Day 25 – horned

Off to serenade my sweetheart on our 17th anniversary! I love her so much, I hope she is ready for a little romantic melody on the euphonium! #drawlloween2023day25 #horned #cryptid #euphonium #baritone #selfie  #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle   #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd25

Day 24, nocturnal

Day 24 – nocturnal I anticipate my first encounter with a commonwealth racoon. I suppose I could have done an opossum or a skunk, both of which I have seen in person here, but perhaps this will be the charm to spot one of these bandits. (Pearl doesn’t quite count 100% as a racoon, despite the striped tail and clever late-night demeanor. ) #drawlloween2023day24 #nocturnal #racoon #jackolantern #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle  #graveyard #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd24