9741 – sun

Never did make it to Surrat house – Instead, we watched My Name is Bruce with Sean and Duncan. Teddy Grahams, hummus and hot dogs w/ kraut for all! Jay missed out, because he was sick at home.

Today was another stay at home day – took a hard walk around the neighborhood, and some chitty-chats with William Callas and Chris.

Visited Coffee Tea and Whimsy, and got some crabber crackers, a keychain giftie for BHK and caramel sauce for all!

Chris won her first-played game of Can’t Stop vs BHK and me, while Larry mowed the yard.

Later, the in-laws came back over for quiche with peas & broccoli from the garden, and we watched some ocean documntaries and ate vanilla ice cream with the aforementioned sauce… and blueberries!

Did I mention that BHK and I went to see Star Trek last Tuesday, dear journal? I seem to have skipped over it. I liked it just fine, thinking it’s #3 on my list of favorite star Trek movies, after #1 (Galaxy Quest) and #2 (Wrath of Khan). BHK enjoyed it, too, probably more than I did! We may be taking William to see UP on Tuesday matinee. (Which I’ve been looking more forward to than Trek, actually!)

1 year ago – haircut for alan’s party, blooming tea, tina & matt, epidural, robokill, RIP Bill Elder

2 years ago – mortgage, topology, newtcam2, condo issues, firefly and mosquitoes are out, linkdump

3 years ago – may ends, dr octagon, mad now unfunny in color, key west flare vigilante, fragged with bro, blood / allergy sticks, me as jeanbunny, mm flakes back

4 years ago – depth perception, bald oscars, intel drm chips, santana, nice monday, mp3 mashups (new locations here), pros and cons, Lost is Zork (even moreso with the green monitor), connections to people, fish heads, chipmunk stripes

5 years ago – Memorial day, hell in miniature, new mouse, zombie, quiet day, little house

6 years ago – comment screening, monty burns, ch-57, silly newt, matrix reloaded explanation

7 years ago – Prezzies and rain, springer, peanut butter soda, tempestmir introduces Newt to Newt. LRsetup program crashes out, sleeping Friday five

8 years ago – pervicacious, time changes, Mikey passes away, walkies, Hubris and Gnosis, heh yuh dun?, evil news

9 years ago – polytron, country musicGeotargetVisitor Map

9740 – Saturday

Later today, we’re heading to the Surratt House today with BHK, Jay, Sean and Duncan. 

note –


Last night BHK and I had a lights out night – no power, just played boardgames and cards by rechargeable "candlelight" lamps.

Can’t stop bhk won 1, I won one  S6303530

Probe – bhk won  *S6303536*

Canasta Caliente – bhk won one, I won one

Charge it! – I won one

All were fun – I recommend a family game night to anyone!

more to follow when we return, dear journal!

1 year ago – poitics test, Great Gazoo, RIP, Hard knocks life, tigger/pye smoking dream, geister and other fun online games, gimlet, alan’s bday prezzie

2 years ago – hot in the courthouse, shaved ice, adam and jimmy’s graduation, more lj spam, move to own domain?

3 years ago – nice time with danny, rocker meme, mm call

4 years ago – memorial day, bhk fridge magnet pic, dr who

5 years ago – spotty notepad frenzy, mood theme editor fixed, General Tao’s tofu, My cam catches right before lights out, Newt-bt pic, Nose beeps, streams of thought, sleepy newt wallpaper (or why using arrow keys is hard with the boy on the desk)

6 years ago – google news, kev, easter island, barcode, got a lovely peek-in.

7 years ago – complaining about the weather, disappearing languages, palm piccies that need to be re-uploaded, smoke ring gun

8 years ago – hoi polloi, nice walk, memory stream, super chicken, ask me a question, ostriches

9 years ago – stream of thought re:Newt, Fritz & AprilGeotargetVisitor Map