Didn’t get the USN gig at PAX. So much for using SharePoint skills in regards to pilotless helicopters.
I wish I were joking about any of that statement. It looked really cool. Hire was done from inside… they really liked me and are seeking something else for my skill set.
Tag Archives: work
10,813 – Wednesday
Happy Midweek and Midmonth, Dear Journal. Another day, another 2¢.
Glad to be on the rails home. I’m chilly and tired, happy to be snuggled up in my homemade scarf. I’m feeling pretty good, though I am more than a little hungry… ready for dinner, for sure.
I was chasing phantoms much of the day today – phone meetings, web searches and inventory taking up the bulk of it. All of it useful, but very time-consuming. I’ve got more than a few meetings tomorrow morning, too – I have one user that is very itchy to get his version software in place – I get to teach him about repositories and more to the point, branching/merging. Ideally, this won’t be too much of a challenge, but I need to keep things focused and helpful.
Drunk Octopus wants to fight you, but I think you’re AOK.
Ah well.. I’m going to get back to reading my documentation – until later, dear journal!
On a semi-tangible tangent – I’ve got a feast of goodies landing on my PS3 and PC lately. Not sure when I’ll have time to play it all!
- Beta for Little Big Planet 2
- Beta for DC Universe Online
- Sam & Max – Free! 🙂
- Osmos
- Revenge of the Titans HIB
- Braid
- Cortex Command
The last 4 are via the humble bundle 2 – I got one for me, and another for Shaun W as Double-win Christmas Presents – Proceeds go to charity, and we get games!
Now playing: Irving Berlin – Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep)
Current Location: Red line Silver Spring to Fort Totten / Green line to Suitland / Love Cube to Home
on the bus…
testing out quickpress. not too tough via the phone.
a quick recap – did inventory catch up on saturday, had a moment of net loss at work on sunday from 11-3ish. apparently comcast isn`t the only dc area fail. (at least verizon was a sunday)
sunday dinner was a lot of circles with a few squares inside – cheese and crackers with in-laws, veggie shepherds pie, with homemade apple pie for dessert.
got lunged up a bit last night -cpap helped a lot, though.
slept from about 930pm to 5 this am.
fully enjoying xmas music now… close enough for it to make sense. lego advent calendar has been a lot of fun so far… blacksmith and a knight with assorted anvil and hammer equipment so far.
today should be a busy one… lots to do and review. talk to you later, dear journal!
lost passord in xp with repair disk
You can easily change or wipe out your Administrator password for free during a Windows XP Repair. Here’s how with a step-by-step description of the initial Repair process included for newbies.
1. Place your Windows XP CD in your cd-rom and start your computer (it’s assumed here that your XP CD is bootable – as it should be – and that you have your bios set to boot from CD)
2. Keep your eye on the screen messages for booting to your cd Typically, it will be “Press any key to boot from cd”
3. Once you get in, the first screen will indicate that Setup is inspecting your system and loading files.
4. When you get to the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to Setup Windows now
5. The Licensing Agreement comes next – Press F8 to accept it.
6. The next screen is the Setup screen which gives you the option to do a Repair.
It should read something like “If one of the following Windows XP installations is damaged, Setup can try to repair it”
Use the up and down arrow keys to select your XP installation (if you only have one, it should already be selected) and press R to begin the Repair process.
7. Let the Repair run. Setup will now check your disks and then start copying files which can take several minutes.
8. Shortly after the Copying Files stage, you will be required to reboot. (this will happen automatically – you will see a progress bar stating “Your computer will reboot in 15 seconds”
9. During the reboot, do not make the mistake of “pressing any key” to boot from the CD again! Setup will resume automatically with the standard billboard screens and you will notice Installing Windows is highlighted.
10. Keep your eye on the lower left hand side of the screen and when you see the Installing Devices progress bar, press SHIFT + F10. This is the security hole! A command console will now open up giving you the potential for wide access to your system.
11. At the prompt, type NUSRMGR.CPL and press Enter. Voila! You have just gained graphical access to your User Accounts in the Control Panel.
12. Now simply pick the account you need to change and remove or change your password as you prefer. If you want to log on without having to enter your new password, you can type control userpasswords2 at the prompt and choose to log on without being asked for password. After you’ve made your changes close the windows, exit the command box and continue on with the Repair (have your Product key handy).
13. Once the Repair is done, you will be able to log on with your new password (or without a password if you chose not to use one or if you chose not to be asked for a password). Your programs and personalized settings should remain intact.
