
Doodle day 5, Haunted. I did a graveyard yesterday, and my idea for a spooky mansion wasn’t coming together, so a haunted woods wins the day! Like me, this little phantom hasn’t seen any deer at night lately, and is wondering where they went, now that Autumn has come to the mountains. #drawlloween2023day5 #haunted #woods #inktober #ghost #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub #mdwc23 #mdwcd5


Pearl is pretty much a werecat. Don’t let the placid demeanor fool you, within her chest beats the heart of a predator.

Mind your lunar shapeshifters… Next full moon is Oct 28

#drawlloween2023day3 #werecat #misspearl #frenchfriesbeware #inktober #fullmoon #roanokeva #doodle #mabgravesdrawlloweenclub

Doodle day 2

Mrs and me watching 80s Disney movies, just relaxing and enjoying each other’s company.

Not shown here, malted milk balls and snuggles. Last night we watched an old episode of the wonderful world of Disney – legend of sleepy hollow and wind in the willows, and then the 1987 classic “Student Exchange”.

#drawlloween2023day2 #witch #inktober #october022023 #wonderfulworldofdisney #doodle #cryptid