My Daily Twitters

Just a few bits o’ twitter –

  • 00:08 My Daily Twitters: Just a few bits o’ twitter -10:45 downsized_0504001026.jpg: downsized_0504001026.jpg, original… #
  • 14:52 50 yr old neighbor had a heart attack while being rushed to the hospital after breaking up a dogfight. #
  • 14:54 Happy #CincoDeMayo! #
  • 14:55 I’m the #typeofperson that puts family before himself. #
  • 15:02 Hooray! Horizontal DNA transfer! Enjoy your bug genes, humans!!! #transposons #
  • 15:22 Off to Ch’Naca fiberworks
    tonight for knitting with BHK. She made quiche! #
  • 15:26 I liked a YouTube video — The Fastest and Funniest LEGO Star Wars story ever told #
  • 15:36 @ldy I’m surprised you remember the lava floor bits! #
  • 15:37 @dlaffler… dang earache turned into a durn earache… now it’s just a darn earache! #
  • 15:44 I’m still a little nervous about Brightest Day’s "White Power Rings" #
  • 16:36 From @engadget: #
  • 20:11 0505001942.jpg: 0505001942.jpg, originally uploaded by scottobear. nancy using a navajo spindleThis message h… #

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0505001942.jpg, originally uploaded by scottobear.

chnaca nancy using a navajo spindle

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