8474 – Stuff and such

Article discussing religious uses and values concerning the wearing of rings. (Episcopal rings, both at an earlier and later period, were sometimes used as receptacles for relics.)

Note – Flemish (A variant of Dutch) is spoken in much of Belgium.

My Cat’s got Knees by Joel and Jaqui. Also, I like your pants.

I sort of dig the revised rust monster from mearls.

Cool underground city pictures

Via Springheel Jack – We screwed up Lake Okeechobee so bad, we have to build a new one

Am I too old to be enthusiastic about the coming Ninja Turtles movie? I think it looks pretty nifty, but I’m looking more forward to Zoom.

Between a kink in my back, steady thrumming rain outside and a steadily purring Newton inside, I fairly well slept away my Saturday. Touched base with a number of nice folks, too.

Moment of Lyric – (vox audio)

The warmth of your love’s
Like the warmth from the sun
And this will be our year
Took a long time to come…

Don’t let go of my hand
Now the darkness has gone
This will be our year
Took a long time to come…

And I won’t forget
The way you helped me up when I was down
And I won’t forget
The way you said “darling, I love you”
You gave me faith to go on
Now we’re there
And we’ve only just begun
This will be our year
Took a long time to come…

The warmth of your smile
Smile for me, little one
And this will be our year
Took a long time to come…

You don’t have to worry
All your worried days are gone
This will be our year
Took a long time to come…

And I won’t forget
The way you helped me up when I was down
And I won’t forget
The way you said “darling, I love you”
You gave me faith to go on
Now we’re there
We’ve only just begun
This will be our year
Took a long time to come…

And this will be our year
Took a long time to come…

The Electric Company – Victor Borge – Audible Punctuation


1 year ago – GrayP, Allergy results, Candice gives me her number, google hybrid, love song / mind control,

2 years ago – I Robot, The Flo, LiveJournal Gallery, 1000 white cards revisited

3 years ago – Evil Fish, Bro, Brace, bazillion questions meme, crow tools, Elton Ock, LJ pings for you

4 years ago – Janet Reno, 1000 blank white cards, lost links, Dumpster Diving,singing kitty, palm sketches, snickitty-snackitty man, managing activism

5 years ago – melted heart, epizootic ,hair bears, playing majestic

6 years ago – bedtime thoughtsGeotarget