Day 31 – rest in peace

Day 31 – rest in peace

Last day of the challenge, and like so many things, it ends on boot hill.

For anyone who doesn’t think this is Halloween enough, remember that in the book, Dracula is defeated by being stabbed to death with a Bowie knife by a cowboy. 🙂

I’ve been hankering to play some red dead redemption again lately, it seems.

#drawlloween2023day31 #restinpeace #inktober    #roanokeva #doodle  #boothill #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd31 #skellington #graveyard

Day 30 – spooky scary skeletons

I’ve got sleepy stinky skeletons, spooky scary skellies, and silly screaming skellingtons.

#drawlloween2023day30 #spookyscaryskeletons #inktober    #roanokeva #doodle  #skeleton #skeletonsofinstagram #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd30 #skellington #skellies #skeletons

27 mythology

Day 27 – mythology I had a great copy of D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths as a kid, and I absolutely loved it. I asked Mrs Bear what the first thing she thought of when I said mythology, and she replied with Medusa. #drawlloween2023day27 #mythology #inktober   #roanokeva #doodle  #medusa #gorgon #greek #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd27

Day 26 – tower Not up to current code at all, yet still stands. (Both the zombie and the tower)

#drawlloween2023day26   #tower  #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle  #zombie #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd26

Day 25 – horned

Off to serenade my sweetheart on our 17th anniversary! I love her so much, I hope she is ready for a little romantic melody on the euphonium! #drawlloween2023day25 #horned #cryptid #euphonium #baritone #selfie  #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle   #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd25

Day 24, nocturnal

Day 24 – nocturnal I anticipate my first encounter with a commonwealth racoon. I suppose I could have done an opossum or a skunk, both of which I have seen in person here, but perhaps this will be the charm to spot one of these bandits. (Pearl doesn’t quite count 100% as a racoon, despite the striped tail and clever late-night demeanor. ) #drawlloween2023day24 #nocturnal #racoon #jackolantern #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle  #graveyard #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd24

Yokai Oni

Day 23 – Yokai

To quote M. Lucero –

“To define yōkai is like trying to reach out and grasp one: a slippery, ephemeral experience. They can be anything from ghosts to ogres, animal tricksters and shapeshifters, monsters to transformed humans, deities to diseases, even inanimate objects come to life. The folklore of yōkai is ancient, found in folktales and literature, in pop culture and old scrolls and woodblock prints. ”

Hard to pick a type of Yokai to go with in the end I went with what I think I know and did a very simplified Oni, because I figured most folks would be drawing foxes or haunted objects.

#drawlloween2023day23 #yokai #oni #selfie #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle   #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd23

Day 22 – magic

Chili is Autumn magic

Day 22 – magic

You know what is magic in Autumn? Chili. There is cornbread mix in the cupboard, we have beans and impossible burger, tomato sauce and all the seasoning we need, I think.

We have the little crock pot from the old house now, and the weather is getting cooler. Just used the fireplace for the first time yesterday, and it works very well. Got the house to 77⁰F/25⁰C in no time, from about  60⁰F/15⁰C! I was roasting, Mrs Bear and FIL Bear were pleased as punch.

MIL and I both coped with the heat a bit, but got to cool off on our little jaunt chasing the fall mountain colors and post monkey’s wedding sun shower rainbows over Tinker Mountain.

Some gold under that high tension power line?

#drawlloween2023day22 #magic  #selfie #chili #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle   #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd22

Day 21 – crow

No reference

My other favorite sort of bird aside from the previously mentioned owls, corvids! Crows are adorable, as are the cousins blue jays and ravens. I’ve wanted one as a companion animal for ages, though I imagine that I would spoil it terribly.

I inadvertently drew some earlier this year (day 10) because I did not look too far ahead, but I don’t feel too badly about it because they were just little guys, adding flavor to the pumpkin patch. It does mean that I will pass on drawing another scarecrow up close though. I had to cheat again and look at a few pictures though, because try as I might, they end up looking a bit like eagles if I don’t.

#drawlloween2023day21 #crow #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd21

Day 19 – Classic Horror

I asked Mrs Bear what she thought of when I said classic horror, and after we went back and forth a bit, settled on the invisible man.

Shown here is the before and after. I was sorely tempted to do only the after pic, but that seemed a bit like cheating.

Remember, the invisible man had the most in-movie deaths of all the classic universal monsters!

Other thoughts were Frankenstein (already done), the xenomorph (a challenge for another day, when I am not recovering from COVID and flu shots, and the Leshy (which is generally how I portray myself in doodles these days)

#drawlloween2023day19 #classichorror #invisibleman #beforeandafter #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd19

Day 18 – ominous owl


I absolutely love owls! Horned, snowy, burrow or macrame, I can’t get enough.

They are the mascot of one of my schools, go well with Merlin, Halloween, Doctor Mid-Nite, and the Watchmen. My favorite type of raptor, possibly my most admired sort of feathered friend. (Close fight with corvids)

I’ve seen them in both Florida and Maryland, heard them in Virginia and Georgia, and am hoping to spot some on the nature cameras sometime soon.

#drawlloween2023day18 #ominousowl #owl #ominous #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd18