Defy authority. Get really into a book from the 1800s. Watch shows that haven't aired in 40 years. Celebrate the anniversary of the Boston Molasses Flood. Become unmarketable.

Scottobear ( 2025-01-16T03:30:12.423Z

A historical black and white photograph capturing the aftermath of the Boston Molasses Disaster in 1919. The image shows the devastating destruction caused by a collapsed molasses tank, with debris scattered across the area.

Defy authority. Get really into a book from the 1800s. Watch shows that haven’t aired in 40 years. Celebrate the anniversary of the Boston Molasses Flood. Become unmarketable.

Happy Wednesday

Day 20,436

I generally picture his body type as being on the lean side, but muscular, like Jeff Goldblum when he was in The Fly, rather than the bulky bodybuilders that seem to portray the assorted  Hawks in live action media.

#art #doodle #hawkman #thanagar #katarhol #carterhall #dccomics

Hawkman – a highly underrated superhero with a winged harness, red trunks and boots, and a helmet that looks like a winged bird head, including a beak. He is flying upward, carrying a knobby-headed mace that looks like it would do a real Gallagher on a bad guy’s melon head.