7206 – Come down off that smokestack and eat

Monday morning.
Good Morning, Dear Journal! (via)

I’ve been really groggy these last few days… sleeping at odd hours, and stupefied like I was drugged. I’m going to have to re-plot my snooze schedule a bit, methinks.

Cool little game emulation Java app. I’m very impressed. I almost want to learn the bit myself.

Is February over already? Dang. So much for such a short month. Still not as traumatic as Feb ’04, so good for me.

Invisible crew this weekend. No sign of any of my favorite bipeds. No Danny, Dave, Kev or Mel answering the phone. Weekend walkabout was fun but only a few good photo-ops. Beautiful weather, at leas tot me. gray, overcast, never quite rained, but it was cool and comfortable.

Note to self – on one of the long weekends ahead, maybe visit the Bok Sanctuary. I was reminded of that after seeing Fushu Daiko at the Ren-fest? That’s an awesome group, but it seems more than a little bit out of place. That’s right, I went to the ren-fest after all. I got a comp, and a guilty reminder from Jen that I haven’t seen her almost since last year, so I off went.

Ing is mildly ren-anachronistic too, but you won’t see me complaining about her or her bare midriff either. An excellent hugger, to boot. She’s another “little sister”. I got awesome, lovely hugs from four people, and that totally made it worthwhile.

It was nice to see the RenFaeries, too. Foxi’s getting better looking every year… not sure how she does that. Maybe it’s because she’s letting her hair get long. I can’t believe they’ve been at it for nine years already!

I half-thought that I saw PamM in the crowd at the mud show, curiosity got the best of me, and I investigated. It wasn’t her, and I really don’t know what I would’ve said if it had been. “I thought it was you! Well, bye!” seems sort of rude. I’m sort f torn, I’d like to make up with her, but I really don’t think I want her in my life. We were really great friends at one point, and then it went poof, and then we were really great friends again, and then it went poof again.

The mud show cycled out the #3 performer again, and both washing wenches are different these days. No new material from either group in over 5 years. I guess the mud act is polished enough to make do with three standbys.

Thanks, sammykun for the link to this movie of larpers lightening bolting. (only seems to work in MSIE) He says its old, but I’ve never seen it.

Best use of mime “singalong” I’ve ever seen. I have newfound respect for the art.

I did not watch the Oscars. Don’t much care. I liked the Incredibles. Movies are only expensive TV shows these days, for the most part. I expect I’ll be doing a lot of scrolling during today’s journal-reads.

Today’s secret word is klaxon. Use it at least once in conversation.

UNUSUAL TECHNICAL IMAGES OF EQUIPMENT USED IN WORLD WAR II – featuring technical cutaway drawings of submarines, ships, aircraft and arms

I want this guy to be the stunt coordinator if they ever make a Captain America movie that doesn’t stink.

Writing on the Run – Easy, practical, inspiring ideas to make time and space for writing. I’m going to follow up with this. Really.

I’d like to co-author something with GrayPumpkin after his current project is done, and after I get the short story I’m currently working on spit-polished.

Moment of Lyric:

Do it like a robot to headspin to boogaloo
Took a few minutes to convince the average bug-a-boo
It’s ugly, like look at you! It’s a damn shame
Just remember All Caps when you spell the man name

Third Woman Sues Gorilla’s Caretakers Continue reading 7206 – Come down off that smokestack and eat

7205 – Be obsequious, purple, and clairvoyant.

Sunday, here again. Woke up at 4am… maybe I’ll try going back to bed after I switch the phones over.

If I gave a quarter to every person that asked me for money yesterday on my walk, I’d have handed out $4.75. That’s a lot of quarters, man.

The Awakening of Consciousness – pretty nifty cgi film… a fun mix of 2d/3d dev.

I think I still like the simplicity and music in Mr Scruff – Sweetsmoke better. Plus, it has pie.

Bro is in a maintenance program now… I don’t have a lot of faith in methadone clinics, but we’ll see what happens.

