7304 – What rhymes with Saturday?

Oona did well, understandably nervous. I think she’ll be fine once she unclenches just a bit.

The weather yesterday was beautiful! A shame I had to stay so close to HQ, but today will be better, once the afternoon rolls around.

D’s birthday is in a week. See what happens when you don’t clear out your memos? I notice she hasn’t added anything to her wish list since 2003.

More Walker Texas Ranger Clips not the best, but it’s nice to have a complete set. Nothing beats getting punched out in a bear trap, though.

Eight CDs to bring to the club today. I hope and trust that Mzk and Belle will enjoy ’em. Interesting that Jul didn’t ask for any… I’ll see where her tastes lie today, if she’s there.

Bulk License-Plate Scanning by Helicopter

Police in the UK have successfully tested a 160 MPH helicopter that can read license plates from as much as 2,000 feet in the air. The Eurocopter EC135 is equipped with a camera capable of scanning 5 cars every second. Essex Police Inspector Paul Moor told the Daily Star newspaper: “This is all about denying criminals the use of the road. Using a number plate recognition camera from the air means crooks will have nowhere to hide.”

The use of Automated Plate Number Recognition (ANPR) is growing. ANPR devices photograph vehicles and then use optical character recognition to extract license plate numbers and match them with any selected databases. The devices use infrared sensors to avoid the need for a flash and to operate in all weather conditions.

UK police also envision a national database that holds time and location data on every vehicle scanned. “This data warehouse would also hold ANPR reads and hits as a further source of vehicle intelligence, providing great benefits to major crime and terrorism enquiries,” a Home Office proposal explains.

The Amityville Horror is based on a true story. – Status: False. Duh.

1 year ago – Cheeburger Cheeburger w/Dan, Ella Enchanted, got dreamt about, LH started / CS trimmed down, Coh Reset, weird email correspondence with a person that thought I was some sort of pantheist.

2 years ago – JKG Job desc, Honda cog movie, walkabout palm art – thin lines

3 years ago – cube test, Dangerous labs, threebrain, work stuff (network names)

4 years ago – pulchritude, leitmotif, objectives. (sakes, is lappie 4 years old!?! at least it’s got windows 2000 rather than Me(h) on it now.)

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