7171 – Thursday.

Bro is talking about going back to Hawaii, or living off of disability someplace cheap. Wide dispersal of ideas.

Got my latest link income from the homepage.. they had me change the format a little, but no big deal. I’ve turned it around and sent it off to AmeriCares (as the last was put on Asha.) I can’t think of anyplace better to assist at the moment. For more info, see my bio page or this entry.

I plan to take my link earnings for charity and good works this year. Another in my “lazy-man helper” deals, like donating blood. No effort, and there’s at least a little bit of difference made. I’m not one for tithing, but I think helping proved charities is a good thing.

I miss CJ.

Dan’s school is getting Latin and Forensics (Debate) soon.

I talk to Mel at least once a day, usually twice. I think I’m her best friend. We’re still getting together for V-day.

Mirror Newt Pictures based on this piccie

https://pics.livejournal.com/scottobear/pic/00091785 https://pics.livejournal.com/scottobear/pic/00092th4

Apparently, my journal is #3 on yahoo for people looking for Continue reading 7171 – Thursday.

7167 – Kung hei fat choi

A fellow named Kerby once mentioned to me (not too long ago, in fact) “All problems are love problems.” He’s a smartie.

Happy Chinese New Year, Ash Wednesday and Tết Nguyên Ðán

Farewell Monkey. Hello, Rooster.

Yesterday flowed reasonably well, all things considered. Good things could still be ahead. I’m stymied and fragmented today, understandably so. There’s promise in the future, though we might have to trim a little scar tissue and work around a few things. Good stuff is worth a little work, so no worries.

Four cool Dolls.

Make a flower out of any URL. I have no idea how it decides what goes where.

I want to write a letter to a long lost friend and love. Maybe even mail it off.

The latest on that girl who allegedly had her mom murdered, then posted about it in her journal.

(glassdog broke the story, last thanksgiving.)

Machine Gun Vs Katana

via GrayPumpkin (he’s been spotting a lot of linkies lately!)

google maps is in beta, and has a lot of nifty ui elements. via wickenden

Helpless after his dad dies of illness, this man lives here with corpse for 10 years Continue reading 7167 – Kung hei fat choi

7165 – I’m reminded of those Mexican crows.

Woo! Lovely Birthday Prezzie came in the mail yesterday! Thanks mucho, kindly little doo-bee! I’ve been wanting to read it since I knew it was compiled in one volume.

My cable went out last night for about an hour. The house is a lot more quiet with no tv sounds in it, filling the background.

Bad juju yesterday. Monday, throughout. New moon today, maybe things will start fresh along with it.

Moment of Lyric – tacotacotacotacoaiaiaiaiaiaiaiai

Taco ninja has an awesome theme song. (via GrayPumpkin)

Anyone want to bring me a Kind Veggie Burrito with Falafel, or some “Nothing died for this chili” chili?

They also give out free condoms.

Wow, Ol’ Supes really is a jerk, isn’t he?

last bit of cemetery pictures in my lj gallery

More images from Sunday’s walkabout.

7165 – I'm reminded of those Mexican crows.

Woo! Lovely Birthday Prezzie came in the mail yesterday! Thanks mucho, kindly little doo-bee! I’ve been wanting to read it since I knew it was compiled in one volume.

My cable went out last night for about an hour. The house is a lot more quiet with no tv sounds in it, filling the background.

Bad juju yesterday. Monday, throughout. New moon today, maybe things will start fresh along with it.

Moment of Lyric – tacotacotacotacoaiaiaiaiaiaiaiai

Taco ninja has an awesome theme song. (via GrayPumpkin)

Anyone want to bring me a Kind Veggie Burrito with Falafel, or some “Nothing died for this chili” chili?

They also give out free condoms.

Wow, Ol’ Supes really is a jerk, isn’t he?

last bit of cemetery pictures in my lj gallery

More images from Sunday’s walkabout.

7162 – More walkabout piccies.

