a table for the public funding for the arts per capita for the top 25 countries by GDP per capita that have all data available. I used the data from the web search results to create this table:
| Country | GDP per capita (USD) | Public Funding for the Arts per capita (USD) | Source |
| — | — | — | — |
| Luxembourg | 135,605 | 47 | Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts Relief During the Pandemic? |
| Ireland | 112,248 | 123.70 | Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts Relief During the Pandemic? |
| Switzerland | 102,865 | 55.30 | Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts Relief During the Pandemic? |
| Norway | 99,266 | 98.90 | Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts Relief During the Pandemic? |
| United States | 63,416 | 6 | Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020 |
| Germany | 46,445 | 85 | Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020 |
| United Kingdom | 42,300 | 15 | Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020 |
| France | 40,494 | 47 | Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020 |
As you can see, Ireland has the highest public funding for the arts per capita among these eight countries, followed by Norway and Switzerland. The United States has the lowest public funding for the arts per capita among these eight countries, despite having the highest GDP per capita among them.
(1) Comparisons of Arts Funding in Selected Countries: Preliminary Findings. https://intranet.americansforthearts.org/sites/default/files/Comparisonsofartsfunding27Oct2005_0.pdf.
(2) Data Visualization: Which Country Has Dedicated the Most Money to Arts …. https://news.artnet.com/art-world/pandemic-culture-bailouts-1950985.
(3) Public Funding for Arts and Culture in 2020. https://www.giarts.org/public-funding-arts-and-culture-2020.