Chris’ s final fishies . 3×3
Tag Archives: family
Tiny art on Mother’s day. One inch wood blocks, and 2×3 and 3×3 canvas
Tannenbaum 2013
RIP Virginia Randall, 88.
Goodbye, Grammy.
Virginia L. Randall
CROSSVILLE — Oct. 27, 1922 — Nov. 23, 2010
Viginia Lucille Randall, 88, of Crossville, passed away Nov. 23, 2010. Funeral services and interment will be held in Palm City, FL at Forest Hills Funeral Home and Memorial Gardens.
Mrs. Randall was born Oct. 27, 1922, in Lynn, MA, the daughter of Louis and Isabelle McDermott Manning.
After retiring as a secretary with the Raythen Company she moved to Crossville to the Lake Tansi Community.
Survivors include her son, Doug Randall and wife Teresa of Crossville, daughters, Linda Vita and husband Wilton of Deerfield Beach, FL and Dianne Cooper and husband Doug of Cambridge, IA; grandchildren, Scott VonBerg, Derek VonBerg, Inger Cooper, Kelly Patton, Doug Randall Jr. and Jeff Randall; great-grandchildren, Brittany Randall, Matthew Randall, Kory Randall, Kayla O’Brien, Jake O’Brien, Alyisa Patton, Amber Randall and Jayla VonBerg.
chinese food and train documentaries
10,149 – Wednesday
Happy St. Patty’s, Dear Journal!
Spring is becoming more and more evident every day.
I forgot to mention a few things yesterday, given the photo/video nature of my limited entry. Father in-law toddled off to New York this week, so BHK and I are playing cruise directors to the mother in law. BHK stopped at Ch’NaCa for a pair of #6 needles, and I finally used store credit and a gift card to pick up God Of War III and Wii Sports Resort.
Chris took us out to supper at 3 brothers pizza a salad and Sicilian style- half meatball for BHK the more omnivorous, and half mixed veggies for Chris and myself. We planned on doing a little minigolf, but it closed before we could get around to playing. Instead, the gang promptly headed home, and Chris enjoyed beating me at the sword “chop duel” game. BHK excels at Basketball / Archery , and my games of preference are the air combat and wake boarding. Golf is pretty keen, too.
BHK and I got a little wanderlust this morning, and went to take a peek at Aardvark… I was pleasantly surprised to see they were still open, though they’re moving at the end of the month, and stopping all video rentals – just comics & games now. Upside, we got a fistful of movies for $7 (~a buck each) –
- Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil
- Gormenghast (vol 1 & 2)
- Near Dark
- District B13
- Feast of All Saints pt1 & 2
- Night Watch – Extended
Not too bad – I’ve only ever seen the first and last of those films.
A, we went to Play’n’trade and I swapped some old controllers, software and $20ish for Infamous, Drake’s Fortune, and Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 (Games are buy two, get one free – basically I bought one, and got one on credit, and got one free.) Not sure if I’d go to PNT unless I had loot to swap out, but they do price match game stop, and take best buy / game stop gift cards! I’m pretty good for a *LOOOONG* time for PS3 console games.
I was pleasantly surprised to see Shaun and his sister there – I don’t thing we’d seen him since the polar bear swim… and we still have some of his stuff at the house. We made plans to play a little Ticket to Ride or Small World with them both sometime soon.
BHK got a little nibble to eat at the local fried chicken joint / Japanese grill – not as good as My Grill was up in Deale, but it was quite yummy and good-sized portions.
Came home, and picked up Chris – watched Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil while having a nibble of Chinese food. BHK had never seen the whole thing .. it makes me want to go back to Savannah (our Georgia journey pics are a bit out of whack, it seems there are a couple of FL pix in there, but most are properly tagged)
1 year ago – St. Patty ATW man pic, Adam & In-laws, out of whack, q&A
2 years ago – St. Pat’s, dinner with family, ww info, goat robot – needs lasers
3 years ago – St. Pat’s, the
4 years ago – st pats, snake son a plane, 4 things poll, lighter elements
5 years ago – Irish stuff, work, dog, hippie, writing
6 years ago – St Pats, Ordered CoH, email fixed, bro rant, work issues
7 years ago – St Pats, Purim, post #5490
8 years ago – many now-dead links, last sentence quiz, doctor, newt fetch
9 years ago – St Pats
10 years ago – Papal Apology
10,066 – Sunday – Happy birthday, Kat!
Brunch with BHK, In-laws, Adam, Dave Nelson, and Rorey – Adam made a heart-shaped biscuit for anna, who was absent (Adam is going to VA this afternoon to settle some court issues there)
No Snow today, but the bay is still nicely iced!
