9798 – 0715091052.jpg

0715091052.jpg, originally uploaded by scottobear.

epidural lateral today painful. but helpful, i hope!

1 year ago – ides of july, middleman, tasty garden supper, scotto history with ludwig II and Benita Falkenheyn, Davy Crockett, bhk in the netflix queue, goodies from the garden pic

2 years ago – creaky, smoothie reparations, Compleat Strategist a bomb, gaming, Alan at the piano, Lebanese Butcher, art talk

3 years ago – furniture, kevin smith & superman, pocket windows (note- add to new flash drive), coral square mall pictures, fin fang foom, algorithm march w/ninjas, girls on walls

4 years ago – broward and fed autostitch, visited kev, walkabout pictures with rastas and shirtless, tell-tale heart in street signs, overheard

5 years ago – spidey, weather, let them sing it for you, freddy vs gb

6 years ago – remembering the keys, overtime psa, comic books, workman’s comp, prostate cancer

7 years ago – newt in sink, bro gets viper fins sponsor, pesky security, badly drawn images on a bumpy road, punquin finds my 125 item list

8 years ago – Evil News, bad joke, crux, random journals, nice thing poll, designer’s lament, laptop space bar weird, hatt-baby, email plain text

9 years ago – Enjoyed the X-men movie, 1974 memory visiting Florida, reprint of Scooby & the occult, insomnia Geotarget

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