I tested the above on Windows XP Pro with and without SP1 and also used this method in a real situation where someone could not remember their password and it worked like a charm to fix the problem. This security hole allows access to more than just user accounts. You can also access the Registry and Policy Editor, for example. And its gui access with mouse control. Of course, a Product Key will be needed to continue with the Repair after making the changes, but for anyone intent on gaining access to your system, this would be no problem.
And in case you are wondering, NO, you cannot cancel install after making the changes and expect to logon with your new password.
Canceling will just result in Setup resuming at bootup and your changes will be lost.
Ok, now that your logon problem is fixed, you should make a point to prevent it from ever happening again by creating a Password Reset Disk. This is a floppy disk you can use in the event you ever forget your log on password. It allows you to set a new password.
Here’s how to create one if your computer is NOT on a domain:
* Go to the Control Panel and open up User Accounts.
* Choose your account (under Pick An Account to Change) and under Related Tasks, click "Prevent a forgotten password".
* This will initiate a wizard.
* Click Next and then insert a blank formatted floppy disk into your A: drive.
* Click Next and enter your logon password in the password box.
* Click Next to begin the creation of your Password disk.
* Once completed, label and save the disk to a safe place
How to Log on to your PC Using Your Password Reset Disk
Start your computer and at the logon screen, click your user name and leave the password box blank or just type in anything. This will bring up a Logon Failure box and you will then see the option to use your Password Reset disk to create a new password. Click it which will initiate the Password Reset wizard. Insert your password reset disk into your floppy drive and follow the wizard which will let you choose a new password to use for your account.
Note: If your computer is part of a domain, the procedure for creating a password disk is different.
See here for step by step instructions: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;en-us;306214&
10,084 – Thursday
BHK has a new(ish) laptop – Windows 2000 machine, runs well, and quick – now we just have to bring all of the data over to it. (about 6 dvds)
Went to the job fair in Rockville- lots of good potential there… unfortunately, Sean was unable to make it – he’s sick with a bad cold. I really hope that he’s feeling better now, though.
After the fair, we sniffed around town – visited La Madeline and World Market. We picked up a number of goodies for valentines day gifts, and a few bowls and treats for ourselves.

Tiles from the restroom at La Madeline – learn French while you urinate! Also seen, an Element with a decepticon logo!
1 year ago – bidding on a new clie, fixing the element, calzones, heatbreak kid
2 years ago – BHK pizza, doodles, health-coughing/dentist, hulkout list, lego turns 50
3 years ago – pancakes, men in black, plumbing, chinese food, Janet in Bangladesh, B’day coming
4 years ago – bro vs caller ID, picard vs chunk, countdown meme, flitwick
5 years ago – caregiving mel, applelard announces birth, renoir song, photo of scotto landmarks, newt pic I love, Bosch toys
6 years ago – David Palmer of Jethro Tull converts to Dee Palmer, dabadaba, blob solution
7 years ago – Jell-O death masks, LJ layouts, random photos, Elagabulus
8 years ago – Took a day off With Danny (some non-gothic graveyard pictures), PattonBomb Talk, Giant photo of Newt in Evil Overlord Mode, bad spoonerism humor. First photo of Tinkle pig
9 years ago – Virus hoaxes, Rooting for the Ravens. Little dancing man
Entry 10,030 – Too many pictures, not enough words lately. 12/18/2009
I’ve been cheating quite a bit – I prefer to post verbal over visual content. I’ll admit that I like to see pictures of Christmas, family and the kitties as much as the next guy, but to me, a photograph with just a small caption is strangely silent, especially coming from me.
What have I been up to lately, dear journal? Let’s see.
On Wednesday, I went to a job fair in Northern Virginia… I’m thankful that my background allows me to qualify for a good clearance ranking. DC area seems to prefer folks with an ability to do so.
Yesterday, BHK, Chris and I went to the Mexico restaurant for supper – aside from that, I went to physical therapy and rested in bed with the boys. Tonight we’re scheduled to visit the Manspergers for some baked Ziti and good conversation – Sean has been very helpful, in helping me to seek out opportunities in this region.
I’m looking forward to a snowy day tomorrow. Supposed to be 12-20 inches in my neck of the woods!
Amy is coming to visit from the 26th to the 30th! Right on!
I’m digging the new statistics page for livejournal. Makes it easier to track hits than by hiding little sensors in each post, certainly. The “my guests” feature is especially engrossing – I never know so many flyby’s happened to old entries!