Visited Nailles a bit, chitty-chatted for a while
Big Kahuna when we got home – nearly to the end by now – our zoo animals haven’t given birth yet.
New fondness for the IT crowd TV show – nice mindless foolishness, with some of the boosh gang hanging about, too.
1 year ago – shots, bhk doc visit, Kat’s 3rd year ljing, dunwich horror, cookies, bhk’s coat arrives
2 years ago – plumber, kat bday, nutshell day
3 years ago – KC’s bday, moved a bit, dead and breakfast, hero quiz
4 years ago – illegal to annoy, esp poll 2, superkitty icon, yahoo-webjay, meme, sliders farewell, Japanese spidey full 1st episode, more silly quizzes, dinosaur/archosaur, family watchdog for sex preds, eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
5 years ago – Mel’s not fond of my music & helpful to caterpillar, OTR, evilcorp, FBI most wanted, long list meme, word use, that silly video, no conspiracy folks?
6 years ago – Blimp, bail, accents and the start of getting a mortgage, fog of war, newt pic
7 years ago – silly entendres, pygmy cannibals, pyramid mausoleum
8 years ago – gollum toys, prayer wheels, SOP, What’s he gots in his pocketses?, gollum poll
9 years ago – supes, lyrics, ghosting
Derek and Jayla – Mom and Wilton
9787 – Independence Day comes early to our neck of the woods.
Third of July. The twin beaches always celebrate a day early, because everyone likes to go to DC or someplace else for the 4th.
Andrew was looking dapper, and the fireworks were a-ok by me. we spent the day grilling – thankfully, it was cool and comfy at windward key. I grilled the dogs and etc, while bhk made a funfetti cake.
We played some Can’t stop, Huggermugger and of course, apples to apples. I was hoping for a little try at dictionary dabble (aka Balderdash, but dabble has much cooler pawns)
BHK took most of the Dock pics, I experimented a bit with the camera settings for the fireworks.
9727 – Thursday
DNA test came back, Bro is the father – Shannon (The Mother) is using, and there is a warrant out for her arrest. Greeeeat.
BHK in garden with Chris – Newton in here with me fuss with this and that… and watching movies.
We watched Crank – High Voltage and it is both ridiculous, offensive, violent and funny. I’m going to have to see the previous installment , now.
Going ot be a dagwood sammich dinner night soon… until later, dear journal!
1 year ago – picture with Pye waiting for the ledge, Pye tackled pic, SPicy Thai soup, what Mrs. MacGillicuddy saw, assorted pics from the day, snake in the yard, pmog, slo-mo punches to the face
2 years ago – voice post – testing the auto-transcribe, work, strangers with candy
3 years ago – birthday party for mental_circles, with pictures
4 years ago – creepy star wars moment, S.T.A., world view, making fiends #18
5 years ago – gmail trades, archive the dead, fruit pies, pirate, bro broke another straw
6 years ago – gamer purity, my buffy blasphemy, newt-grumpy/nosy, p/t, SOP
7 years ago – rainy, ashcroft snooping, what’s better, catgrass growing crazy, more pictures to repair, SOP, Lao-tze
8 years ago – bibelot, albedo, TV crushes, Dark Sun, Post to the net/privacy rant, enneagram, SOP, evil news, ‘hear, hear’
9 years ago – nuffin
9679 – Monday
Back to work – saw Franklin – he was very populare with a group of Asian tourists at the hotel. I got a moment to give him a little head-rub and visit before work, though.
Pleasant news of the day found my cousin Inger on facebook… amazing – last time I saw her, she was something like 7 years old – now she’s a college sophomore! I’m looking forward to reconnecting, and hearing what that neck of the family has been up to in the midwest.
Additionally, we bought $4 worth of scratchers after work – we won $7… $3 profit! We promptly squandered our earnings on diet soda and corn chips.. with a few pennies to spare!
Some issues happening at the Condo in Florida – we may lost our renters over it – I hope not, but we’ll see what goes down.
No news about Bro – he should be out of the pokey in about a month, Shannon and the Baby lately – I hope bro is ok – If the renters move out, I’m happy to give him the furniture at the condo to get started off again (a bed, dresser, futon, dining room table, some chairs, box o’ drawers w/ dishes & utensils, tv and tv stand.
BHK made taster veggie-brats & kraut for supper – I’m full as a tick.
Hitting the sack early – no tv tonight, maybe just a little book time before bed.
