9746 – weds

Not sure If I’ve mentioned this yet – but even if the new Land of the Lost movie totally stinks (which I doubt), I’m betting I’ll get a cool sleestak toy out of it being produced.

Pretty straightforward day – Back was hassling me qite a bit, but we managed to get groceries and hit the post office –

dinner of spaghetti and veggie meatballs… and asparagus / garden broccoli in rice wine vinegar and garlic. fantastic! Good feed for whiel we watched "so you think you can dance"

got tagged by eryx – anyone who wants to, consider yourself tagged.

65 Questions You’ve Probably Never Been Asked…you know the rules. tag people in this note (including the person who tagged you!) to learn more about people. Also, try to tag people who you’ve tagged in other notes, sometimes you learn things in new notes that you didn’t know before about them…….
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