I’m glad the tv show lost is in it’s final season. I don’t hate the show… but I am tired of the hype. I watched the first season or so, and then stopped, when it occurred to me that they’d keep making shows as long as advertisers would pay to keep ‘em on the air, and not because there’s a solid plot going from beginning to end. I feel the same about Heroes, sadly. If there had been something more engaging than “what is the answer” and one I’d never get, I’d probably dig both of those shows.
Also, I think Blade should’ve been in Twilight, not Buffy.
New Years, I’m planning on doing the Polar bear plunge, unless my health isn’t into it. Current holiday loot breakdown – all of it wonderful!
- Mom and Wilton – Oranges, Honey and assorted grove goodness from Florida.
- Ish & company – a tin of yummy cookies, a picture of Newt drawn by Li’l bit, two wonderful tree ornaments – one says “we <3 u infinity”, and a pair of sea stars in beach gear and a great hand-done card, complete with glitter!
- Karen (Kev’s sis)– super friends Cartoon DVD (via Amazon… BHK and I didn’t recognize her married name, so it took me a sec to figure out who it was!)
- Cathy and Dave – Cookies! and three wrapped gifts to put under the tree!
Just a reminder to folks on Steam or Windows live gaming – I’m user Scottobear there (and just about everywhere else, too) – If you want to friend me there, please do! I’d love to do a little left 4 dead or borderlands with a pal. My official new year’s resolution for 2010 – do the yearly countdown daily again, if possible.
1 year ago – Dexter season 1, gifts from Kev, and the folks in Florida, tired but getting better,
2 years ago – started my minicity – (still doing ok, though neglected), icy footing, f’ing programming, tell me meme, my snazzy new custom sneakers
3 years ago – Dinner with C&D, Big Brain, Xmas card, silly holiday lj toys
4 years ago – Xmas card, condo Xmas party, calm a llama down
5 years ago – salty seas, Christmas toy, year in review, Celebrex, anime fans, con folk
6 years ago – trade invites for play $$, dreams
7 years ago – How to attain old age, got my epidural
8 years ago – Crime & Punishment, heterodox, evil news, HP question, pooter poop, bagpipe, egoboo, giant bee
9 years ago – met Tarpo (I still have the holiday mix cd) and Isis, LJ sea Chantey, AOK-ing, Christmas Blues
10 years ago – heat miser / snow miser song.
9992 – Thursday
This morning, We all made a dunkin’ donuts run and then saw Adam off to school. Got more than our share of “DD car / firdge magnets” – I may do some crafts with them later.
Adjusted Newtcam for a bigger pic – 640 x 480 now, rather than half that. . Just looked at the cam- I’m reflected in the window.
Interview for a system administrator gig tomorrow – If it goes well, I’ll get some good clearance as well as a good job. We’ll see. In any event, since it’s a government gig I shaved off the beard and ‘stache.
A little bit rainy today… best time to do my work research.
1 year ago – newtcam pyecam pix
2 years ago – office bird/window washer, ring o rama, knight rider xmas, dentist
3 years ago – Visiting Weez & Boop @ Sanibel
Pictures – Sanibel Island
4 years ago – grammy hospice, moving, ts gamma
Pictures – Storm Path
5 years ago – time goes, visitors, beard, music, walkies thoughts, gd on archive, weekend check-’em-outs
6 years ago – memes, rubber monsters, super heroes, pestered by CS, whistles, newtcam by skylight, mild MD drama
7 years ago – Haiku, Robert Culp, projects, bro lies to me
8 years ago – walking, TG pressures, Astley and his grey market goods, abc meme, morning move poll, misc news
9 years ago – gloating, monkey brains, Alton brown
10 years ago – Newt breaks 2 lbs
9991 – Last night and today – wednesday
Adam, BHK & Jungle Speed – played about 10 games, Adam pretty much dominated. I want to play it as an actual card game, now, though I like the jungle animal animations.
Test #1 – picture – Scotto as mr potato head
Testing pic links to flickr via windows live writer –
1 year ago – snowing – with pic5tr
2 years ago – lucky and unlucky stones, pye on a leash, hot peppers, newt and pye on video, autumn pix, honesty is, underbay bikes
3 years ago – frigate bird, fishing trip
pictures taken – fishing trip
4 years ago – prep to move in, newtie, tortie
pictures – hurricane pate
5 years ago – doodles, first penny, sodium party, fussy danny, BCfair, harry lampert RIP, journal fine, diana a celebration
6 years ago – Coffee, ghost towns, Grunt, growl & Tear, local cams, Zombie survival guide, Lego source, fun linkies, city stats, frankie wheedling, thai smiles
7 years ago – got a spine sucker after getting an epi, Freemasons, fezzes, slogans, first clues to undoing w/bro
8 years ago – meteors, taliban, mrblowup, broward county fair, Martian Manhunter Rehashed, sv tarot
9 years ago – Limb lopping, wonka, new ljstuff, hunter thompson, aok
9983 – Thursday
Growing my beard out again…. time for the "hunt for red october" look to keep my face protected from the elements that are coming. Oddly, Kathleen took today to do a mr potato head of my current beardo icon… serendipity?
Adam came over to visit last night. and we played a bit of dokopon before he was off to his church group meeting. No sign of andrew… he was going to come over for dinner, but double booked.
BHK and I continued playing a bit after Adam left and got some Papa John’s pizza, because it was too windy, cold and rainy to go out to the grocery store or the chinese place.
Today was mostly spent looking for work, watching tv, and shooting skags in borderlands. I did take a brief launch outside with neighbor Chris to swap his car for a loaner while the window got fixed…. BHK made some amazing ravioli and pink sauce for supper… full after one bowl, with plenty for tomorrow’s lunch and then some.
We finished watching Journeyman – it left on a high note, and I supect that it was cancelled just in time… our dvr is slowly draining of saved shows from 2007.
1 year ago – caveman voice post, johncon – gaming
2 years ago – a year away form acim, ninjas on the subway, meat, commodes, dining out, jimmy and amanda, veggie folk get picked on by chefs
3 years ago – grab a bagel and go!, swap shop, flushed away
4 years ago – poorhouse w/liz, monkey beer, gg mood theme,newt pics
5 years ago – bro issues, newtie love, lost, getting it,link sponsor
6 years ago – TG poll, paid links began, GP recovers, Twistyland
7 years ago – better living through chemistry, Jude Law a bad papa, French comics, wolfsonian
8 years ago – Evil news, EL Dildo Bandito!, went out with Dave & Cathi
9 years ago – Rush, Bee-man
9981 – Tuesday.
Mostly just working today – looking for a paying gig, reformatting Chris’s computer, a last ditch effort to reconstruct it. BHK is working on her projects upstairs, too. I have the added benefit of listening to the Craig Ferguson Audiobook – his voice is strangely calm, and I get a vibe of Shrek doing the reading, rather than that puppet guy on the tube.
Tonight, we’re doing quiche and asaragus – perfect for tonight’s meal.
Got our first check form our renters in florida deposited… I guess it’s official, now –we have renters. Just in time, too. It was getting pretty tight there for a moment.
I still can’t get over how it’s dark by 5:30 at night here…. Florida isn’t that far, latitude wise, is it? I suppose it is, given the change in weather, as well as the sunlight.
1 year ago – more about PT, TV, and some yummy cabbage soup!
2 years ago – voice post – waiting / digging MD, 10 things I really like,
3 years ago – Put in my notice at ACIM, many pictures, helped out at swensons, bruce moose / love cube, laser newt, beach us
- Pictures taken – PF Changs, Curious George, Weapons of Mass Destruction
4 years ago – saw Phoenix, mortgage, broward traffic lights post wilma, smarts quiz, newt fan mail
5 years ago – power out, Danny & the lions, wonder twins, network tools, adp off call, then repeals it, Florida mean to homeless
6 years ago – Comics, Local Events, silly joke. cancer bullet, Sea Monkeys, travels, programming thoughts, virtual schools, werewolf cult, phys therapy, vamp game, how lj works
7 years ago – steal this book, McDonalds Theory of War and Peace, "Big Books"
8 years ago – tortboy, tropicon, ken kesey passes away
9 years ago – fae friend gone
Forty years ago today, the first Sesame Street episode aired!
9858 – Monday in brief
Went to Verizon to get new phones, but that just didn’t happen. Too much “used car salesmanship” at that dealer- maybe we’ll go to another location. I’m due a phone upgrade. BHK, Chris and I have different approaches to the hard sell – I just don’t want to deal with them. Give me a soft soap, and no moroccan banter… just a bottom line, thanks.
Job Search is going pretty well this week already – Got a call for an interview on Friday.We’ll see how it goes!
Caught up my LJ – a little cheating, but I didn’t want to forget those items.
Writing project with Ray, Kat, Pam, Robert and others on a RPG / collaborative fiction idea. I’ll be interested in seeing where it goes.