So, apparently some sort of important sporting event happened last night. Las Olas had huge projection TV screens running every few feet hours before the game was to start.

I figured it’d be a good time to go see House of Flying Daggers (click on the bold words for scotto-snaps at the movie) on the big screen at the local cineplex. I wasn’t the only one. There were approximately five people there besides myself.

While I was out on my Sunday walk, I discovered the latest hubbub from one of our resident artists. In the area around 2nd and Andrews, some enterprising person glued glass (or plexiglass) tiles to crosswalk signals. Hand painted face with the words “Robert did it” underneath. it looks like the face was drawn on first, then painted, and then some sort of bonding agent was applied, and then stuck to the metal crosswalk poles. It reminded me of leftyrok for some reason or another. I wonder if Robert is the same guy that did the blue bikes?

Hmm.. I didn’t realize that I’d gotten a picture of my shoe-toe in some of the ant pictures yesterday.

Cemetery Trip piccies #3 – Angels, demon, wind chimes and dead lumberjacks

smaller thumbnails this time

7160 – Welcome to the Dandelion Wishes Sugar Cookie Giraffe Club!

Something I noticed.. in Beetle juice, the waiting room is full of people that’ve been dead a long,time, and are stuck in the state they were in at death. (Smoker in bed charred, guy that got run over flat as a pancake.) I figure the main ghostly couple should’ve been wet the whole time. I also wonder where the Maitlands ended up when the cartoon started.

Speaking of Ghosts (thanks Disney, and Thurl.), the Walk I took at Evergreen was nice enough.

Yesterday, I walked over and under the New River, over a lesser canal twice, saw a very handsome black lab puppy, ate wheat thins and drank cold cold iced tea between six and twelve feet above an assortment of veterans, Freemasons, infants and people of the Jewish faith. Not to mention the unmarked graves of folks killed in a disastrous hurricane in 1926.

A few pictures from my trip

7155 – It’s getting better all the ti-yime.

Not in as much of a funk as yesterday, but I suspect that’s only because the weekend is on its way. I hope to make up for some lost time on last Wednesday. We shall see. I’m hoping for the best, but will be ready if it doesn’t happen.

All I want to do is go to work, and go home after, with as few bumps in the road as possible.

If Mel has to work on Sat (highly likely), then I’m going big time walkies. If not, I hope we can at have a little picnic out at the park. She’s going to be playing a lot of financial catch-up this coming week, I suspect. I may not see her at all this weekend, which is el gordo bummer grande with a side of feh.

Maybe I can get Danny to come out and play this weekend for a bit?

I was told not to peek at my wish list, and it’s *VERY* difficult to obey. I’m sure it’ll be worth it, because I really like everything on there. But, the little kid in me wants to know *NOW*!

I’ve always been pretty impatient when it comes to things like that. A variation on my incredible curiosity / nosiness.

Oldie, but a goodie, and nicely updated – Sleeping in airports -For travelers who are REALLY on a budget and are looking for a way to skim a few bucks off their travel expenses, why not consider sleeping in an airport? Many airports are actually better than local lodging. And to top it off – IT’S FREE! Your friends and family may look at you funny when you return with your airport stories, but that’s only part of the fun. So now, sit back….get out your travel itinerary and plan which airports you’re going to sleep in (or avoid altogether) during your next trip.

Fort Lauderdale Airport Looks pretty good! (as long as you have earplugs to sleep through the regular announcements)

Bigfoot 911 call

Plans for my walkies – Bring chilled oranges. yum. In the mood for those.

Forecast looks good!

  • Friday Night: Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower to mid 50s. North winds 15 to 20 mph in the evening decreasing to 10 to 15 mph after midnight.
  • Saturday: Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 70s. North winds 10 to 15 mph.
  • Saturday Night:Mostly clear. Lows in the 50s inland to near 60 at the coast. North winds 10 to 15 mph.
  • Sunday: Partly sunny. Highs in the mid 70s.
  • Sunday Night: Partly cloudy. A slight chance of showers. Lows in the upper 50s inland to the lower 60s at the coast.