The ninja strikes silently, without warning. Like cobra. like.. the flu. The silent wind of doom blows with fury tonight. *whoosh*

Hmmm.. I was supposed to get together with EN yesterday, but I never heard from him. Maybe he meant next weekend.

Scheduled 2 more days off. 3/25 and 4/1. Stretching my time into tasty little long weekends. Coincidentally, that’s spring break, so I might get a chance to goof with Danny a bit on those days, too.

The creator of the BK commercial with the rewrite of Big Rock Candy Mountain will never find hobo’s paradise.

Moment of Lyric:

A garden is it’s own perfect world Where everything has a place
Every leaf, every stone, every speck of dirt. But where’s my place?

Assorted Photos from the week: Continue reading 7205 – Be obsequious, purple, and clairvoyant.

7203 – Random. Mildly confused, up since 4am.

So… they found the downside of Splenda

Some Mighty fine Superman Origin Comics.

GeoURL is back in action. URLs near me.

Test for text to speech phone post number 1. Hello, dear journal. This is very possibly the voice you’d hear if Newton ever decides to enter posts for me, in the event that Scotto is unable to do so himself. I hope that your day is going well. Peace, and I’ll be seeing you. (Charles alternate)

(note, I converted them from wav to mp3 to save bandwidth)

Text to speech engine. Good for scrambled ransom notes, maybe? Rich and Charles are my two favorite voices.

Random doodles done while I waited for breakfast-water to boil.

color circles
Even my abstracts are a little concrete.

little green buggy
I had an itch on my shoulder.. I imagined this was the cause. little green dust mite.

fooling with simulated transparencies

Hiring the A-team.

1 year ago – I’m a radioactive zombie, monkey hate clown!, got a $13.86 check, land mine detection flower, action figure art, desires in life poll, barbie prowler

2 years ago – pipe snag, Jim Rockford, Newt Vet, Movie idea, Pravda Headlines, I’m awesome, palm doodles

3 years ago – Star Wars Pants, spy-cow, Reizan, Scientists cross pigs with spinach, 1979,

4 years ago – lj comments burpy, Kitty love, monkey-news, Proposed Indian Names for Certain White People, Hatt-Baby, Twist Endings, ineffable, Bozo Matic, Callipygean, cool picture of a grasshopper, poetry is all in the format, In the Skin of the Lion

7202 – Don’t pass me by don’t make me cry don’t make me blue

Hmm.. that meme is making the rounds quite a bit. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen so far.

Here’s mine.

Ten Things I’ve Done That You Probably Haven’t

  1. Worked as the only male in an otherwise all-female environment in several jobs including my current gig, before RR arrived.
  2. Masqueraded as a cousin of my platonic roommate of the opposite sex so that her church wouldn’t cast her out.
  3. Filled rubber gloves with “El Scorcho” sauce and hung them serial-killer style in the walk-in freezer of my first job.
  4. Got a Scholarship to Ringling Brothers Clown College, but opted out for a more lucrative career.
  5. Held an enemy in place by clamping one hand on his neck, the other on his crotch, and threatened to feed him his own private parts if he didn’t leave my younger brother alone. My brother never found out about it. I think the words I used were “I will rip your nuts off, stomp ’em flat, and make you lick ’em off my shoes if you don’t cut that shit out.” I meant it, too.
  6. I convinced myself at an early age that since the human brain was made up of electrical impulses, and that an electromagnet is just a steady flow of electrons in one direction over a common core that I could magnetize my head if I just thought the right combination of memories and sensory inputs… like “remember that time at grandma’s house, while sniffing burnt toast and blinking your eyes really fast”
  7. I’ve been all male parts of a wedding ceremony except the groom and the priest. (ring bearer, usher, best man… even acted as “father” to give away the bride) (edit: as of 10/25/06, I’ve been the groom, too! :D)
  8. Alienated some good friends (broke the camel’s back with a poorly-chosen, but well-meaning comment), but made up after a decade of radio silence.
  9. Posted an average of over 4 entries a day since May 19, 2000. (I’ve slowed my pace to mostly only one or two a day, lately.)
  10. I’ve raised this little guy from when he was 3 weeks old. Still pretty dang cute for a 5-year old!

