From rgladiator… a lovely way to urinate on spammers.

wpoison – a nifty little cgi program to kick spammers in the nards. if you don’t know, or can’t use cgi, they welcome you to link to theirs.

I made it inside the house *just* in time to avoid the storm. Yay! It’s coming down pretty nicely now… it was sprinkling earlier, but the ride home was dry. A good test of the bike’s splashguards. There are a zillion tiny frogs jumping around near the alyssum on the east side of my place. I thought that they were bugs at first… literally the size of large ladybugs.

Random Scotto opinion / factoid:

I liked Murphy Brown, before all the politics showed up, then it mostly sucked…. as opposed to the Ellen show, which was mostly stinky throughout the few episodes that I’d seen.

Oh, coolio…This radio-controlled flying-saucer incorporates a programmable LCD on which you can add your own scrolling message, i.e., “I paid $99 for a radio-controlled flying saucer!”

On the way home, past Mickey-D’s… I noticed that they’re selling hot dogs, now? How long has that been going on? I imagine it’d have done well, if they started in July 4. I see that the Cuban food that they tried is no longer there. Bleh…

Public schools officially opened today… wow, does the traffic pick up at that point. Who’d have thought that a yellow bus or nine would make such a difference? Of course, I live within four blocks of an elementary school.

Well, looks like Scotto forgot to hit post! Nigh nigh, dear journal!
next set of heroclix teams, 200 pt game ideas

Off to work, dear journal… but I figure I’ll depart on something my English teacher once gave me…

Dearest creature in creation,
Study English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.

Just compare heart, beard, and heard,
Dies and diet, lord and word,
Sword and sward, retain and Britain.
(Mind the latter, how it’s written.)
Now I surely will not plague you
With such words as plaque and ague.
But be careful how you speak:
Say break and steak, but bleak and streak;
Cloven, oven, how and low,
Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.

Hear me say, devoid of trickery,
Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore,
Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles,
Exiles, similes, and reviles;
Scholar, vicar, and cigar,
Solar, mica, war and far;
One, anemone, Balmoral,
Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel;
Gertrude, German, wind and mind,
Scene, Melpomene, mankind.

Billet does not rhyme with ballet,
Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.
Blood and flood are not like food,
Nor is mould like should and would.
Viscous, viscount, load and broad,
Toward, to forward, to reward.
And your pronunciation’s OK
When you correctly say croquet,
Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,
Friend and fiend, alive and live.

Ivy, privy, famous; clamour
And enamour rhyme with hammer.
River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb,
Doll and roll and some and home.
Stranger does not rhyme with anger,
Neither does devour with clangour.
Souls but foul, haunt but aunt,
Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant,
Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger,
And then singer, ginger, linger,
Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge,
Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age.

Query does not rhyme with very,
Nor does fury sound like bury.
Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth.
Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath.
Though the differences seem little,
We say actual but victual.
Refer does not rhyme with deafer.
Foeffer does, and zephyr, heifer.
Mint, pint, senate and sedate;
Dull, bull, and George ate late.
Scenic, Arabic, Pacific,
Science, conscience, scientific.

Liberty, library, heave and heaven,
Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven.
We say hallowed, but allowed,
People, leopard, towed, but vowed.
Mark the differences, moreover,
Between mover, cover, clover;
Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,
Chalice, but police and lice;
Camel, constable, unstable,
Principle, disciple, label.

Petal, panel, and canal,
Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal.
Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,
Senator, spectator, mayor.
Tour, but our and succour, four.
Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
Sea, idea, Korea, area,
Psalm, Maria, but malaria.
Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean.
Doctrine, turpentine, marine.

Compare alien with Italian,
Dandelion and battalion.
Sally with ally, yea, ye,
Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key.
Say aver, but ever, fever,
Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver.
Heron, granary, canary.
Crevice and device and aerie.

Face, but preface, not efface.
Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.
Large, but target, gin, give, verging,
Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging.
Ear, but earn and wear and tear
Do not rhyme with here but ere.
Seven is right, but so is even,
Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen,
Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk,
Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work.

Pronunciation — think of Psyche!
Is a paling stout and spikey?
Won’t it make you lose your wits,
Writing groats and saying grits?
It’s a dark abyss or tunnel:
Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale,
Islington and Isle of Wight,
Housewife, verdict and indict.

Finally, which rhymes with enough —
Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough?
Hiccough has the sound of cup.
My advice is to give up!!!

— George Bernard Shaw

Have a delightful day, and I’ll see you when I get home.

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Watched The Deer Hunter last night, probably for the first time in about 15 years or so. I’d forgotten how long it was, but it all works, no really extraneous scenes… good character evolution. Something different about it is that there’s very little of the 60’s social structure and politics to worry about… the men go off to war because they’re giving back to the country that’s given them the life they have. A very interesting perspective on descendants of Russian immigrants, too. I know that a lot of folks think that the movie is racist versus the Vietnamese, but the perspective is an understandable one.

Does Christopher Walken *always* play a guy that’s insane, or going insane? I think so. He did look very young in the movie… twenty-some odd years have taken a toll on him.

A rough movie, not for the squeamish or easily upset or outraged.

The open source Apache webserver gained another 5.9% market share last month while Microsoft’s IIS webserver lost 6.5% over the same period, as Netcraft’s latest survey on webserver market share shows.

Apache as of this writing runs 63.5% of all websites on the Internet(66.6% of ‘active’ sites) while IIS runs about 25.4% of sites(or 24.6% of ‘active’ sites). I’m glad that open source is doing well *somewhere*.

No rain this morning… I wonder where it went? I hope that there’ll be a return this evening, after I’ve gotten back home.

I’m in the mood to watch some Pete and Pete…maybe Nick’ll bring that and the Milkman shorts back sometime soon?

To laugh often and much
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
— Emerson