9009- mon

Cathy and Dave over tonight for Lasagna, conversation (they’re moving to Colorado once the house is sold) and a couple of games of apples to apples. BHK swept the night by winning both games, despite Cathy’s extending the winning conditions from 8 to 10, and then 12 cards on the 2nd game.

Oddball winner of the night – “Cuddly” – Al Pacino, Quicksand, and Warts. Pacino won over Quicksand by a smidgen.

True or False – unasked for help is interference.

via lore – Hey, I didn’t know that there was a blog devoted to redesigns of superhero costumes. That’s neat. Some are serious (in a fun sort of way), while others are a little more invested in subverting the superhero paradigm (also in a fun way).

Current meme thingie –

Comment on this post. If you’re interested, I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.

Christin picked – animal rights, exotic cuisine, horror, libraries, pyewacket, roadside attractions, vikings

  • animal rights – Critters have been a pet project for me for as long as I can remember. Something just feels fundamentally wrong when folks don’t hurting something – why not, if it’s only a “stupid animal”. I’ve been around a number of creatures that are more than just food or clothing, and would prefer that they be neither in a perfect world. I understand that it isn’t a perfect world… but I try to treat critters well.

  • exotic cuisine – I like new foods and flavors… it seems like every place has a different idea about what is tasty and what flavors work well together. I’ve developed a special fondness for some of the more commonly available ethnic foods… Thai, Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Ethiopian, German, Italian all bring something spiffy to the table both in traditional and Americanized forms. Nothing that walks on more than one foot, or less than six to eat, though… thanks.

  • horror – I enjoy the genre. More in literature than in film lately, though I can get into a scary movie here and there. Some of the best books I know shine a light at odd angles on stuff that lurks in my imagination, making the shadows large and frightening.

  • libraries – worked in one the better part of high school and college. great places, lots to see and do – plus there are books out the wazoo. I have many fond memories from the library. It’s where I first gamed, back in 6th grade.

  • Pyewacket – he got his name from bell, book and candle (which in turn got it from this Pyewacket) – He’s the baby of our family, 4ish to Newton’s 7ish years old. He’s very laid back, and when you pick him up, you can cradle him like an infant. He’s been a wonderful addition to my family, and I love him dearly.

  • roadside attractions – BHK and I stopped at a number of Ripley’s Believe it or Not locations on the side of the road during our honeymoon, and there’s something equally fascinating to me about oddball bits of Americana… Urban Ruin plus Muffler Men = wonder to my mind. Weird water towers, tourist traps and whatnot. The chintz factor bleeds over a little bit into horror for me, too. Best place for a zombie uprising is an old mini golf course. See also recent entries on the ATW man, or http://www.lostamerica.com/roadside.html

  • vikings – Some people favor pirates… I lean to the more Norse cousins… the romanticized version, of course… sailing to new worlds in ships with serpent heads, burying an axe in your oath-breaking cousin, casting runes and thinking about times when the world was a still cooling body of a giant. What’s not to like? The Norse Eddas are some of my favorite old stories.

1 year ago – kissy pic – with ponytail and without, rockin little guy,

2 years ago – newton kitten war stats, nice compliment, newt nudges newtcam, pulp book d/l, quizzes, ND thanks

3 years ago – newt smokes, pelt fade, botmail, fake gyno

4 years ago – mobile phones destroy ghosts, lego casemod, LotR sand sculpt, Newbie/RI don’t take call, bro care, Escher ,camel sim

5 years ago – work drama, october, finn/big boss, talking head thingie, wedding traditions

6 years ago – enterprise prem, simarena, headache, poll, birthdays, zugzwang &approbation, candy corn pops, macro for work, gator warning, rainthoughts, windows services

7 years ago – peace river, bro bails, exorcist, Song of Solomon 6: 8, bible porn, meanies, latin, sodaplay, road to wellville Geotarget

9007 – sun

Newt hears migrating birds outside, and raids the window. Pye was soon to follow. Newt’s pooch there isn’t a big tummy, just fur.
Brisk weather outside – lovely stuff, helps my breathing quite a bit. I could actually see my breath the other night when we picked up last minute gift bags for Tina’s party last night…we’re hitting my seasonal weather of choice. I’m looking forward to wearing a jacket.

Dashed off to the Giant with BHK – we bought some cold cuts and cheese to make ourselves some picnic lunch outside… sat on the bench and made each other sammiches. Best meal I’ve had in a while – I’d rather eat stuff that fresh and enjoy the weather than go to a big restaurant. I really preferred it to tonight’s spaghetti dinner, in fact. Louise is renowned for for her spaghetti sauce, but I’m more of a fan of (Gordon Ramsey alert) Simple / Rustic style of cooking. In fact, BHK and I both have been found using that as commentary on food (and whatever else) these days. Like calling Marco Polo out… if one of us says Simple there is bound to be an echo of Rustic not too far behind. Hey, it’s better than picking up his swearing habit, I guess.