1 year ago – picnic in dunkirk park, sneades, beehive flag, USN band, Thursday’s good, Hacienda (BHK wins again!!), gaming
2 years ago – Friday the 13th, picture of me as hector hammond, talkers, palm doodle under the sea, eclairs, shocking cats
3 years ago – get together?, odds & ends mp3, reality settings, on call stuff, dr who remixes (& scooby doo), transit links
4 years ago – headhunter, dr who, hovering sombrero, little cowpoke didn’t take, Dworkin, Belle & Jen interested in remixed cds, ADP adds junk, KJ and Oona arrive.
5 years ago – easter afters, THC high enough to be considered hard drugs, rainy photo, leaping gnome scotto
6 years ago – bro issues, jkg, landlord
7 years ago – bigfoot research, local cams, lazy, SANTO!, Yellow pestilence, superhero movies, Bill & Ted
8 years ago – food & feelings, good friday, virtual om
9653- Wednesday
Bro’s girlfriend / possible mother to his kid Shannon has been found, and she and her baby are doing OK – Momster is distancing herself from the situation – and I think that’s a good thing.
Google voice – free phone goodies – – That sounds amazing… google… I hope you don’t turn too evil on me!
Ran a query to update about 20000 drivers for a client – amazing what a little snippet of code in the right place at the right time will do.
update driver_details set timestamp=’2009-03-18 20:10:00′
driver_details.MC_ACCT_NO = ‘**account number**’ AND
driver_details.DRV_TERMINATED_DT is null
That’ll earmark all the active users for that group and send an update file to everybody. Hooray for Triggers !
Chasing potential errors after, now. Seems to be working within parameters, save for one not splitting properly.
Chinese food from the Octagon tonight – this was try #2 – I suspect BHK’ll be leery of a third try, unless Little Panda or Grace’s are closed.
1 year ago – voice post, eating grapes, haiku, busy day, gaming with R/K/P, POTA, Will Smith Denies Scientology
2 years ago – Behind the Mask, Tigger Adopted!, whistle blowers get some clearance,
3 years ago – bethany, st patty plans sacked,
4 years ago – much work, webjay, Danny invite, George, potential condo piccies (many mock the pre-move decor)
5 years ago – Astronaut Jones, Square Bear, speak and spell, Frank R paul, I create an fdle syndicated lj
6 years ago – iwo jima in the rock garden, I start using jarhead, wish for peace
7 years ago – facemaker, cab stacking, poem tag, timeline, roles I’ve filled, cool bunker
8 years ago – cartoon logic that works, alice, I want tasty snack food, lone gunmen, workplace desires
9639 – Friday
BHK gave me a lift in to work this morning – let me sleep in an extra hour or so. I repay her by going over her accent on the way in – we were talking about someone’s "pen collection", and With BHK, Pin & Pen sound alike – and I had no context cues to work with. so I innocently asked if it was the writing implement or the sharp thing that pierces fabric.
That devolved into a Rosetta-stone style communication back and forth – She doesn’t pronounce the difference between pin or pen. Long story short, we just were silly and giggly on the ride in – perhaps you had to be there, dear journal.
[update – noonish]
Found out this afternoon that my brother’s girlfriend Shannon has had a relapse and has vanished with her baby (Bro’s daughter). Bro is still in prison for the next few months (out in May) – My Mom is understandably upset – had bonded some with the child and is looking into legal recourse. I really don’t think that they’ve even established paternity yet, so I doubt she has much to work with.
I am a bit cold about the whole thing – saw this coming (heck, I dealt with Derek’s bouts back and forth with rehab, and know how that whole deal works), but there is not a lot I can do for any of them.
She’s made a good decision not to pursue custody or guardianship or anything like that and I feel she made a good, if very difficult choice.
Tomorrow, BHK and I are attending the United Way Mardi Gras – we got comp tickets from the Maerten’s Gang!
We’re taking a limo, with the whole crew, and it’ll be like BHK and I are going to prom. I’m looking forward to it all!
Picnic at home night! BHK and I are going to have fun with a light supper of veggies, fruit and cheese … just lots of fun and relaxation – just what a Friday night should be! Starting in a little bit… until later, dear journal!
goes nicely with Instant Crickets ,sad trombone and instant rimshot .
Hmm.. I wonder if I will have time to make some paper dinosaurs this weekend? A triceratops , at least?
1 year ago – Bilvil, mental flicker vision, loco roco, chimpanzee have a speech center in the brain, 3 word meme
2 years ago – Taco dinner, bhk edit, relaxing at home, doggie videos, bhk marine museum article from 13 years ago
3 years ago – walkies at a carnival with pix, Yanni beats folks up,
4 years ago – ren-fest trip w/pictures, Things Other People Accomplished When They Were Your Age
5 years ago – Newt-vet pics, Carpathian undead, radar on chip, Aerial Recon Archives, exorcist in 30 secs (by bunnies), punctuation meme
6 years ago – Gali sends me fan mail from Israel, ape music in my mind
7 years ago – playing the numbers, the bolters, euphemism generator, lj-reflink-list. (including 6 degrees), being romantic, superman 2, magic item poll, street signs of the world
8 years ago – filepile, interview, SQL issues, Kung fu Oz, CJ & Herman – part 2
9555- Saturday
Got my allergy shots – down to only needing them every other week, now!