Liberated Games is dedicated to cataloging all full commercial games that have been liberated and made free in playable form to the public.

Not bad… They’ve got a few good ones in there.

Moment of Lyric:

I listen for your footsteps
Coming up the drive
Listen for your footsteps
But they don’t arrive
Waiting for your knock dear
On my old front door
I don’t hear it
Does it mean you don’t love me any more?

Justice League Office Space. Robin makes a good Samir. (via Everybody I know remotely interested in one or the other)

1 year ago – Bro drama, free music

2 years ago – fates, evil idea, doc trip, sorghum

3 years ago – mail, fonts, Celtic Religion – Knowledge base

4 years ago – Haiku, thoughts, flatus, dream fragment

7202 – Don't pass me by don't make me cry don't make me blue

Hmm.. that meme is making the rounds quite a bit. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen so far.

Here’s mine.

Ten Things I’ve Done That You Probably Haven’t

  1. Worked as the only male in an otherwise all-female environment in several jobs including my current gig, before RR arrived.
  2. Masqueraded as a cousin of my platonic roommate of the opposite sex so that her church wouldn’t cast her out.
  3. Filled rubber gloves with “El Scorcho” sauce and hung them serial-killer style in the walk-in freezer of my first job.
  4. Got a Scholarship to Ringling Brothers Clown College, but opted out for a more lucrative career.
  5. Held an enemy in place by clamping one hand on his neck, the other on his crotch, and threatened to feed him his own private parts if he didn’t leave my younger brother alone. My brother never found out about it. I think the words I used were “I will rip your nuts off, stomp ’em flat, and make you lick ’em off my shoes if you don’t cut that shit out.” I meant it, too.
  6. I convinced myself at an early age that since the human brain was made up of electrical impulses, and that an electromagnet is just a steady flow of electrons in one direction over a common core that I could magnetize my head if I just thought the right combination of memories and sensory inputs… like “remember that time at grandma’s house, while sniffing burnt toast and blinking your eyes really fast”
  7. I’ve been all male parts of a wedding ceremony except the groom and the priest. (ring bearer, usher, best man… even acted as “father” to give away the bride) (edit: as of 10/25/06, I’ve been the groom, too! :D)
  8. Alienated some good friends (broke the camel’s back with a poorly-chosen, but well-meaning comment), but made up after a decade of radio silence.
  9. Posted an average of over 4 entries a day since May 19, 2000. (I’ve slowed my pace to mostly only one or two a day, lately.)
  10. I’ve raised this little guy from when he was 3 weeks old. Still pretty dang cute for a 5-year old!

Liberated Games is dedicated to cataloging all full commercial games that have been liberated and made free in playable form to the public.

Not bad… They’ve got a few good ones in there.

Moment of Lyric:

I listen for your footsteps
Coming up the drive
Listen for your footsteps
But they don’t arrive
Waiting for your knock dear
On my old front door
I don’t hear it
Does it mean you don’t love me any more?

Justice League Office Space. Robin makes a good Samir. (via Everybody I know remotely interested in one or the other)

1 year ago – Bro drama, free music

2 years ago – fates, evil idea, doc trip, sorghum

3 years ago – mail, fonts, Celtic Religion – Knowledge base

4 years ago – Haiku, thoughts, flatus, dream fragment

7196 – Running a bit late

I overslept this morning… only the sunlight woke me. Not sure why I stayed in snooze-mode so long.

May be going to a get-together with Eric and his pals Saturday. We’ll see what the weekend brings.

How Paris Got Hacked?

The Gorilla cover Gallery. – “Welcome to the ultimate in gorilla cover obsession! These covers are a result of many hours of scouring the web (mostly Ebay on a twice or thrice weekly basis) and a lifetime of collecting that has focused on gorilla covers in the past year or two. The galleries have climbed over the 500 mark (whew!) and will likely cycle in new ones on a semi-regular basis. I think you will be hard pressed to find it’s equal anywhere!”

Sakes, it has really grown since I last visited.

1 year ago – Newt-beliefs, Police pay an unkind visit

2 years ago – fairy tales, country bears, lj poop, palm doodle, A Reading Rainbow of Prophesies, misc news

3 years ago – Tulpa-thoughts, L&B have the baby

4 years ago – one of my favorite bear piccies, hoogerbrugge, Haiku arena is founded, rough translations.

7195 – Humpty-hump-hump again.

I don’t know how I got my Movies from netflix yesterday, but get them I did. Fritz Lang’s “M”, and Anchorman. The third is coming from a different depot, and is expected by Saturday (probably Thursday)

I’m pretty distracted this morning… My mind isn’t settling on anything for a long enough duration to really think too closely or focus yet.

The is 4 years old. Remarkable. I’m delighted that something I created has thrived and survived so well. Often imitated, never duplicated.

Every Calvin & Hobbes. I wonder how long this’ll stay up before the comic Syndicate gets to it?

Maybe I’ll take photos of the apheresis tonight. I don’t recall taking any pictures there yet.

Overtown, Miami has a new website. I look forward to seeing it blossom.

1 year ago – Hating on Monday Meetings, Good Links for odd sound, I start giving away Itunes codes, bro screws up

2 years ago – Thinking about getting a hearse, dream edits, Streets of San Fransisco, Jim Rockford Answering Machine Archive

3 years ago – Went to ER over my back, Travel & Newt pictures, confluence

4 years ago – stomp furby, Pete & pete, got interviewed by The New Digital Reporter, How I define good/evil, the is born.

7193 – 1 down, 4 to go. until the weekend.

Went for sushi and walkies with Dan after work today. We wandered East on Broward blvd, and took in the tree-lined realm of Victoria Park. Nice evening.

Got a message from bro on the phone when I returned, I guess he’s not in the hospital after all. I’m left wondering if / hoping it was a wrong number.

I’m disappointed in you, Hunter. All you’ve been through, and you cut and run, *now*? No sense in crying over spilled milk, I guess. I hope you have found peace.

Interesting rework of Cadmus in the last JLU. I don’t like Prof Hamilton as a bad-ish guy. I also don’t know why an invulnerable Doomsday-type would wear boots. He doesn’t seem to be the type interested in fashion. It was nice to see Obsidian… I wonder if that Means Alan Scott will make an appearance with the JSA after all?

Moment of lyric:

I am no superman, I have no answers for you
I am no hero, oh, that’s for sure
But I do know one thing
Where you are is where I belong

I’m getting warmed up for Freedom Force vs the Third Reich. The Demo is now available. Kudos to them for releasing it in both standard download and bittorrent format!

I’ll be visiting Modforce soon enough, too.

is at 1786
is at 154
is at 10, 2 dead

Assorted Q&A

7191 – Cripes.. the weekend is gone already?

Got a Call Sunday Morning from Atlantic Shores Hospital, but no message. I tried to call back, and they wouldn’t give me any information. I suspect it was my brother getting into a program, but I don’t know why no message was left…and my bro probably wouldn’t call the work cell phone. I had a moment of panic.. I didn’t know the hospital, and since it was on the cell, I thought maybe Mel or Danny had been hurt somehow. Once they explained it wasn’t an emergency room, I calmed considerably.

I spent almost all of Sunday in the apartment… only left to take out the trash. I should make a point of more travels over the weekend. Playtime with the Newtster was a lot of fun, though. I spent far too much time surfing the net, too. I’d hoped to get with Dan today, but it wasn’t in the cards. I’ll see him after work today, though.

How Motherboards are made – A factory tour – via sammykun

The complete story of the Joker’s Utility belt. (approx 2MB of piccies) hooray for ! Also, the cork is explained.

