Space Cabbie and Jonah Hex take on Kanjar-Ro committing a space train robbery. Justice League action, s1 e26.
You know, I love Patton Oswalt (Space Cabbie) and all, but I am a little tired of his voice acting.
Too much of a good thing is still too much. I suppose familiarity breeds contempt. He’s already been Matthew the Raven, the Atom, Toymaker and who knows who else in DC stuff, not to mention Pip the troll, M.O.D.O.K., Ben Parker, Chameleon… C’mon, now, share the wealth with some other actors, especially those who don’t all sound exactly like you.
That said, I like the concept and implementation of the Justice League Action show just fine. 10ish minute little bites, so even if some small bit is wearing out their welcome, it is brief enough to pass quickly.