Day 21 – crow

No reference

My other favorite sort of bird aside from the previously mentioned owls, corvids! Crows are adorable, as are the cousins blue jays and ravens. I’ve wanted one as a companion animal for ages, though I imagine that I would spoil it terribly.

I inadvertently drew some earlier this year (day 10) because I did not look too far ahead, but I don’t feel too badly about it because they were just little guys, adding flavor to the pumpkin patch. It does mean that I will pass on drawing another scarecrow up close though. I had to cheat again and look at a few pictures though, because try as I might, they end up looking a bit like eagles if I don’t.

#drawlloween2023day21 #crow #inktober   #autumn #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub
#mdwc23 #mdwcd21

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