Bah on GeoUrl for being so slow to reopen… I still have my coordinates in my journal from last time. I love finding websites that are also in my immediate vicinity.

Yet another 2-headed baby. – It looks like this one may be ok after the operation. color me morbid, but I wonder what will be done with the non-functional twin-growth?

I wonder how long before the Paris Hilton news breaks national networks? (warning, some of the tiny cam pics are not safe for work) A clever little doo-bee passed the news to me yesterday morning, via . Drudge broke the news about 2 hours or so later to the world at large. I love watching information spread like the outbreak of some sort of virus. If it’s a hoax, it has already spread like wildfire.

Downloading last weekend’s JLU. If Netflix and bittorrent keep up, I may not need cable at all pretty soon.

Watching my downloaded episodes of Angry Beavers makes me miss Ornj and the days when my bro was a bit healthier.

Side note –

The Natural Enemies of Beavers :

  • Bears
  • Wolves
  • Lion
  • Semi Truck
  • Speed Boats
  • Falling Trees
  • Icky Bugs
  • Fast Moving Rocks
  • Hat Makers
  • Bloodthirsty voles
  • Vicious Banana Slugs

Natural Enemies of Scotto:

  • Heavy Traffic near a crosswalk
  • Deadlines
  • Drama
  • Neckties
  • The Terribly Smug
  • Middlemen
  • Office Politics
  • Slippery Bathroom Floors
  • Money

Thanks to Beaucoup Kev for breaking the news to me that Essential Defenders is coming out! That, Iron Fist and Luke Cage… Now we’re talking!

Danny’s “fun-teach week” this year will be “Graphic Novels”. Focusing specifically on page layout and art styles. I’m hooking him up with some sample goods… Madman, Hellboy, Sandman, Justice League (Giffen’s stuff), Romita’s Hulk, and Green Lantern: Mosaic. That, along with Danny’s manga and other misc should give an entertaining variety for them to look at.

From: Pulp and Adventure Heroes

“Six-Gun Gorilla. Perhaps my favorite entry in this site, the Six-Gun Gorilla appeared in Adventure and Wizard in 1926 (I think). I do not know who created him. O’Neil was an actual gorilla, who had been trapped as a baby, brought to the States, and sold to Johnson, a Colorado prospector. Johnson, a kind man, treated O’Neil very well. He also taught O’Neil how to dig, fetch firewood, haul up buckets of water, cook, clean, and (oh dear) load and fire a revolver. Naturally, when Johnson is murdered for what he knows about “the great mother lode,” O’Neil ooks revenge. He straps on a bandoleer and two six-shooters and begins tracking the thieves across a hundred miles of Colorado mountains and badlands. He picks them off one by one, meanwhile discovering a talent for holding up stagecoaches and using them to chase fleeing gunmen. It’s all great fun, really.”

If I ever had to kill someone, even in self defense, I’d want to see the body committed to flame until it was ashed. I like a sense of completeness.

That said, I hope I never have to even wound anyone, let alone put the lights out for good.

Moment of Lyric:

pray for a man in the middle
one that talks like Doolittle
I believe
in Mr. Grieves

Click to enlarge my current icon:

Newt, Sunday Morning, 10am
Newt, Sunday Morning, 10am

1 year ago – Wishing for Dr. Feng Shui, Quit FFXI, Time out with Danny and his wife

2 years ago – DDoS on LJ, Friday five, Nordis is full of crap, parking spots pictures, The Groovenians = blah

3 years ago – robo-triffid, daily pictures, back hurting

4 years ago – Chariots of the Gods, reminders, Geocities stops hot links, my nesting instinct.

7190 – Lobsters growl when they hold star wars figures.

A river with a fear of heights… that’s almost interesting.

I almost went to the ren-fest yesterday, but then I remembered it’s expensive, and is mostly bleh, save for the mud show and renfaeries, which rock. Instead, I just sort of shuffled around and burned the soles of my sneakers walking.

