Sunday, September 24, 2023

Orange icing is a favorite.

@maximillian_deersteak made cinnamon rolls with orange icing this morning! Always a welcome start to the day. 😍

Weather is cool enough to open the windows, about 72F. Pearl had a good time watching the blue jays squawk outside, tuckered herself out, and is now lounging on the papasan chair in the red room, having a little snooze.

Watched the first episode of taskmaster series 16 last night, and it’s off to a good start. Glad they put episodes on YouTube for folks in the USA a day after it airs on the BBC. It saves on having to resort to more nefarious methods.

Looking forward to getting back into 3d printing stuff once I am able, but glad that I can at least fingerpaint here and there in the meantime.

Off to take a Sunday nap to rest, until later dear journal.

#doodle #journal #autumn #september242023 #taskmaster #omnomnom #cryptid