Still feeling yucky – took a nap today from 3-6 pm, and my crown feels a little loose. Maybe an infection under there is messing with me? Or maybe it’s the big dose of meds today.
In-laws came over, and we had tasty soup and sammiches. I’m still not eating much, but can certainly enjoy what I am eating.
After eats, we finally finished hanging the ornaments on the tree. All that is left now is to set up the train… and maybe a few fun bits of landscape. The green beaded string didn’t show up too well on the tree this year, so we strung our holiday cards over the living room window, and it looks sharp. I think we may do this in years to come.
The in-laws headed home a little while ago – they stopped out front of our house with the engine running, and called inside to let us know that Chris lost an earring – while we were looking for it, BHK heard yelling on the phone – it turns out a pedestrian walked up to the truck, opened the door, and then took off when Larry yelled at him.
Chris and Larry went home, but BHK got the guys description and called the police. I suspect it was a drunk looking for a ride – that’s still not the sort of thing you want to take place in your front yard. We talked to the sheriff, and they sent prowl cars around, but he didn’t turn up.
[EDIT – Later that evening, just up the street (about 5 blocks closer to the bay) –
"Dep. Daniel Deakins investigated a burglary to Nice and Fleazy Antiques on Bay Ave in North Beach on December 19 at 3:27 a.m. The unknown suspect(s) cause $1125 in damage. The business owner is conducting an inventory to determine exactly what was taken. Inquires regarding this burglary should be directed to Lt. Steven R. Jones at 410-535-1600 ext. 2462."
I wonder if it was the same guy?]
Still fatigued. If this doesn’t let up soon, I’m calling the doc to see what can be done.
1 year ago – Tannenbaum cam up, coming movies, found doug wu on friendster, tentacled decor
2 years ago – acim / td interaction, newt and pye begin to blend
3 years ago – new chinese, florida snowman, day 44 of compusa drama, shadowrun, weird food, uncle joe’s monkey-man army
4 years ago – I lift mel w/one hand, video hits, anagram santas workshop, john dee’s crystal ball stolen, christmas meme, baby theft
5 years ago – considering an upgrade, Nigerian magic is weak vs bullets
6 years ago – Ft. Laud facts, Antarctic Life, Muslim Roundup, Bro at his worst finds a stray cat, make a supervillian desktop
7 years ago – Bodyboarding on lava, McMummies, xp patch
8 years ago – Restless, Special Olympics cheaters, wondering about where my parts were pre-me, palm reading
9553 – Thursday
Thursday…just about done watching the first season of Dexter. It’s interesting, but I think the sister should’ve worked out the deal, long ago, no matter how well trained he might be, or her lack of curiosity.
Feeling a bit fatigued lately, but getting there. I need to send my brother a card or something, congratulating him on being a father, I guess. Somehow, I’m not feeling too festive about it. Ah well – I don’t even know if the little girl will carry his last name or not. Momster is elated about having a grandchild under any circumstances, which is a good attitude, I think. The baby is healthy and happy, as far as I know – can’t ask for much more than that!
Got our first holiday prezzies – Oranges and other citrus from folks in Florida, and an amazon box from Kev. BHK made sure that I did’nt see the invoice slip – He sent his gift wrapped, I neglected to put amazon wrap on the stuff we sent him – I hope my stuff makes it to Cuba in a timely way.
Tomorrow is the holiday party at the office – we’ll see how the terrible twosome of BHK and Scotto do at party games for gift card winnings!
1 year ago – started my minicity – (still doing ok, though neglected), icy footing, f’ing programming, tell me meme, my snazzy new custom sneakers
2 years ago – Dinner with C&D, Big Brain, xmas card, silly holiday lj toys
3 years ago – xmas card, condo xmas party, calm a llama down
4 years ago – salty seas, Christmas toy, year in review, celebrex, anime fans, con folk
5 years ago – trade invites for play $$, dreams
6 years ago – How to attain old age, got my epidural
7 years ago – Crime & Punishment, heterodox, evil news, HP question, pooter poop, bagpipe, egoboo, giant bee
8 years ago – met tarpo and isis, LJ sea Chantey, AOK-ing, Christmas Blues