuff, webcam software, and other assorted goodies)

Interaction Quiz

7216 – Ren-fest 2005 pics

Beautiful day for the Ren-Fest yesterday. I got a lot of sun, fresh air, and I had a lovely time. Quiet waters park is especially lovely… lots of trees, lake front and cool breezes. I have a bit of a sun burn on my face and arms, despite my efforts to keep in the shade. I blame the bleacher area for the joust.. acted as a bit of a solar oven. I need to get one of those wide-brimmed Amish hats to keep the sun off.

Don’t know why I’m up so early, but Newt is too.

Pictures of Knights, Girls in bodices, and a juggler in swim-fins.

7214 – Saturday! Sleeping in? No! Try again Tomorrow, Mr. Wakeful.

Hmm.. must remember to renew domain, mine is up in a week! I’m glad Dave reminded me. I’ve owned scottobear.com since ’97, and had a cheeseball freebie geocities page long before that.

I was going to catch a Movie with Dave last night, but there was literally nothing either of us wanted to see. Ah well. Maybe we’ll play some mage knight, or just hang some other time.

This morning, I’m getting together with Danny, heading to Deerfield for a bit, so he can put in an appearance, greet the SF club, and either poke a nose into the Ren-fest or bounce off for a day of just goofin’.

Moment of Music….

Mashup of : The Beatles – Yellow Submarine / Genesis – That’s All

From here (also here)

This guy has a *lot* of free, handmade fonts to look through.

Severe system crash last night…. sorry about bailing mid chat, bhk… it was fun while it lasted! Power blinkies and chkdisk made it slow to recover.

Mr. Sun Citizen Journalist Starter Pack

Montage-a-google. Create a quilt of thumbnails based on a search term or phrase. my first try was newtcam.

GrayPumpkin put me on to the Spider-man Bible site… our conversation eventually devolved into Christo-MODOK (MESSIAH ORGANISM DEIFIED ONLY for KINDNESS) Put a goatee, plasmatic Kirby-dots surrounding his be-haloed crown of thorns around this guy, and you’ve got a Big Jesus head firing of bolts of goodwill. *KWIZAM!* PEACE BE WITH YOU! *BRITZO!*

Oh, that’s probably going to end up offending someone. Only if they don’t know me. I love MODOK. He’s my Favorite Giant head-in-a-body after Arnim Zola. (And blatant ripoff-homage the Hypernaut.) JC is pretty dang cool, too.

What? What?

HG2TG Trailer. Hm. Interesting Zaphod Redesign, and Ivan does a good Marvin voice.

Note, My PDA is more entertaining than a Guide, but less so than a Mother Box from New Genesis.

Chimps critically injure sanctuary visitor

St. James Davis had severe facial injuries and would require extensive surgery in an attempt to reattach his nose, Dr. Maureen Martin of Kern Medical Center told KGET-TV of Bakersfield. His testicles and a foot also were severed

7213 – 4 8 15 16 23 42 (I personally use 2, 4, 5, 14, 23, 42)

Friday, at last. The week went quickly, but I’m looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.

Pomade. Yuck. Not my thing.

Raising Arizona and The Third Man made for an odd double feature. Two movies I love for very different reasons. Sweet Noir, and Sweet Sillies.

Lumbee Indian talk still going on in a post I did three years ago.

University of Florida scientists extracted 25,000 neural cells from the brain of a rat embryo to create a live computation device and taught it to fly an F-22 fighter jet simulator. “When we first hooked it up, the plane ‘crashed’ all the time,” said Thomas DeMarse, 37, an assistant professor of biomedical engineering, who developed the technique. “But over time, the neural network slowly adapts as the brain learns to control the pitch and roll of the aircraft.” DeMarse pointed out that his research could lead to scientists building living elements into traditional computers.

A Japanese software designer introduced a robot programmed to chat with lonely old people to keep them from going senile. The 18-inch Snuggling Ifbot, which sells for $5,600, comes dressed in an astronaut suit with a glowing face and has the conversational ability of a 5-year-old, the language level its programmer said is needed to stimulate the brains of senior citizens. “By talking with this robot,” said Takao Ohsuga of Dream Supply, which developed Snuggling Ifbot’s software, “seniors who are often alone can stimulate their brains and avoid becoming forgetful.” Ohsuga added that work is under way to program the robot to speak English to teach the language to Japanese children.

Mayor L. Douglas Wilder of Richmond, VA, ordered metal detectors removed from City Hall as a cost-cutting measure, then announced that a team of eight to 10 bodyguards was being assigned to protect him. The switch from metal detectors will save $200,000, but the security officers will be responsible only for the mayor’s safety, not that of other City Hall workers.

Scotto peers

Why am I still up this late? [approx 2am]
I’ve got to be showering for work in less than 4 hours.
This is what happens when I start my movies at 10.