Can’t beat those with a stick! Maybe it’s time to visit the coral castle?

Moment of Lyric

Steps off the curb
Stella Corona hopes for the best
To be home by sunset
Gotta be home by sunset

She asked me to give her a ride
She said she had to go
Dropped her off by the trism
Through the atmosphere by prism

1 year ago – 7 sins meme, hand-foot coordination, stood up for b-day dinner

2 years ago – dreams, haiku, Irish curses, random politeness factoid, more palm-cam pics, nice cards!

3 years ago – Moonflower haiku, bus rides, tulpa-folk, what do people see quiz (I like blackhellkat‘s answer.), miss cleo got in trubbah, quiet apartments

4 years ago – Snorks vs. Smurfs, recovering from sickies, lovey-loves, butch or femme.

7155 – It's getting better all the ti-yime.

Not in as much of a funk as yesterday, but I suspect that’s only because the weekend is on its way. I hope to make up for some lost time on last Wednesday. We shall see. I’m hoping for the best, but will be ready if it doesn’t happen.

All I want to do is go to work, and go home after, with as few bumps in the road as possible.

If Mel has to work on Sat (highly likely), then I’m going big time walkies. If not, I hope we can at have a little picnic out at the park. She’s going to be playing a lot of financial catch-up this coming week, I suspect. I may not see her at all this weekend, which is el gordo bummer grande with a side of feh.

Maybe I can get Danny to come out and play this weekend for a bit?

I was told not to peek at my wish list, and it’s *VERY* difficult to obey. I’m sure it’ll be worth it, because I really like everything on there. But, the little kid in me wants to know *NOW*!

I’ve always been pretty impatient when it comes to things like that. A variation on my incredible curiosity / nosiness.

Oldie, but a goodie, and nicely updated – Sleeping in airports -For travelers who are REALLY on a budget and are looking for a way to skim a few bucks off their travel expenses, why not consider sleeping in an airport? Many airports are actually better than local lodging. And to top it off – IT’S FREE! Your friends and family may look at you funny when you return with your airport stories, but that’s only part of the fun. So now, sit back….get out your travel itinerary and plan which airports you’re going to sleep in (or avoid altogether) during your next trip.

Fort Lauderdale Airport Looks pretty good! (as long as you have earplugs to sleep through the regular announcements)

Bigfoot 911 call

Plans for my walkies – Bring chilled oranges. yum. In the mood for those.

Forecast looks good!

  • Friday Night: Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower to mid 50s. North winds 15 to 20 mph in the evening decreasing to 10 to 15 mph after midnight.
  • Saturday: Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 70s. North winds 10 to 15 mph.
  • Saturday Night:Mostly clear. Lows in the 50s inland to near 60 at the coast. North winds 10 to 15 mph.
  • Sunday: Partly sunny. Highs in the mid 70s.
  • Sunday Night: Partly cloudy. A slight chance of showers. Lows in the upper 50s inland to the lower 60s at the coast.

Can’t beat those with a stick! Maybe it’s time to visit the coral castle?

Moment of Lyric

Steps off the curb
Stella Corona hopes for the best
To be home by sunset
Gotta be home by sunset

She asked me to give her a ride
She said she had to go
Dropped her off by the trism
Through the atmosphere by prism

1 year ago – 7 sins meme, hand-foot coordination, stood up for b-day dinner

2 years ago – dreams, haiku, Irish curses, random politeness factoid, more palm-cam pics, nice cards!

3 years ago – Moonflower haiku, bus rides, tulpa-folk, what do people see quiz (I like blackhellkat‘s answer.), miss cleo got in trubbah, quiet apartments

4 years ago – Snorks vs. Smurfs, recovering from sickies, lovey-loves, butch or femme.