Quarantine social isolation day 206

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Quarantine social isolation day 206 Less Swampwalk, more block walk. Saw some lovely jack-o’-lantern shrooms seen on a quickie stroll to bring smoked salmon to our neighbor KU, a result of our getting the wrong farm box delivery. No chocolate covered pretzels pieces, and instead we got some bland crackers, spelt brick, and some assorted veg that were fine. Chitchatted with KU briefly, then continued on our way. Critters spotted, a flock of tiny songbirds, 2 squirrels, KUs window cat Birdie, a beautiful little gray cat with white socks and tail tip, who looked like a little tough guy. Additional, we might have a bird nest in in our front bush on the east corner. One neighbor is either a dog collector or a pet sitter, with 2 beagles, a white toy mutt, a chihuahua and a bulldog all running rowdy and barking as we walked past the fence. Good dogs, they went silent as we passed the property. Senior human walking a little long hair dachshund pooch, no mask, but had an illuminati tattoo on her neck. Blonde guy on another walk kept his distance too, also no mask. Autumn continues to slowly roll into the neighborhood, more crunchy yellow and brown leaves on the ground and the odd tree is showing a little red or gold too. For future ref- this is the week after the first 45|Biden debate, and then 45 was briefly hospitalized for covid-19. I will be interested in seeing what unfolds at the election in less than a month. Mrs and I sent our ballots in the day before yesterday, and please let my hopes triumph over my expectations. #walkies #streamofthought #bogsafari #ivoted🇺🇸