Testing a text to graph

a table for the public funding for the arts per capita for the top 25 countries by GDP per capita that have all data available. I used the data from the web search results to create this table:

| Country | GDP per capita (USD) | Public Funding for the Arts per capita (USD) | Source |
| — | — | — | — |
| Luxembourg | 135,605 | 47 | Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts Relief During the Pandemic? |
| Ireland | 112,248 | 123.70 | Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts Relief During the Pandemic? |
| Switzerland | 102,865 | 55.30 | Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts Relief During the Pandemic? |
| Norway | 99,266 | 98.90 | Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts Relief During the Pandemic? |
| United States | 63,416 | 6 | Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020 |
| Germany | 46,445 | 85 | Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020 |
| United Kingdom | 42,300 | 15 | Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020 |
| France | 40,494 | 47 | Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020 |

As you can see, Ireland has the highest public funding for the arts per capita among these eight countries, followed by Norway and Switzerland. The United States has the lowest public funding for the arts per capita among these eight countries, despite having the highest GDP per capita among them.

(1) Comparisons of Arts Funding in Selected Countries: Preliminary Findings. https://intranet.americansforthearts.org/sites/default/files/Comparisonsofartsfunding27Oct2005_0.pdf.
(2) Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts …. https://news.artnet.com/art-world/pandemic-culture-bailouts-1950985.
(3) Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020. https://www.giarts.org/public-funding-arts-and-culture-2020.

Day 17 – ghoul

Day 17 – ghoul

Ghouls are a toughie for me, because I like multiple things that count as ghouls in fiction and gaming. The Fallout series, H. P.  Lovecraft, GURPS, Edgar Allan Poe… They all have different takes.

I guess my mental version is close to most, a human flesh eating monster that lives mostly underground, mostly solitary life, considered hideous by people because of their diet and likely rough appearance. Likely have long fingernails, sharp teeth, but could possibly pass for a rough human in the shadows or with some sort of glamour.

I briefly played one in GURPS fantasy back in the day, but those guys didn’t usually kill their food, they just acted like buzzards and did cleanup on battlefields, areas ravaged by plague, and occasionally graveyards in times of peace and general good health, preferring the corpses to be a week old or so for optimum ghoul nutrition. I think the ghoul only stuck around for one play session or so, before either the caravan game sputtered out.

#drawlloween2023day17 #ghoul #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd17

Day 16, black lagoon

Day 16, black lagoon

Creech is likely my favorite universal monster. I can’t draw him without a model to look at, though, so I cheated and used one of my action figures, and a sticker I have as a guide.

I imagine the lagoon is quite lovely right now, with lots of leafy colors floating on top.

#drawlloween2023day16 #blacklagoon #inktober #creaturefromtheblacklagoon #creech #autumn #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd16

Creech before
Creech After

Day 15, reaper

Grim likes the seasonal change.

Even the Grim Reaper can appreciate the changing of the seasons, despite being a personified force of nature.

Perhaps because of it.

I like the smell of Autumn, as well as the colors. The sweet, slightly earthy scent of leafy decay an possibly a distant fire is something quite wonderful.

#drawlloween2023day15 #reaper #inktober #grimreaper #happy #thumbsup #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd15

Goth moth

Day 14 – Goth Moth

I wonder if I should had done the Mothra twin fairies in goth outfits, but my goth fashion sense and ability to draw sarongs is more than a little lacking.

Better to put smiley skulls and jackolanterns on an actual moth instead. I guess she could be flying around Gotham City, but it looks like Mill Mountain needs Gothra more today.

#drawlloween2023day14 #gothmoth #inktober #moth #goth #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd14


Day 13 – Frankenstein

All he wants is to plug in somewhere to charge up. Even a jump start would help!

I really think that Flattop Frank should look into some solar panels or something.

Random Scotto factoid – I was born the day that Boris Karloff died. I, too, bonk if my batteries get too low.

