The Hanging Rock Battlefield trail
( ) has a statue of George Morgan Jones, shown as a general here (an identical statue of him was torn down in his home city of Lynchburg, Virginia. it turns out he wasn’t a general, but a cook, so even that outfit he is wearing could be called “stolen valor” )
“George Morgan Jones was a philanthropist and former Civil War soldier. Though depicted in a Confederate general’s uniform, only achieved the rank of private in the commissary department of the Second Virginia Cavalry”
Surprising to me was that there was a lack of a United States of America flag to be seen anywhere within my view when I went there.
They did have the Confederate “Blood Stained Banner” and a blue one that I do not think that I have ever seen. Both are immaculately clean and well-maintained, like the entirety of the memorial.
From the description placard near the monument –
“Miss Mattie Garst died in 1960, she bequested the Hanging Rock and Buzzard’s Roost to the Virginia Division United Daughters of the Confederacy. She willed that this site be preserved as memorial to the brave soldiers who fought and died in the Battle of Hanging Rock on June 21, 1864. Miss Garst’s home was situated near the gap where Confederate Brig. General John McCausland fired on the artillery and supply wagons of Major General David Hunter’s U.S. Army.
On June 3, 1932, the Southern Cross Chapter No. 745 U.D.C. erected a monument on Route 311, memorializing the battle and the Confederate soldiers who died here. On June 21, 1964, the William Watts Chapter No. 809 dedicate a monument at the intersection of 1-81 and Route 419 commemorate the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Battle of Hanging Rock.”
Why the statue of George Morgan Jones, though?
#wtf #roanokeva #hangingrockbattlefieldtrail #hangingrock #stolenvalor #bloodstainedbanner #why #reallyniceparkthough