Daily Archives: November 13, 2001
Nov 13 2001
Back from walkies… freshly showered and shaved, teeth brushed, all happy and clean.
Roamed around the air park ring instead of up to the beach today, despite the ring having a little construction. One for the things I love to see out there is the Goodyear blimp…airships are really a wonderful part of what I enjoy about living here. (There’s only four Goodyear blimps flying anymore…the others are in Ohio, California, and brazil). Beautiful weather out… not quite crisp, but cool and invigorating… just what I needed to get moving. Only a few clouds in the sky, along with the blimp taking off… it’s great to see the thing launching…takes off at almost a 45 degree angle.
The picture there is of the blimp over Pompano Beach, actually.
Traffic seems to be picking up…I suspect “snow bird” season is almost upon us… more cars with New York and Canada plates on them tooling around. I’ll be interested in seeing how many folks decide to come down with all the travel panic… the homeless population pops up too, in the winter months, as vagrants head to more tolerable climates for outdoor living. Tent city isn’t around anymore, so more will be going under bridges, and on the beaches again, like before. I am glad that homelessness isn’t a crime here now…the police just send them to social services instead of lockup. They used to do “bum sweeps” along the beach at 4 in the morning (at a time when I was homeless for a month) to find folks, and arrest them for trespassing…
When thanksgiving comes, I *dare* you to tell me you have nothing to be thankful for, if you have a roof over your head and a meal in your belly even once a day.
Bellyaching over the inconvenience of LJ being down seems a little silly when you see someone that doesn’t even have a place to safely sleep at night.
a year ago today – posting a picture from an old comic book generates nearly 100 replies… also, it’s been a year that Robb’s moved to Seattle… that marked the final nail in the coffin for EMAGE. I still chat with him now and then on AIM… I’m about due to again. 🙂
Protected: More thoughts on EOWM, and the illuminati. keep that eye outta my triangle!
They’re working my poor sweetie to the bone where she’s at. I’m going to have to do something extra special nice to help her relax and feel good tonight. hmm…
Back from walkies… freshly showered and shaved, teeth brushed, all happy and clean.
Roamed around the air park ring instead of up to the beach today, despite the ring having a little construction. One for the things I love to see out there is the Goodyear blimp…airships are really a wonderful part of what I enjoy about living here. (There’s only four Goodyear blimps flying anymore…the others are in Ohio, California, and brazil). Beautiful weather out… not quite crisp, but cool and invigorating… just what I needed to get moving. Only a few clouds in the sky, along with the blimp taking off… it’s great to see the thing launching…takes off at almost a 45 degree angle.
The picture there is of the blimp over Pompano Beach, actually.
Traffic seems to be picking up…I suspect “snow bird” season is almost upon us… more cars with New York and Canada plates on them tooling around. I’ll be interested in seeing how many folks decide to come down with all the travel panic… the homeless population pops up too, in the winter months, as vagrants head to more tolerable climates for outdoor living. Tent city isn’t around anymore, so more will be going under bridges, and on the beaches again, like before. I am glad that homelessness isn’t a crime here now…the police just send them to social services instead of lockup. They used to do “bum sweeps” along the beach at 4 in the morning (at a time when I was homeless for a month) to find folks, and arrest them for trespassing…
When thanksgiving comes, I *dare* you to tell me you have nothing to be thankful for, if you have a roof over your head and a meal in your belly even once a day.
Bellyaching over the inconvenience of LJ being down seems a little silly when you see someone that doesn’t even have a place to safely sleep at night.
a year ago today – posting a picture from an old comic book generates nearly 100 replies… also, it’s been a year that Robb’s moved to Seattle… that marked the final nail in the coffin for EMAGE. I still chat with him now and then on AIM… I’m about due to again. 🙂
rodomontade & singularity
rodomontade (rod-uh-muhn-TADE; roh-duh-; -TAHD), noun:
Vain boasting; empty bluster; pretentious, bragging speech; rant.
Rodomontade comes from Italian rodomontada, from Rodomonte, a great yet boastful warrior king in Italian epics of the late 15th – early 16th centuries. At root the name means “roller-away of mountains,” from the Italian dialect rodare, “to roll away” (from Latin rota, “wheel”) + Italian monte, “mountain” (from Latin mons).
and for the math fans…
singularity (sing-gyuh-LAR-i-tee) noun
1. Something that is distinctive, unusual, or remarkable.
2. A unique quality.
3. Mathematics: A point at which a complex function is undefined, one where no derivative exists but the neighborhood of which contains point where the derivative exists. Also known as a singular point.
4. Astrophysics: A point or region where gravitation forces cause space and time to be infinitely distorted and matter to be infinitely compressed — the state of matter falling into a black hole.
[From Late Latin singularitas.]
rodomontade & singularity
rodomontade (rod-uh-muhn-TADE; roh-duh-; -TAHD), noun:
Vain boasting; empty bluster; pretentious, bragging speech; rant.
Rodomontade comes from Italian rodomontada, from Rodomonte, a great yet boastful warrior king in Italian epics of the late 15th – early 16th centuries. At root the name means “roller-away of mountains,” from the Italian dialect rodare, “to roll away” (from Latin rota, “wheel”) + Italian monte, “mountain” (from Latin mons).
and for the math fans…
singularity (sing-gyuh-LAR-i-tee) noun
1. Something that is distinctive, unusual, or remarkable.
2. A unique quality.
3. Mathematics: A point at which a complex function is undefined, one where no derivative exists but the neighborhood of which contains point where the derivative exists. Also known as a singular point.
4. Astrophysics: A point or region where gravitation forces cause space and time to be infinitely distorted and matter to be infinitely compressed — the state of matter falling into a black hole.
[From Late Latin singularitas.]
Good Morning!
Resynching my sleep schedule. 🙂
I dreamt last night that I was on a ship, bound for Antarctica…snow falling into the sea, ice floes occasionally bouncing off of the hull. There was some sort of castle and lighthouse on the shore (nothing like that in this reality, as far as I know of.) My sweetheart was with me, and the sea was very calm. We were both going to work in the keep there… in different offices, but close enough to have lunch together. (For some reason, that was what we were talking about.. going to a nice place to eat once we had arrived…and no, her job wasn’t that of a saucy dance hall chanteuse…that’s just a hobby.)
I don’t know if it has any connection to sleep time, but I’m wanting a fresh blueberry muffin and coffee for breakfast…I’m settling for some earl gray tea, corn flakes, and hot buttered toast with strawberry preserves. Nummy!
Hey! Freakazoid is on at 5:30 am! I’d forgotten about that!