Louise’s sauce and pasta was supplemented by Tina’s new beau Matt’s meatballs, which I hear were pretty tasty, especially the beef. The turkey ones looked good, but maybe a bit dry. His sauce looked decent – I wonder how it mixed with Louise’s?

The in-laws brought salad, and BHK made the birthday cake – carrot, with autumnal colored sprinkles in the cream cheese frosting. it was pretty darn tasty – somehow, still warm after our meal.

Tina got a lot of jewelry as loot – we gave her 1001 places to see before you die , some pedicure knickknacks and a necklace with a pearl and a pink shell motif. Louise did pearls for her too.. very similar to those she got BHK for her b’day. In-laws got her a heart necklace and earring set in sterling (I think), and some nice black gloves. I don’t know what Matt got her.

I won our game of apples to apples (that’s what we picked up last minute earlier – it was that or play boggle… and not a lot of folks have the scrabble / spelling ferocity or Carcassonne bent that BHK and I do) – since there were 7 of us (Adam had to bail early for his church group) we played to 5 victories best answer was Larry’s “wood chipper” to “sappy”.

Matt seemed a little socially unacceptable last night – I’d initially chalked it up to bluster, but on enumeration back home, he really should focus a bit more on promotion of conversation, rather than killing it. He got shots in at BHK and Louise, not to mention a bit argumentative with Chris. I was a little surprised that he didn’t know that Tina’s allergic to garlic and didn’t much care to watch football. He had a game on the tube running the whole time he was there… even though nobody else had any interest.

On my end, I muffed by compulsively checking my blackberry every time it vibrated… lots of server issues to stay on top of, but I could see if some other party-goer thought I might be acting antisocial.

1 year ago – robot post while I’m elsewhere, actors, locusts, pogo-legs, moot-b-day

2 years ago

– Lost season 2, remixed movie trailers, 2l issues, white lines by bush, okcupid test, selfports on newtcam, puppy eats a knife, pervwatch, mistaken abduction

3 years ago

– School Training at a library, Auntie’s, Spicy Sancocho recipe

4 years ago – Hoom! maps, Monkey Heaven, Robyn goes Psychic on me, Private William D.Huff, Tumbless things, palm doodle, BK breakfast, monochrome=sleepy buspics

5 years ago – landlord a/c, Dorky dinosaur, art ljs, audio books

6 years ago – minor panic, Oyl Family, Red Dog the Pirate Guy, blackjack, mush,revised beliefs, Laundry, freeflow, nosey lj-poll, Newton’s Nightmaregame, love poem

7 years ago – apple jacks, chores, bday, CPAP Geotarget

(via Scotto’s Wall Scrawls)

9006 – sat

Calvert county fair – we only popped in for a moment to look at the critters,check out the crafts and produce competition, grabbed a free book each from the library tent and then got a Corn dog for BHK and a lemonade for myself… however we paused a few times to do some extra purchases on the way out.

a multitude of pictures here , more to follow eventually.

I like this one the best of the day – near another old corn maze and a bounce house shaped like a jack o’lantern.

First item – pear butter for us, cherry-apple cider for me, peach-apple cider for BHK, and grape-apple butter as a gift for Larry.

Most impressive was our encounter with Hoggette Spiggy – I was very impressed with the amount of good that they’ve done over the years for Children’s Charities – over 100 mil since 1983! Lots of good causes. Got to admire a guy in drag and a pig nose doing good works. click to make the picture bigger. Note Darryl Grant’s Superbowl ring.


We were only out and about for a brief period, but it was good to get a touch of fresh air after being under wraps this week. We spent the majority of the evening in the loft, relaxing and watching far too much tivo. Star Wars Family Guy? meh. interesting recapture of the shots, but not worth a whole episode. New Simpsons was a standard new episode – best part was the opening taking place in the aftermath of the movie. Best part about snuggling in and watching tv is the snuggling, for sure.

1 year ago – haircut coming, more wedding hints, passing around meme, happy or right?, mr rogers playing donkey kong,

2 years ago

– work stuff, 2l, stalin wasn’t stallin’, skeletons, killer dolphins freed by katrina!

3 years ago

– Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam, Dawn of War, satmaps for the fuzz, bugmenot, la to ny, voice talent, ADP issues, entry statchers

4 years ago – goodies, headmap, “fly me” fired, newt-tracker cam test

5 years ago – kev get together, A/C poopy, chores, ad-aware, frisky, dwarf tossing, NotLD in Clix

6 years ago – frangible, cej concern, warning labels

7 years ago – weekend coming, I a munchausen by proxy surprise sea monkey, born in the Year of the green fluid love, dodo, purple liquidGeotarget (via Scotto’s Wall Scrawls)