Just a few bits o’ twitter –
- 00:05 My Daily Twitters: Just a few bits o’ twitter -23:59 My Daily Twitters: Just a few bits o’ twitter -00:08 My Daily… #
- 10:46 saw two squirrels making sweet love on the fence this morning.. fun way to start the day! #
- 10:47 newton yawns!
twitpic.com/1ls17b # - 11:15 @mizkellie I wonder what sam is up to now? #
- 18:10 Only 3 days left to pay what you want for the Humble Indie Bundle! j.mp/9WtdAm #
- 20:01 came within an inch of breaking my back just now – tripped in the yard #
- 20:04 watching chnaca tomorrow – somehow, i suspect bhk will be the biggest customer #
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