7334 – I think it’s time to blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together… ok, 3, 2, 1.

If I had a paradox-proof time machine, I’d certainly want to see the dinosaurs first, even before Jesus, Hannibal or myself as a kid or later in life.

Especially a Triceratops.

Sometimes a little kid never grows up.

I could feel the moonlight on my skin before I fully awoke this morning.. too early for the sun to get me out of bed… well, I take that back.. moonlight is just reflected sunlight, after all. I’m counter to the mythology of most folk… I like the idea of the sun as mother, a giver of energy and life, and the moon being the father figure.. watching over you while you sleep, guiding you through the dark. The moon doesn’t seem feminine to me. I could see the sun as Masculine, but it seems more cheery and bright than scalding and oppressive. A smiley face, not a frowny-face.

Rerun, but I tripped over it again:

Video for William Shatner’s rendition of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Beautifully done.

Famous Last Words