Zombie Quiz

7212 – reconstruction

Well, nuts. Power outage, big entry destroyed, auto-draft function didn’t make it. So, quickie recap.

Husband of the Boss was Mark Lenard‘s roomie in school. So, I’m tutoring a colleague of Spock’s dad on how to use a computer. George used to hang out with Jack Benny & Mary Livingston as a kid, too.

Last Boss had Bill Daily visit once in a while.

Color WWI pictures

Free stock photos, more free stock photos., and still more.

20 ways to say no

I should pick up a new swiss army knife sometime soon. Something slim and compact… I don’t need a fish scaler or laser pointer built into it. The Lefty has my interest.

In a more optimistic spin on Sturgeon’s Law, I firmly believe that 10% of everything is more than worthy of your attention. I tend to agree with hanlon’s razor, too.

Additionally, I’m not crazy about Cole’s Law.

Kurt Vonnegut – Eight rules for writing fiction Continue reading 7212 – reconstruction

7211 – note to future applicants

If you can’t show up on time (over a half hour late for a scheduled 1-hour training) to three different interviews, and then make a surprise appearance on a day I don’t have you scheduled, I will assume that you either can’t properly follow instructions or don’t have it together enough to do the job well.

I’m glad I have three other applicants that look like they’re on top of things.

7210 – Telephone call for Mr. Horrible

Netflix has been disappointing me lately. the last 4 movies I’ve received have been cracked, scratched, or otherwise unviewable. Especially disappointing because one of ’em was a movie I wanted to show Danny. That one, even the replacement was screwed up. I took it as fate, and moved on.

ADP is bailing on Monday nights. That’s got to hurt.. that’s $200 a month out the window for her, after she didn’t get her raise. I’m thinking of picking it up myself, if I can get paid the same rate. If not, I’m sure one of the other techs might like it. MM has a class Monday nights, and EN already has 3 nights a week. I don’t want to overburden him. Maybe Kari, Oona, or Phillipa.

Add to my local places to visit and take piccies – Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens

(Maybe invite tarpo, constance1010, mzkitten and her boy along?)

Wow, the Rock has lost a lot of weight. He looks downright skinny lately.

Superhero Motivational Posters. – I rather like Adventure and Brainpower.

Moment of Lyric:

There’s only one thing that I know how to do well
And I’ve often been told that you only can do
What you know how to do well
And that’s be you,
Be what you’re like,
Be like yourself,
And so I’m having a wonderful time
But I’d rather be whistling in the dark

Duck found with this search, now? More Euro-folk seeking scotto out.

Best thing called out at the Ren-fest on Sunday. Peasants jeering at a couple with Ice cream cones… “I Scream! You Scream! We All Scream, because we’re hunnnngryyyyy”

Danny introduced me to a new phrase yesterday – “wanker’s cheese weasel maneuver” for a slimy little cheater activity. He’s been on a diet this last week.. no more pizza parties for us.. sushi and salads in the immediate future, anyhow.

Disney’s theme park fonts

Viva Broward pictures resized – You can see them here.

7209 – these are the people in my neighborhood

Break at work, I figure I’ll upload what’s in my camera. Some scenes from life I haven’t put online yet, that I’ve been meaning to.

This entry will be edited over time, for file size, scaling, hosting location, etc.

I’m really blessed to live in an area where the people are interesting, pretty, and active.

Shots from “Viva Broward” on the Riverwalk.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

hmm, the thumbs don’t seem to want to link…. naughty image shack. well, here we go then:

more non-thumbed hosted here –


Mayah and Cathi – hooray for hippies!


Mayah.. how big she’s getting!


(old link to Mayah’s First B’day – http://www.livejournal.com/users/scottobear/1276782.html)

Quick breakdown of http://scottobear.com/lj/archives/030105/

319 – Obligatory Cute Girl by the water. (Thumb 2, above)
321 – LORD OF THE FLIES! RUN! (thumb 3, above)
325 – Watch where the kick goes!
326 – Hand-spring kick (capoiera)
336 – Obligatory Colorful Local Winter Park Resident (thumb 1, above)
338 – Singer, not as good as Charo.
339 – Hippies and the Kidlets
341 – More Kidlets playing
343 – More Grass Skirters with Batons
344 – Still More Grass Skirters with Batons
345 – Yet Still More Grass Skirters with Batons

7208 – days run to weeks, lately.

I still can’t get enough of this mime doing “torn”.

Moment of Lyric:

Illusion never changed
Into something real
I’m wide awake and I can see
The perfect sky is torn

I’m going to invest in getting a deep massage sometime very soon. My back is very tight lately. I wouldn’t mind a mud pack on my forehead and cheekbones, either.

Nude Man Steals, Wrecks Philly Police Car Continue reading 7208 – days run to weeks, lately.