1 year ago – apple and grape harvest pics, key covers, google docs psa
2 years ago – programming, freaky potato baby from the garden, true or not true, helpful coconuts, EST for autism?, mistress of spices
3 years ago – time flies, state plate icons, wedding plans, landscape, x365 project, newsdirectory, quiz thing
4 years ago – katrina good murder alibi, vampires in hurricanes, New Orleans issues, Warriors Urge, monkey squeeze, playmobil hellboy, gaming meme, interests meme, miami 3rd poorest city, condo vitals
5 years ago – Newt Blah-blah, note to M. Night Shyamalan, gmail as a file system, Critical Mass bicycle riders arrested, Hurricane Frances, 3 Musketeers, earache, FL. child-protection agency chief quits
6 years ago – Stubbed toe, bro & Danny, Hurricane Fabian, Newt Rejected as Governor of California, keywords
7 years ago – Lauper, new desk, Hot Wax Zombies On Wheels, mr fixit
8 years ago – mush, coterminous, newt-slob, vomit with dignity, barking, labor day
9 years ago – fun names/words, ufo, grumpy, underdog, africa, work, added by applelard
weds – 9835
joss sushi with adam and anna – annapolis – ice cream, georgetown job didn’t fly.
9797 – Tuesday
Library had a seminar on career counseling, BHK got some hints, and I tightened my resume to one page – I’m pretty pleased as to how it turned out. I really appreciate the help I got today. Much more accomplished than yesterday.
We spent the rest of the day (about 6 hours or so) working in the study room again – I’m really glad the library has such a solid internet, and a reservation policy. Also thankful ofr Panera next door, for lunch and dinner.
Happy 9th birthday, Newtcam! (That means Newt’ll be 10 in October!)
1 year ago – Inger a grownup, picture this, okra and 3 kinds of eggplant from the garden, mamihlapinatapai, zero effect added
2 years ago – college park – drove by looney labs, got chrononauts, nasty smoothie king, collector’s crypt, liberty books
3 years ago – rip webmonkey, skipping dragon*con, personal growth post recap, newt on porch pic
4 years ago – mp, kev, $, Rs, the love god mp3, update info about me, tag cloud, allergy
5 years ago – construction webbing, fonts, celebs, web cam fights crime
6 years ago – braced, zombie pumpkin fights, insanity script, insurance stupidity
7 years ago – dream about graypumpkin at the paint store, little people, domed 3d displays,great ape project, 28 things quiz, sue the teacher trend, mental comfort
8 years ago – cool mini or not, vatic, cool things about moving, smoothies, misc news, age poll, counter testing, chocolate bees, Victorian Sex Cry Generator, what’s for supper, coloring book concept germ
9 years ago – Newtcam’s own page posted
9796 – Monday
More library time, panera, and studying. I didn’t get as much accomplished today as I might have. I’ll do better tomorrow – polishing the resume to one page and keeping it tight, rather than the 3 pages it is now.
Tired now – watching some tv, and playing dokepon castle to unwind. BHK’s sample test is this weekend, so we’re on a time crunch.
1 year ago – invulnerable barefoot, abba never to perform together again, mooch neighbor, corn and dagwoods, movies to see, swarm of the snakehead, the host, cloverfield didn’t do it for me, danny saw some movies, u.s.s. constitution in Baltimore, Larry’s guns, pancakes, awning
2 years ago – I love local corn pic, beautiful foggy out, FF2 with BHK, DC train maps on google, skipped salem, the shield, note to anonymous commenter, atheists taking the lord’s name in vain, Zoroaster the Kitten, faith and democratic candidates
3 years ago – pirate quiz, pirates w/Dan, 61 questions, walkabout pics, bus stop self portrait, newtcam silly pic
4 years ago – bro visit, good exp games, Karl Rove a rat, mood settings, big ol’ Locust
5 years ago – perspective via work, kitty-bot, rain, diseases
6 years ago – Movies w/ danny, LED-suit, Lupin quiz, dinosaur haiku, new tv, LXG, html tests, ghoulishness
7 years ago – Ian McCracken, zork 404, branleur, got my bike
8 years ago – evil news, longueur, spoliation, space fungus, superstition poll, fri-13 reasoning, I’m Neutral Good
9 years ago – Traditional trolls, Catholics handy in a pinch
9793 – friday FREE THE EXPO ’67!
Back to the library today – only noon to five though, given the Saturday hours.
BHK put in a lot more steam than me – I toook a break midday for a stretch and a walk – picked up a flash drive to put sugar on a stick . Now we’re home, and I’m taking another break.
One of these question things – Haven’t done one in a bit.
From Christin – passing it along with my info-
Continue reading 9793 – friday FREE THE EXPO ’67!