6480 Archives, Monkey-mouse sperm

Late Sunday Morning. Quiet, so far, and I’m in for the day, due to being on call.

Danny’s Wife supplemental – Yesterday, she basically said that all gay men are pedophiles.

Random fragment – I remember in the old days of gaming D&D that you could learn “Alignment Languages”. Everyone that was Chaotic Evil, for example, knew a common tongue…I’m not sure if it’s worse, but other folks could learn other alignment languages, too. (So, a Paladin, who was Lawful Good, could interrogate that Chaotic Evil orc) I don’t know it was inspired by Sauron’s Kiddies’ Black speech or not, but I thought it was interesting in theory, but dopey in practice.

Actually, alignments as a whole were a good springboard for how to play your characters… It narrowed life into nine handy slots on a 3×3 grid of good/neutral/evil on the X axis, and lawful / neutral/chaotic on the Y axis.

Alignment descriptions