I’m thinking of applying something like this or this to my new journal/website layout.

ganked from here.

I make my letter “o” in a clockwise circle, and my “e” starting with the center stroke, not the outside. I wonder if it’s because I’m left-handed?

Hm, No Gray’s Anatomy, but I got Soylent Green instead. Chuck Heston makes a good post-apocalypse leading man… this combined with Omega Man and Planet of the Apes proves it. Plus, in SG, he gets to smack Chuck Connors around like a rag doll (including a kick to the beans that lifted the Rifleman right off of the floor.) I can easily see New York or Miami suffering from that level of overcrowding in 20 years, certainly in the 50 from the time that SG was filmed. I also forgot: DICK VAN PATTEN IN CHARGE OF SUICIDE BOOTHS!

p.s. Soylent Green Tea Ice Cream is one of the best flavors at the best ice cream store in Miami, The Frieze. I’m overdue to head back there… the last time I had it was August 12, 2001.

How do I know? My journal is the only thing that comes up on a google search for Soylent Green Tea Ice Cream. Same goes for Yahoo.

More random glass tiles

7189 – I’m with the TPC.

Rats, the condo I was shopping for is pending sale. 😛

The Thin Man was excellent, as always. I’m glad that I had it sent out… I really dig Nick and Nora Charles. (Maybe why I like Elongated Man so much, when written properly.) William Powell just rocks… Richard Diamond is still my favorite incarnation of Powell’s Detectives… I like his Private Eyes a bit more over easy than hard-boiled. I’d guess that I have about forty or fifty radio episodes saved on the HD. He’s not a bad singer, either.

[edit: flying_blind rightfully corrected me… Richard Diamond was played by Dick Powell, another excellent performer.]

Pictures of Walls – I really like this one.

Blue Ice cubes? How degenerate!

I forgot how much the opening theme music to The President’s Analyst reminds me of the old Batman TV show, even while a man is knifed in the ribs. The rest is pretty wacky stuff, too. I’m amazed that it’s on DVD. It becomes superb once full blown paranoia sets in. I’m glad the music is the theatrical music, rather than the reworked vhs stuff.

Someone made the singing fountain into a geocache! I took an Italian coin, and left a hair tie with a little froggy-bead.

Moment of Lyric:

Well, a fake Jamaican took every last dime with a scam
It was worth it just to learn from sleight-of-hand
Bad news comes don’t you worry even when it lands
Good news will work its way to all them plans
We both got fired on the exactly the same day
Well we’ll float on good news is on the way

The Joker’s Utility Belt

7189 – I'm with the TPC.

Rats, the condo I was shopping for is pending sale. 😛

The Thin Man was excellent, as always. I’m glad that I had it sent out… I really dig Nick and Nora Charles. (Maybe why I like Elongated Man so much, when written properly.) William Powell just rocks… Richard Diamond is still my favorite incarnation of Powell’s Detectives… I like his Private Eyes a bit more over easy than hard-boiled. I’d guess that I have about forty or fifty radio episodes saved on the HD. He’s not a bad singer, either.

[edit: flying_blind rightfully corrected me… Richard Diamond was played by Dick Powell, another excellent performer.]

Pictures of Walls – I really like this one.

Blue Ice cubes? How degenerate!

I forgot how much the opening theme music to The President’s Analyst reminds me of the old Batman TV show, even while a man is knifed in the ribs. The rest is pretty wacky stuff, too. I’m amazed that it’s on DVD. It becomes superb once full blown paranoia sets in. I’m glad the music is the theatrical music, rather than the reworked vhs stuff.

Someone made the singing fountain into a geocache! I took an Italian coin, and left a hair tie with a little froggy-bead.

Moment of Lyric:

Well, a fake Jamaican took every last dime with a scam
It was worth it just to learn from sleight-of-hand
Bad news comes don’t you worry even when it lands
Good news will work its way to all them plans
We both got fired on the exactly the same day
Well we’ll float on good news is on the way

The Joker’s Utility Belt