#drawlloween2023day13 #frankenstein #inktober #frankensteinsmonster #needajumpstart #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd13 #hungry #hangry

Day 12 – toad

Ol’  toad just kicking back with a good book under a tree on mill mountain. That’s the life, for sure.

Autumn here should be close to what he is experiencing fairly soon, colors here are beginning to change, with sugar maples and early plants leading the charge from green to gold, orange and red. The mountains here have little splashes of warmer colors here and there, but green still dominates at the moment.

#drawlloween2023day12 #toad #inktober #book #blueridgemountains #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd12

Day 11, webs

Day 11, webs

#The draft that I scrapped, after trying to do more shading and stuff.

I think I like the other one more overall, but maybe I should have kept the wrapped skellies rather than dropped bones? I think the hairy black spider is scarier than the albino white one.

Day 11 – web

A staple of fantasy literature and RPGs, giant, hairy spiders were generally one of my favorite side stories along the way of a quest. More frightening to me was that they are generally intelligent and capable of communicating with the sentient creatures they are about to eat. Generally, there is a smart big mama spider, the size of a SUV, and a horde of babies ranging in size from a baseball to a large dog.

Having to talk or fight your way out of being a meal is a nice underboss situation before getting some interesting treasure from the remains of a less fortunate adventurer, or at least spider venom to sell in town to potion makers (or if you are particularly anti-heroic, coat your weapon for future fights)

#drawlloween2023day11 #web #inktober #skeleton #skull #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd11


Day 10 – pumpkin

Scarecrow in the patch

The pumpkin is a symbol of many things, depending on the context and the culture. Some of the common meanings of the pumpkin are:

– Harvest and abundance: The pumpkin is a fruit that grows in the fall season, when many crops are ready to be harvested. The pumpkin is often large and heavy, and can provide a lot of food and seeds. It represents the bounty and prosperity of nature, and the gratitude and generosity of people who share their harvest with others.

– Transition and change: The pumpkin is also a symbol of the transition from summer to winter, from life to death, from light to darkness. The pumpkin is associated with Halloween, a festival that celebrates the thinning of the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead. The pumpkin is carved into a lantern, which represents the light that guides the spirits and wards off evil.

– Resilience and potential: The pumpkin is a symbol of resilience and potential, as it can grow in harsh conditions and produce many seeds. The pumpkin can also transform into different forms, such as pies, soups, breads, and decorations. It represents the ability to overcome challenges and create something new and beautiful.

#drawlloween2023day10 #pumpkin #inktober #scarecrow #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd10

Pearl attack!

Queue Jaws theme

This little beastie jumped up, slid across the table and grabbed my napkin while I was eating breakfast this morning. There was no saving the poor napkin, it was shredded by the time I could snap a picture and then kick her off the table. I love my little maniac daughter, even if she knows she isn’t allowed on the table. #misspearl #catstagram #catsofinstagram #tabbycatsofinstagram #stripedcatsofinstagram #maniac



Seeing as black lagoon is coming up later this month, why not go a little more tropical for today?

Some aspects of Scotto’s life in relation to the doodle: I have lived by the Atlantic Ocean most of my life, gone diving/ boating / fishing more than a few times and owned more than a couple of aquarium tanks in my day… but I would hardly consider myself a sailor or fisherman. Coastal life is definitely a vibe, but I am really digging the mountains, and rather prefer rivers and lakes to the bay or the sea.

Even bogs and swamps are more appealing to me, though snorkeling in clear water is a good time.

#drawlloween2023day9 #finfolk #inktober #fish #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd9

Botanical beasts

Doodle day 6, Botanical Beasts I have long loved muck monsters and plant creatures, but never could get the knack of drawing ol’ Carrot face or Swampy… Or Groot.

I went back to my roots of drawing and kept it simple, and just did a little mucky grass critter that would probably be happy to shamble around the back yard and nibble on anything you could toss in the compost bin.

I went back to my Ed Emberly training for the face and general good cheer. #drawlloween2023day6 #swamp #inktober #botanicalbeasts #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd6