
Cool stick bug on the house yesterday, photographed by @maximillian_deersteak , who called me over to enjoy it, too! It’s been years since I saw one! #stickbug #bugsofinstagram #🕹ī¸đŸœ #roanokeva https://www.instagram.com/p/CwFnH9IOJyJ/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==

ce n’est pas un chapeau

Harold discovers that his new bowler hat and apple are just a little too small for him to wear as a Margritte tribute. I may have to scale it up slightly. Not bad for a first attempt though. Back to the 3d printing millener.

Additionally, I think this may be the first time my mind has formed the phrase “I have to adjust the apple flange a bit”


#sistobrak #harold #3dprinting #magritte #apple #bowler #cenestpasunchapeau #glyos #modulartoys
#toyphotography #toymaker #bognar #battletribes #x1bambucarbon

Painted pig Aug 10 2023


Again, the painted pig was a mystery, a riddle wrapped in a concrete enigma. Today its body was a deep blue, like the abyssal depths of the ocean, and its hooves, eyes, snout and tail were gilded with gold. On its side, the letters TV + KW gleamed like a secret message, and opposite them, the cryptic HVHS 2024. I suspected this was the sign of the happy valley high school, a place where young minds are molded and ultimately corrupted by the system.

Was wearing one of my “old gods of Appalachia ” shirts on my walkies today, and a friendly face mentioned to me that they loved the podcast, and welcome to night vale back in the day.

I put them on the road to Uncanny County and King Falls AM , I hope they enjoy them as much as I did when I last dug in.

Can anyone recommend some podcasts in that style?

I also really enjoyed Archive 81, Our Fair city, Sayer, Magnus Archives and the Lost cat.

#paintedpig #salemtraditions #aug102023 #hvhs #happyvalleyhighschool

Journal of Extraordinary Phenomena: Greenway Excursion

Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Location: The Greenway

My footsteps echoed through the quantum lattice of reality as I embarked upon a peculiar sojourn along the Greenway. The world was a symphony of kaleidoscopic hues, each leaf a note, each rustling breeze a crescendo. The air itself was charged with narratives, interwoven tales that danced between dimensions.

Upon my path, I encountered a squirrel – or was it? Its eyes sparkled with cosmic secrets, and its chittering speech was an encoded message from a distant constellation. We conversed in riddles and revelations, bridging the gap between earthly and extraterrestrial tongues.

The asphalt beneath my feet pulsed with a strange energy, resonating with the thoughts of those who tread before me. I could hear the whisper of past conversations, a surreal auditory montage of laughter, tears, and whispered confessions. Was I walking a physical path, or traversing the corridors of time?

A portal manifested in the guise of a passerby. A common occurrence for some, but I recognized it as a rift in the fabric of reality. The traveler emanated an aura of forgotten dreams, carrying tales of forgotten futures. We exchanged a knowing glance – a bond forged through the recognition of our shared existence in multiple universes.

The flora itself seemed to communicate, leaves rustling in secret languages. The trees reached out with ethereal appendages, brushing my skin with tactile echoes of forgotten memories. I marveled at the organic internet of interconnectedness, each root a node, each leaf a pixel in Gaia’s grand display.

In the distance, a jogger moved with mathematical precision, tracing a fractal pattern across the landscape. Their path was a tapestry woven from the threads of chaos theory, an elegant equation written upon the canvas of spacetime. The observer became the observed, collapsing probability waves with every stride.

Time and space intertwined, collapsing and expanding like a cosmic accordion. My footsteps echoed not just in the present, but in timelines yet to be. The Greenway was a nexus, a crossroads where the ordinary and the extraordinary converged, transcending the boundaries of mundane reality.

As I concluded this unconventional sojourn, I couldn’t help but ponder the nature of perception and experience. The Greenway was not a mere path but a canvas upon which the universe painted its wildest tales. And I, a mere wanderer, was privy to the whispers of the cosmos, a participant in the eternal dialogue of existence.

Until the next page unfurls,

Happy plus 1

Pearl says Happy Belated International Cat day!

Photo by @maximillian_deersteak , who shares office space with Pearl most weekdays.

For the record, that black pad, pink toed foot is one of her rear legs. Her from paws are hugging it.

This little girl has amazing toes and whiskers, and loves making biscuits.

#misspearl #catsofinstagram #internationalcatday #tabbycatsofinstagram #stripedcatsofinstagram #august092023


Lieutenant James Montgomery Doohan of the Canadian Army. These photos were taken in England prior to the Allies’ D-Day invasion of France.

Doohan successfully led his unit off the beach after the initial landing. However that night, in an unfortunate friendly fire incident, while Doohan was performing post checks he was shot at by a nervous Canadian sentry Doohan was struck by six bullets, one of which severed the middle finger on his right hand.

#jimmydoohan #hero #friendlyfire