Soooo…. groundhog day is the opposite of christmas in bizarro world?
from “Puzzle of the Wild World!” in Action Comics #388 (DC/National, May 1970), script by Cary Bates, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by George Roussos, letters by John Costanza

Soooo…. groundhog day is the opposite of christmas in bizarro world?
from “Puzzle of the Wild World!” in Action Comics #388 (DC/National, May 1970), script by Cary Bates, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by George Roussos, letters by John Costanza
Happy Groundhog Day and Daimon Hellstrom’s birthday, too!
Also Imbolc and Candlemas!
#groundhogday #sonofsatan
#doodle #art #imbolc #candlemas
Happy birthday to me!